900字范文 > 科学归纳法 scientific induction英语短句 例句大全

科学归纳法 scientific induction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-13 11:28:42


科学归纳法 scientific induction英语短句 例句大全

科学归纳法,scientific induction

1)scientific induction科学归纳法


1.The Application of Scientific Induction in Criminal Investigation;浅谈科学归纳法在犯罪侦查中的运用

2.a science founded on induction根据归纳法创立的一门科学。

3.Incomplete induction on the value of scientific research;不完全归纳法对科学研究的价值探析

4.Looking at the evolution of the Western scientific philosophy from the induction s prosperity and declining;从归纳法的兴衰看西方科学哲学的演变

5.On "Why isn t There Science in China" from the View of Inductive Method;从归纳法的向度审视中国为何无科学——任鸿隽科学观探微

6.On the Acceptability of Scientific Theory: The Dispute about Induction and Anti-induction;关于科学理论的可接受性——归纳和反归纳之争

7.The Importance of Induction-Looking from the Argument between the Creation Science and the Theory of Evolution从创世论与进化论之争来看归纳方法在科学发现中的重要性

8.“Induction Problem” and Its Significance in Scientific Epistemology;科学认识论中的“归纳问题”及其意义

9.On Exploratory Teaching of Mathematics Induction Method;关于“数学归纳法”探究性教学的尝试

10.Induction Used in English Teaching;归纳法在中学英语教学中的运用刍议

11.relating to logical induction.(有关)逻辑归纳法。

12.An Inductive Learning Algorithm Based on the Rough Set Theory基于粗集理论的一种归纳学习算法

13.Two notes about changes of inductive method;关于数学归纳法变化类型的两个注记

14.The Use of Incomplete Induction in New Mathematic Course;不完全归纳法在数学新课程中的渗透

15.Analogy and induction --important methods of mathematical discovering;类比和归纳——数学发现的重要方法

16.An Inductive Learning Method for Classification Based on Information Theory一种基于信息论的归纳分类学习算法

17.The Logic of Scientific Discovery: A Method of Induction-Deduction or Hyperthetico-Deduction;科学发现的逻辑:是归纳-演绎还是假说-演绎?

18.The Noting Function for Teachers of Engineering Courses;工科教师的注记功能——由力学技术基础课归纳


method of scientific induction科学归纳方法

1.The integration and interaction of Mathematical Reason,Logical Reason and Experimental Reason rooted in Greek culture gave birth at the beginning of modern era to such methods as method of experiment mathematics,method of scientific induction and method of intuition deduction,which are the underpinning of modern scientific methods.希腊文化的数学理性、逻辑理性和实验理性在近代初期的结合与相互渗透,导致作为近代科学方法论支柱的实验-数学方法、科学归纳方法和直观-演绎方法的产生。

3)Science summarized科学归纳

4)mathematical induction数学归纳法

1.Inclusion and exclusion principle proved withmathematical induction;一般容斥原理的数学归纳法证明

2.Application of Mathematical Induction to the Mathematical Programming数学归纳法及其在数论方面的应用

3.This paper pre-sented two general expressions and the property of generalized Fibonacci sequence Rn+1=uRn+vRn-1,R0=a,R1=b by using themathematical induction method and seeking the root of characteristic equation.利用数学归纳法和特征方程求根的方法对广义Fibonacci数列Rn+1=uRn+vRn-1,R0=a,R1=b进行研究,得到了两个通项表达式和一个性质。


1.The Error-Analysis and Teaching Strategy in Teaching Induction for Senior High School Students;高中生数学归纳法学习中的错误及教学策略

2.In this paper, by using the method of analogue to treat a special determinant, we come to a general conclusion, which has been proved correct byinduction.通过对一种特殊的行列式作 q -类比 ,得到更为一般的结论 ,并利用数学归纳法对该结论作出了严格的证明 。

6)mathematic induction数学归纳法

1.Based on analysis of a typical case in teaching course of recursion,the thesis explains recursion throughmathematic induction,the new way of teaching produces a good effect.结合递归问题教法中的一个典型实例进行分析,以数学归纳法思想讲解递归问题,可以取得较好的教学效果。

2.With the use of the minimum nature the paper comments the reasonableness and the mutual relation of dependence in Condition one and Two ofmathematic induction.本文利用自然数的最小性性质,给出数学归纳法的合理性及数学归纳法条件1与条件2的相互依赖关系。


