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出击 attack英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-15 21:36:07


出击 attack英语短句 例句大全




1.a boxer noted for an ability to deliver hard punches.一个以重拳出击而著名的拳击手。

2.The boxers gave each other a terrific pummelling.那两名拳击手彼此都以重拳出击.

3.The boxer hits hard with his left fist.那个拳击手用左拳勇猛出击。

4.The boxer is hitting with his right arm, guarding with his left.这个拳击手是用右手出击, 左手防护。

5.She drove the ball 150 meters.她把球击出150 米。

6.shot a 75 in the first round第一场击出75捍.

7.The boxer poked his opponent out of the ring.拳击手将对手击出了拳击台。

8.A knocking or tapping sound.敲击声敲击或叩击发出的声音

9.Fighting or boxing at close range.近击拳击中近距离的出拳或打击

10.To hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with a shot that scatters the sand.击出沙坑扬起沙土的一击,将高尔夫球击出沙坑

11.A play in which a batter or base runner is retired.出局的一击击球者跑垒者被罚出局的一击

12.A golf stroke that drives the ball in a high arc.高击高尔夫球赛中将球击出一个高弧线的一击

13.(of racket strokes) made with palm facing direction of stroke.(指球拍的击球动作)手掌朝向击球方向击出的。

14.A countering attack or blow, especially one delivered by a boxer.回拳一种反击或回击,尤指拳击手所发出的

15.A blow that produces a dull sound.猛击使发出沉闷声音的猛烈一击

16.The guerrillas popped up from the tunnels to attack.游击队员跃出坑道进行突击。

17.Taylor hit a ground ball to the shortstop.泰勒朝游击手击出一滚地球。

18.Click Next to continue with setup, or Cancel to exit.单击“下一步”继续安装,或单击“取消”退出。


exit attack mine出水攻击

1.The development of technology on antisubmarine mine,self-propelled mine andexit attack mine,will enormously bring on great changes and reform in military theories and tactics in the future sea wars.反潜水雷、自航水雷、出水攻击水雷及技术的发展,必将导致未来海战军事理论和战法发生重大变化和变革。

3)recess shock啮出冲击

4)overflow attack溢出攻击

1.Hardware-based Technology to Prevent Buffer Overflow Attacks on Windows System——DEP;Windows中基于硬件的缓冲区溢出攻击防范技术——DEP

2.Overflow attack does the broadest harm to network applications.溢出攻击是网络上威胁最大的一种攻击方式,现有的防护技术存在不同的缺陷。

5)fault attack出错攻击

1.This article describes afault attack that uses one faulty computation,in some explained context,is enough to recover the secret key.但直接使用中国剩余定理是不安全的,容易受到出错攻击。

6)output shock产出冲击

1.The main results are as followings: the active reserve is positively related to the probability and magnitude of theoutput shock,the relative risk aversion coefficient,the subjective discount rate of the representative agent and relative price of international reserves,while negatively related to eco.与现有研究相比,文章从真实经济的角度构造了一个简单的基于代表行为人的跨期均衡模型,探讨基于产出冲击和消费平滑的主动性储备需求的决定。


出击出击sallychuii出击(s ally)防御时对准备进攻或冲击受挫停止于前沿前之敌实施的攻击行动。通常以第一梯队部分兵力实施,一般选择孤立突出、薄弱之敌为出击目标。出击距离,依兵力、敌情确定,通常不远离阵地。基本要求:迅速查明情况,周密组织准备,慎重选择时机;力求利用夜暗、不良天气和有利地形,或乘敌队形混乱、协同失调之际,隐蔽接近攻击目标;实施短促而猛烈的火力急袭,突然发起攻击,速战速决速撤;出击分队行动时,第一线坚守分队以积极行动相配合,必要时组织徉动,迷惑敌人;出击分队撤回时,炮兵和前沿分队以火力和烟幕实施掩护;当需要坚守夺取的阵地时,则就地迅速转人防御。(李元奎)
