900字范文 > 容量预测 capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

容量预测 capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-28 18:56:38


容量预测 capacity forecast英语短句 例句大全

容量预测,capacity forecast

1)capacity forecast容量预测

1.The authors build up a dynamic unified model for AGCcapacity forecasting and unit selection.文中建立了AGC容量预测和机组选择的动态统一模型。


1.Tourism environmental capacity of the northern scenic area in Aiding Lake;艾丁湖北景区旅游环境容量预测研究

2.Study on capacity forecast of urban cars based on environmental protection基于环保约束的城市小汽车容量预测

3.Forecasting and Analysis of TD-SCDMA Capacity Based on Campbell Algorithm基于坎贝尔算法的TD-SCDMA容量预测分析

4.Prediction of MH-Ni Battery Capacity and Intilligent Charge Based on Neural Networks;基于神经网络的镍氢电池容量预测及智能充电

5.Research on the Estimating Residual Capacity of Lead-Acid Battery in HEV;混合动力汽车蓄电池剩余容量预测研究

6.The Maximum Job Positions in Wood Product Industry in Heilongjiang Forest Region;黑龙江省森工林区林产工业就业容量预测

7.Forecasting Model for Parking Capacity of Service Area公路服务设施的停车容量预测模型研究

8.Forecast research on water environmental capacity for the water source area in Shaanxi of Middle Line of Transferring water from south to north南水北调中线陕西水源区水环境容量预测研究

9.SVR optimization and its application to capacity prediction of VRLA batteriesSVR优化算法及其在蓄电池容量预测中的应用

10.Outage Capacity Optimization for OFDMA systems Based on Prediction基于预测的OFDMA系统中断容量的优化

11.The forecast and analysis of our country telecom market capacity我国电信行业市场容量的预测与分析

12.Rapid Prediction of Capacity of Li-Ion Battery and Design of Li-Ion Battery Integration Testing System;锂离子容量快速预测及检测系统的实现

13.Predicting Models of Power Generation and Installed Capacity in the Whole World and in China;世界与中国发电量和装机容量的预测模型

14.calibrated measuring [volumetric]tank校准测量[容积计量]容器

15.calibrated measuring volumetrictank校准测量/容积计量容器

16.using measurement by volume, as in volumetric analysis.测量容积的,如容量分析。

17.Study on the Methods for Determining the Remaining Capacity of Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Primary Batteries;一次锂/亚硫酰氯电池剩余容量的预测方法

18.A Study on Distribution Forecasting of Large Capacity Airport Rail to Landside Traffic;大容量机场轨道交通对陆侧交通的分流预测


predicted blood volume预测血容量

3)Loading capacity estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus氮磷容量预测

1.Loading capacity estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus of water in Naodehai reservoir and prevention and cure countermeasures;闹德海水库水环境氮磷容量预测及防治对策

4)estimation of residual capacity of batteries剩余容量预测

5)capacity predicting model容量预测模型

6)Install units predict装机容量预测


