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后攻 back attack英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-01 02:49:03


后攻 back attack英语短句 例句大全

后攻,back attack

1)back attack后攻

1.Back line offence is simply calledback attack.后排进攻简称为后攻,作为一项排球的新技术,现已被世界各国强队广泛运用在比赛中。


1.rip up the back[美俚]背后说坏话,背后攻击

2.She winced under his attack他的攻击使她后退。

3.The enemy attacked us in the rear.敌人从背后向我们攻击。

4.We turned the enemy"s flank.我军迂回到敌后进攻。

5.A back positioned on offense behind or outside of an end.助攻边卫在边锋后边或以外采取进攻的后卫

6.the position of the offensive back who lines up behind or outside the end.在边锋后边或以外采取进攻的后卫。

7.We should never attack first but let them do so, and then we shall launch a counter-attack and crush the attackers with relentless blows.我们总是不要先攻,先让他们攻,然后来它一个反攻,把那些进攻者狠狠打垮。

8.An offensive formation in which the halfbacks are positioned behind and to the left and right of the fullback.叉骨阵形中卫布置在后面,位于进攻后卫左右的一种进攻队形

9.Whoever directs strategy will not be doing his duty if he occupies himself only with the counter-offensive and neglects the measures to be taken after it succeeds, or in case it fails.若只顾反攻,不顾反攻胜利后,或万一反攻失败后,下文如何做法,依然未尽得战略指导者的责任。

10.Two days later the enemy renewed their attack.两天之后,敌人又开始了攻击。

11.The rumours of an attack were later confirmed.发动攻击的谣传后来得到了证实.

12.serve-and-volley game发球后截击空中回球的进攻法

13.The troops carried the town after a brief fight.短暂的战斗之后部队攻占了这个城镇。

14.The bandits reeled back under police attack.匪徒在警察的进攻下向后溃退。

15.Several days later the Cossacks attacked Orenburg.几天之后,哥萨克们攻打奥伦堡。

16.Hoya attacks and Quartey is forced towards comer then is knocked down.霍亚进攻,奎蒂被逼到角落然后被击倒。

17.Attack the demons first and save Isabel!首先攻打恶魔,然后解救伊莎贝尔!

18.Later, they captured Dingjun Mountain.They reported Back to Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang declaring a complete victory.而后又攻下定军山,果然大获全胜而归。


backward attack后向攻击

3)back line offence后排进攻

1.Analysis to the Status Que of Back Line Offence of China Woman Volleyball Team in the 9th World Cup Woman Volleyball Competition;我国女排在第九届世界杯女子排球赛上后排进攻技术运用现状的分析

2.Points out that we should put training emphasis on the quality ofback line offence technique and tactics in the future,and Provides evidence for scientific training.阐述了世界现代排球运动后排进攻技、战术的发展趋势,对我国女排拦防体系进行了分析,指出提高后排进攻技、战术质量是我国女排今后训练中应重点解决的问题,为科学化训练提供依据。

4)back-row attack后排进攻

1.The article analyzed the skills of one-leg jump and smash in theback-row attack in volleyball, demonstrating that they had the following characteristiCS: (1) a high speed of jump ; (2) a long flight distance; (3) a less height lost in the air; (4) not breaking the back-row rules.对单脚起跳后排进攻技术进行了详细的分析。

5)Back row attack后排进攻

1.In our opinion, a new session of the Chinese women a volleyball team ought to attach importance to the back row attack and set up a new own system of three-dimensional tactics about attack.对新一届加强后排进攻进行了分析研究。

6)Backcourt Attack后排进攻

1.Through the technical statistics and analysis of the backcourt attack in World Women s Volleyball Grant Prix and World Cup and Olympic Games,the author studies and discusses the effect of applying it,points out that backcourt attack is indispensable to all world power teams.以参加2002年和世界女排大奖赛共5站的7支队伍、世界杯女子排球赛和雅典奥运会比赛为研究对象,通过对后排进攻的技术统计分析,在运用效果方面进行讨论和研究,指出后排进攻是世界强队不可缺少的进攻手段。

2.Analysis on theBackcourt Attack as Our Main Attacking Method In Women Sitting Volleyball in Perspective;本文从我国女子坐式排球国家队运动员的手臀高、对后排进攻技术动作的掌握、运动员的个体与整体情况以及后排进攻的传扣时间等四个角度的理论与实践论证得出:后排进攻战术完全可以作为我国女子坐式排球队主要进攻手段之一。


各向同性和各向异性物理性质可以在不同的方向进行测量。如果各个方向的测量结果是相同的,说明其物理性质与取向无关,就称为各向同性。如果物理性质和取向密切相关,不同取向的测量结果迥异,就称为各向异性。造成这种差别的内在因素是材料结构的对称性。在气体、液体或非晶态固体中,原子排列是混乱的,因而就各个方向而言,统计结果是等同的,所以其物理性质必然是各向同性的。而晶体中原子具有规则排列,结构上等同的方向只限于晶体对称性所决定的某些特定方向。所以一般而言,物理性质是各向异性的。例如, α-铁的磁化难易方向如图所示。铝的弹性模量E沿[111]最大(7700kgf/mm2),沿[100]最小(6400kgf/mm2)。对称性较低的晶体(如水晶、方解石)沿空间不同方向有不同的折射率。而非晶体(过冷液体),其折射率和弹性模量则是各向同性的。晶体的对称性很高时,某些物理性质(例如电导率等)会转变成各向同性。当物体是由许多位向紊乱无章的小单晶组成时,其表观物理性质是各向同性的。一般合金的强度就利用了这一点。倘若由于特殊加工使多晶体中的小单晶沿特定位向排列(例如金属的形变"织构"、定向生长的两相晶体混合物等),则虽然是多晶体其性能也会呈现各向异性。硅钢片就是这种性质的具体应用。介于液体和固体之间的液晶,有的虽然分子的位置是无序的,但分子取向却是有序的。这样,它的物理性质也具有了各向异性。
