900字范文 > 语言运用能力 language ability英语短句 例句大全

语言运用能力 language ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-13 11:25:09


语言运用能力 language ability英语短句 例句大全

语言运用能力,language ability

1)language ability语言运用能力


1.Relationship Between Listening Skills and Language Use;语言运用能力与英语听力关系的研究

2.Improvement of Language Skills through Retelling;通过复述手段锻炼英语语言运用能力

3.The Reform of College English Teaching Modes to Improve the Communicative Competence of Students;改革大学英语教学模式 提高学生语言运用能力

4.How to improve the students ability to use language in modern Chinese teaching;现代汉语教学中提高学生语言运用能力的探索

5.A Study on Fostering Aerobic Major Students Ability in Using Language and Non-Language;体育院系健美操专业学生语言与非语言运用能力的培养研究

6.Studies on training and improving students competence of applying language;培养和提高学习者的语言运用能力刍议

7.Priority Should Be Given to Raising Students Language Proficiency in Translation Teaching;翻译教学应重视学生语言运用能力的提高

8.Improving English Listening Comprehension by Means of Language Understanding Strategies;运用语言理解策略提高英语听解能力

9.Drawing on my fine command of language, I say nothing .利用我运用语言的优异能力——我一言不发。

10.without or deprived of the use of speech or words.没有使用言语或者话语,或者丧失了对言语或话语的运用能力。

11.sensitize students to a poet"s use of language培养学生对诗人语言运用的感受能力.

12.An Application of a Functional Approach to Listening Training功能语言学理论在听力训练中的运用

13.The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.运用语言的能力,只能通过不断练习才能获得。

14.Adopt Sentence Completion Test to Enhance Language Competence of High School Students;运用“完成句子”题型促进高中生英语语言能力

15.Cultivating Students" Comprehensive Ability in Using English by Means of Strengthening College English Writing Instruction加强大学英语写作教学,培养语言综合运用能力

16.Distinctions Between"Competence" and "Performance" and Their Implications in FL Teaching and Learning;“语言能力”与“语言运用”的区别及其对外语教学的启示

17.Training in Listening and Improving the Ability in Using the Language;加强听力训练,提高综合运用语言的能力

18.Training the Students Communicative Competence Using Linguistic Intelligence;运用语言智能全面培养学生的交际能力


language proficiency语言运用能力

1.The paper first makes a deep study of the nature oflanguage proficiency based on the distinction betweenlanguage proficiency,grammatical competence and communicative competence.本文在区别了语言运用能力和语法能力与交际能力的基础上,深入探讨了语言运用能力的实质,并从测试学的角度分析了语法和语言运用能力的关系,从第二语言习得的角度研究了语法对语言运用能力提高所起的作用,最后阐明了语法在外语教学中的地位。

2.The author also suggests that an effective way to improvelanguage proficiency is to make a comparative study of the English and Chinese languages.本科阶段的翻译教学中,应始终重视学生语言运用能力的培养。

3)verBal skill运用语言的能力

4)compre-hensive capability of English lan-guage handling英语综合语言运用能力

5)English language use ability英语语言运用能力

6)ability to use English practically语言实际运用能力


运用冲突意见的能力运用冲突意见的能力capacity of using contradictory opinions运用冲突意见的能力(eapae,ty of us-ing eontradietory opinions)领导者善于分析、比较各种不同意见,特别是能认真听取反面意见,从而做出最佳决策的能力。领导者的决策来自于认识,而人们的认识由于极其复杂的原因,不可避免的会带有局限性,而且还会受到利益关系的制约。领导者兼听相互冲突的意见,就可以避免认识上的片面性和利害关系_L的局限性,会使决策达到比较全面,比较正确。故作为领导者,对于不同意见,首先要有愿意听取的诚意,对于提不同意见者要给予充分的肯定,然后要善于分辨、识别不同意见的价值。此外,意见冲突还具有激发人们想像力的功能。决策的有效性与丰富的想像力紧密相连。有时相互冲突的意见本身并没有多少可取的地方,但它可以焕发出领导者的决策灵感,引发出新的想像力。(李军撰王树茂张德审)
