900字范文 > 副攻 assistant attacker英语短句 例句大全

副攻 assistant attacker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-12 02:13:49


副攻 assistant attacker英语短句 例句大全

副攻,assistant attacker

1)assistant attacker副攻

1.This article describes the individual attack ofassistant attacker in the female volleyball, classifies the tactical form and discusses the tactical feature.通过对女排副攻队员个人进攻战术基本概念的阐述、战术形式的分类、战术特点的讨论,明确女排副攻队员个人进攻战术的相关基本概念,为排球进攻战术理论的研究奠定基础。

2.By using the method of questionnaires, interviews with experts documentary and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes the best choice of chief andassistant attackers according to their blood type in volleyball competition.采用问卷调查、专家访谈、文献资料调研、数理统计等研究方法 ,以我国优秀主、副攻手、二传手为研究对象 ,对我国排球主、副攻手、二传手的最佳血型问题进行分析探讨。


1.Wemen s VolleybaII Attack Players Impact on Competition Chievement of Result of Vice Attack Player;女排副攻队员的进攻效果对比赛成绩的影响

2.The Character of Individual Attack Tactics of Assistant Attacker in Female Volleyball;对女排副攻队员个人进攻战术特点的研究

3.Kinematic Analysis on the Technique of Blocking in Movement of Assistant-attackers in Jiangsu Province Women s Volleyball Team;江苏女排副攻移动拦网技术的运动学分析

4.Fundamental Research on Using the Two-time Blocks Technical by Vice-offend in Male Volleyball Team;男排副攻队员运用二次拦网技术的理论研究

5.It is better, on such hands, to tackle the side suit at once.这样一手牌,最好应立即攻副牌。

6.A manifester wielding a weapon could use such a claw or bite attack as an off-hand attack or as the primary attack in the round, as desired.持用武器的显能者可以按意愿将本轮中这样的爪抓或啮咬攻击当作副手攻击或者主要攻击。

7.The Prime Minister stood the young Under Secretary in the corner for attacking government policies in a newspaper article.首相公开谴责这位年轻的副部长在报上发表文章攻击政府的政策。

8.Makes the chance of an opponent riposting an offhand attack20% lower per rank.每一阶可以降低对手反击副手武器攻击机率20%要求:等级66。

9.Franco had thrown everything into the assault against Madrid-and failed.佛朗哥曾拿出全副力量进攻马德里,可是未能得手。

10.The Blucerchiati attack back. Materazzi and Cordoba both make headed clearances from right-wing crosses.对方进攻,马特与副队连续两次将对方右翼传中顶出。

11.Narrative strategies of foregrounding and backgrounding in the romantic story of Liwa and indirect attacking tactics;《李娃传》主副调互补的叙述策略及其间接攻击策略

12.John turned up for the ten-mile walk equipped for something more like an assault on Everest.约翰转而开始了十英里的行军,全副武装,俨然象对珠穆朗玛峰发起进攻。

13."Make the nations ready for war against her, the king of the Medes and his rulers and all his captains, and all the land under his rule."使列国和玛代君王,与省长和副省长,并他们所管全地之人,都预备攻击她。

14.carbon copy [c.c.]副本送:……;副本分送:……;副本存:……

15.repel an attack [the assailants]击退进攻[进攻者]

16.Inflated sense of self superiority is most prone to cause threatened egotism and hence aggressive behavior. The mechanism involves directing anger outward as a way of avoiding a downward revision of self concept.名不副实的自我优越观念最易产生自我危机而导致攻击,其机制是愤怒外导,旨在避免降低自我概念

17.deputy mayor副市长副议长, 代理议长

18.repel an attacker, attack, invasion击退进攻者、 进攻、 入侵


exclusive study of攻


4)political warfare攻治攻击


1.Study on the equipment and machining methed of drilling-tapping once shaping;钻孔和攻丝一次成形的加工方法及设备研究

2.Research on long thin bore processing andtapping stainless steel of 1Cr18Ni9Ti;1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢细长孔的钻削攻丝工艺研究

3.Experiment Research of Low-frequency Vibratory Tappingon Aluminum-matrix Composites;铝基复合材料低频振动攻丝技术试验研究

6)silk awl丝攻

1.The benchwork is in with thesilk awl slice pare thread is when I am mobile to slice to pare inside the thread particularly,thesilk awl damages very easily.讨论了钳工在攻制内螺纹的工作中,尤其是机攻时,常出现的问题,提出了改进措施,着重介绍了丝攻的修磨。


