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归纳法 induction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-23 06:26:28


归纳法 induction英语短句 例句大全



1.An analysis of Feyerabend s "counter-induction;费耶阿本德“反归纳法”评析

2.On The Relationship Between “Fish" And “Fishing"——The Application of Induction in English Teaching;论“鱼”和“渔”的关系——也谈归纳法在英语教学中使用

3.Applications of Induction in Description Logic归纳法在描述逻辑中的应用


1.relating to logical induction.(有关)逻辑归纳法。

2.definition by transfinite inductio依超限归纳法的定义

3.To form a concept inductively.由归纳法得出一结论

4.There is no end to inductive greed.归纳法的奢望没有止境。

5.On the Changes of Inductive Function as Seen from the Up-and-down History of Classic Inductive Methodology;从经典归纳主义的兴衰历程看归纳法职能的演变

6.They can continue by transfinite induction.利用超限归纳法,他们可继续下去。

7.a science founded on induction根据归纳法创立的一门科学。

8.induction in automatic programming自动程序设计中的归纳法

9.reasoning from particulars to generals从个别到一般的推论(归纳法)

10.Incomplete induction on the value of scientific research;不完全归纳法对科学研究的价值探析

11.On Exploratory Teaching of Mathematics Induction Method;关于“数学归纳法”探究性教学的尝试

12.Induction Used in English Teaching;归纳法在中学英语教学中的运用刍议

13.The Application of Scientific Induction in Criminal Investigation;浅谈科学归纳法在犯罪侦查中的运用

14.Two notes about changes of inductive method;关于数学归纳法变化类型的两个注记

15.The Use of Incomplete Induction in New Mathematic Course;不完全归纳法在数学新课程中的渗透

16.deductive-inductive hybrid modeling method演绎与归纳混合建模法

17.Constraint Inductive Research Based on FOIL Algorithm基于FOIL算法的约束归纳方法研究

18.To collect the relative literature and to make a summary.方法 :查阅相关文献资料归纳总结。


inductive method归纳法

1.Effect ofinductive method in theory teaching of P.E.;归纳法在体育理论教学中的作用

2.Discussion oninductive method and data-driven language learning method;论归纳法和依照数据处理的语言学习方法

3.The application of theinductive method in the teaching of " Africa;归纳法在“非洲”教学中的应用


1.In accordance with anatomical and sports and based on tradition teaching,this thesis puts forth the basic method of concept formation,mainly including forming anatomical concept;forming functional concept;and the combination of anatomical concept and functional concept bydeduction.本文依据运动解剖学学科特点,在传统教学的基础上,提出概念形成的基本途径,主要包括:①形成解剖概念;②形成功能概念;③采用归纳法完成解剖学概念与功能概念的统一。

2.Mathematicaldeduction is one of key and different points in middle school mathematics teaching.数学归纳法是中学数学教学内容中的重点与难点之一。

3.A glance back over the history of foreign language teaching and a general browse among approaches and methods in the field reveals that since the decline of the Grammar-Translation Method (GT) more than 100 years ago, induction has always been dominating the classroom of foreign language teaching as opposed to the alternative and so defined inefficientdeduction.纵观外语教学的历史及在此领域的各种教学流派,可以发现,自一百多年前语法-翻译法失势之后,与被认为“效果欠佳”的“推演法”相对的另一教学策略“归纳法”一直主宰着外语教学的课堂。

4)mathematical induction归纳法

5)the inductive method归纳法

1.Application ofthe inductive method to the teaching of organic chemistry;归纳法在有机化学教学中的运用

2.through examples in teaching practice, three methods,that is,the reading method,the comparativemethod andthe inductive method,which enable the leamers to solve so many complicated problems in studying the chemical engineering princi-ples much more effectively.在教学中综合采用阅读法、比较法和归纳法可使学生对一些较难理解和较复杂的问题领会得更快、记得更牢。

3.The creative contributions in the field of logical philosophy made by the American scholar manifest themselves in four aspects: the viewpoint on the nature of the logistics; the certainty for the conception and the significance of the judgement; the classcification of inference; the understanding of the function and categories ofthe inductive methods.美国学者查尔士·皮尔士在逻辑哲学领域里的开创性贡献主要表现在四个方面:对逻辑学性质的看法;对概念、命题意义的把握;对推理的分类;对归纳法职能和种类的理解。



超限归纳法又称超穷归纳法,数学中用来证明某种类型命题的重要方法,亦称超限归纳证法。设 (Χ,≤)是一个良序集,对任意α∈Χ,Χα={b∈Χ│b<α}称为在Χ中由α所确定的截段。E嶅Χ称为归纳子集,如果对于任何α∈Χ,只要截段Χα嶅E,就有α∈E。超限归纳定理断言:设E为良序集(Χ,≤)的归纳子集,则E=Χ。因为若α为Χ的最小元素,则由,可得α∈E:如果α┡为Bα={b∈Χ│b>α}的最小元素,那么Χα"={x∈Χ│x<α┡}={α}嶅E,遂有α┡∈E。同理可得α″=(α┡)┡∈E等等。容易看出,Χ的良序性是定理成立的重要依据,倘若把它改为Χ是全序集,则Χ的非空子集可以没有最小元素,命题就不成立了。当Χ为自然数集N时,就得到上述定理的一个常用的特殊情况,称为数学归纳法,表述为:若E嶅N,满足①0∈E;②对于任何n∈N,如果由一切小于n的自然数k∈E,可以推出n∈E,则E=N。其中一切小于 n的自然数k∈E相当于Nn嶅E,而0∈E则是的结果。在引进"类"概念的前提下,超限归纳定理可以叙述为:设C是一个序数类,如果①0∈C;②若α∈C,可得α┡=α+1∈C;③若α为极限序数,并且对一切β<α,β∈C,就必然有α∈C,则C是所有序数的类。
