900字范文 > 英语运用能力 ability of using English英语短句 例句大全

英语运用能力 ability of using English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 03:39:29


英语运用能力 ability of using English英语短句 例句大全

英语运用能力,ability of using English

1)ability of using English英语运用能力

1.Intermet can improive studentsability of using English if managed properl如运用得当 ,网络是可以帮助学习提高英语运用能力的。


1.Some Chinese Students in Britain;留英学生英语运用能力的调查及思考

2.English ability cultivation of non-English major students at colleges for nationalities;民族院校非英语专业学生英语运用能力的培养

3.Optimization of class teaching and cultivation of competence;优化课堂教学结构 培养英语运用能力

4.Elementary View on Developing Student s Ability in Communication in English;浅谈中学生英语运用能力和交际能力的培养

5.Relationship Between Listening Skills and Language Use;语言运用能力与英语听力关系的研究

6.Improving English Listening Comprehension by Means of Language Understanding Strategies;运用语言理解策略提高英语听解能力

7.Improvement of Language Skills through Retelling;通过复述手段锻炼英语语言运用能力

8.How to use prediction to improve students listening comprehension ability;如何运用“预测”提高英语听力理解能力

9.Mastering the Skill of Remembering English New Words to Improve the Ability of Application;运用单词记忆技巧 提高英语应用能力

10.Reading English Simplified Masterpieces to Improve the Students" Comprehensive Ability of Using English赏析英语名著简写本,提高英语综合运用能力

11.English Listening Strategy Training in Senior High Schools;训练高中学生运用英语听力策略的能力(英文)

12.His command of english surprised me .他运用英语的能力令我吃惊。

13.Improving College Students English Writing Ability by Applying PDCA Models;运用PDCA模式,提高大学生英语写作能力

14.On Rapidly Improving the Comprehensive Competence to the Preparatory Students;快速提高预科学生英语综合运用能力

15.On Cultivating Pragmatic Competence by Vague Mechanism;运用模糊教学机制培养中学生英语语用能力

16.Cultivate Students Pragmatic Competence in English Teaching Class with the Multimedia Based on Computer-oriented Assisted English;运用多媒体辅助英语教学,培养学生的语用能力

17.Basic English skill& amp; Good computer skill.基本的英语听说读写能力,良好的计算运用能力.

18.Adopt Sentence Completion Test to Enhance Language Competence of High School Students;运用“完成句子”题型促进高中生英语语言能力


compre-hensive capability of English lan-guage handling英语综合语言运用能力

3)English language use ability英语语言运用能力

4)English integrated applied abilities英语综合运用能力

1.This paper stresses the necessity for training college students English integrated applied abili- ties,explores the implication of improving integrated applied abilities,and puts forward some measures to improve studentsEnglish integrated applied abilities.围绕培养高校学生英语综合运用能力这一主题,阐述了培养高校学生英语综合运用力的必要性,探究了英语运用能力的内涵,提出了培养高校学生英语综合运用能力的对策。

5)communicative competence in using English英语实际运用能力

1.The modernization of our country has a greater demand for talents withcommunicative competence in using English than for talents with only professional knowledge.大学英语教学要端正教学目的,转变教学理念,改革不利于学生英语实际运用能力培养的因素,树立新的教学目标,强化"自主学习",积极探索和创建适合培养学生英语实际运用能力的教学模式,提高大学英语教学质量。

6)English pragmatic competence英语语用能力

1.This thesis studies theEnglish pragmatic competence of the college students in Grade , Guangxi Medical University under the help of qualitative method and quantitative method.本文以广西医科大学05级本科学生的英语语用能力为研究对象,运用定量和定性的手段进行实证研究。


运用冲突意见的能力运用冲突意见的能力capacity of using contradictory opinions运用冲突意见的能力(eapae,ty of us-ing eontradietory opinions)领导者善于分析、比较各种不同意见,特别是能认真听取反面意见,从而做出最佳决策的能力。领导者的决策来自于认识,而人们的认识由于极其复杂的原因,不可避免的会带有局限性,而且还会受到利益关系的制约。领导者兼听相互冲突的意见,就可以避免认识上的片面性和利害关系_L的局限性,会使决策达到比较全面,比较正确。故作为领导者,对于不同意见,首先要有愿意听取的诚意,对于提不同意见者要给予充分的肯定,然后要善于分辨、识别不同意见的价值。此外,意见冲突还具有激发人们想像力的功能。决策的有效性与丰富的想像力紧密相连。有时相互冲突的意见本身并没有多少可取的地方,但它可以焕发出领导者的决策灵感,引发出新的想像力。(李军撰王树茂张德审)
