900字范文 > 天人感应 Heaven-Human Induction英语短句 例句大全

天人感应 Heaven-Human Induction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-15 07:31:10


天人感应 Heaven-Human Induction英语短句 例句大全

天人感应,Heaven-Human Induction

1)Heaven-Human Induction天人感应

1.An Analysis and Discussion of the Dong Zhongshu sHeaven-Human Induction Ideology;董仲舒天人感应思想析论

2.Dong Zhongshu\"s theory of heaven-human induction benefited from the interpretative method used in annotating Spring and Autumn Annals.在董仲舒思想中,由春秋公羊学发展至"天人感应"学说得益于"微言大义"诠释方法对《春秋公羊传》的诠释解读。


1.Interaction of Heaven and Man or Man Can conquer the nature--the viewpoint of ancient people on earthquake“天人感应”与“人定胜天”——浅析古人对地震的认识

2.The Theory of Interaction between Heaven and Man and the Social Security System in the Han Dynasty;天人感应思想与汉代的社会保障制度

3.The Interaction of Nature and Man in the Literature of the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代文学中天人感应观念的表现

4.At the same time,it has reflected many opinions of such archaic artists to the people and nature:the heaven is exalted but human is lowliness; the heaven is syncretic with human; there have induces between heaven and human;同时这也反映出古代艺术家对人与自然的认识 :天尊人卑、天人合一、天人感应、天人和谐。

5.Considering Han Yu s "Instinctive Connection between Man and Nature"from the Point of Western Environmental Ethics;从当代西方环境伦理学看韩愈的天人感应论

6.One of Disquisitions on the Pluralistic Character of Tung Chung-Shu Thoughts;董仲舒学说的多元化特征——墨学与“天人感应论”

7.The Disaster Warning Theory of Man-nature Telepathy and Admonition--Taking the Reign of Emperor Shun-zhi as A Sample天人感应的灾异谴告说与谏议——以顺治朝为例

8.The theory of the interaction between the heaven and the man and the relief works in modern China:based on the study of the great drought in early Guangxu"s reign天人感应灾异观与近代灾荒救治——以“丁戊奇荒”为中心

9.Way of change and politics--On the diagram of universe and divinity in change studies of Jing Fang易道与政治——略论京房易学中的宇宙图式与天人感应

10.Shen Yue applied God-man telepathy idea to the history study,and regarded sovereignty as providence. He explained historical phenomena from the aspects of negativity and positivity,misfortune and surprise.又以天人感应思想思考历史,将君主受命视为天意,以阴阳灾异解释历史现象。

11.Ecological Warning:Climatic Anomaly and Literature and Art--The Effect of Ecological Warning of Literature and Art from Perspective of the Interaction of Nature and Man生态警示:气候异常与文学艺术——从天人感应角度看文学艺术的生态警示效应

12.Many people catch cold in winter.许多人在冬天感冒。

13.They have a natural fondness for humans.他们天生就对人有感情。

14.The weather changed suddenly, many of us caught cold.天气突变,一些人感冒了

15.I knew nobody at all on my first days there and I felt like a fish out of water.我第一天到那里时,一个人也不认识,我感到很不适应。

16.I knew nobody at all on my first day there and I felt like a fish out of water.第一天到那里时,我什么人也不认识,感到很不适应。

17.When someone is angry, we should cool him down.有人感到怒火冲天的时候,我们应该帮助他冷静下来。

18.In what day of the year do American people celebrate Thanksgiving, and how is it celebrated?美国人哪天过感恩节?怎样过感恩节?


universe induction with human天人感应

1.Moreover,it had brought to the philosophical concept ofuniverse induction with human and integration of heaven and human beings.彝族的天神崇拜经历了自然崇拜到祖先崇拜、人格神崇拜的发展演变过程,并产生了"天人感应"、"天人合一"的哲学理念。

3)interaction between Heaven and Man天人感应

1.The theory of theinteraction between Heaven and Man in Han Dynasty is the guiding ideology for Zhang Heng s scientific research.两汉的天人感应学说是张衡从事科学研究的指导思想,它直接影响着张衡的科研深度和研究方向。

4)Correspondence between Man and Heaven天人感应

1.The idea of theCorrespondence between Man and Heaven had been in existence in Confucius s words and deeds.“天人感应”思想在孔子那里即有所体现,至汉朝,董仲舒将之系统化、理论化,后又经补充,体系渐至完备。

2.Aiming at adapting Confucianism to the new times and developing Confucianism itself, Dong absorbed ideas critically from thoughts of various philosophical schools existing in the period of pre-Qin times to the early Han times with which he improved the theory ofCorrespondence between Man and Heaven, a component of the traditional kismet theory.为了适应时代的需要和儒学自身发展的需要,他批判地吸收了从先秦到汉初的各家思想,完善了传统天命论中“天人感应”的理论,并在此基础上对《公羊传》的“大一统”理论进行了充分的发挥论证,建构了一套相对完善,比较系统的政治哲学体系,论证了汉王朝政权的合法性,维护了汉王朝的政治统一和思想统一,开创了儒家政治理论步入政治殿堂的历史。

5)theory of Sensation Between Heaven and Human天人感应论

1.Wang Chong criticized the populartheory of Sensation Between Heaven and Human during the Han Dynasty.王充对汉代社会普遍流行的天人感应论进行批判,其表述的基本观点是:天无意志,天道自然;王者兴于时命,圣而不神;灾异为阴阳所致,而非天神所谴告。

6)theory of interaction between heaven and man天人感应思想


