900字范文 > 正火 normalizing英语短句 例句大全

正火 normalizing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-06 06:36:13


正火 normalizing英语短句 例句大全



1.Influence ofnormalizing on fracture toughness J_(ⅠC) of hot-rolled 16Mn steel;正火对16Mn热轧钢板断裂韧度J_(ⅠC)的影响

2.Study on Normalizing Heat Treatment Process of ZG30CrMn2Si2MoNi Cast Steel;ZG30CrMn2Si2MoNi正火热处理工艺的研究

3.The Influence for the Ultrasonic Sound Transparent Property of the Axle by Normalizing Cooling;正火冷却对车轴超声波透声性的影响


1.Research on New Normalizing Techniques for 20Cr2Ni4 Steel20Cr2Ni4钢正火新工艺的研究

2.ignition timing light (stroboscope)点火正时灯(正时观测灯)

3.We just missed the train.我们正好没有赶上火车。

4.The train departed from the capital at 12 o"clock火车于12点正离开首都。

5.The train is going at a high speed.火车正在高速行进。

6.The train was getting up.火车正在加快速度。

7.Dad was snoozing by the fire.爸爸正在炉火旁打盹.

8.I was about to leave when the fire broke out.我正要走时,火灾发生了。

9.This roast duck is done to a turn.这鸭子烤得正到火候。

10.The train is pulling in Beijing Railway Station.火车正驶进北京站。

11.Flames were shooting up from the roof of the building.火焰正从屋顶上喷出来。

12.The Martians were spreading out.火星人正在四处扩散,

13.Just as that moment the train came into the station.正在此时,火车进站了。

14.Just at that moment the train came into the station.正在这时,火车进站了。

15.timing of engine发动机正时点火调整

16.The flames are licking out of windows.火舌正往窗户外面窜。

17.The train pulled in right on time.这列火车正点到站.

18.I do hope the train is on schedule.我非常希望火车能正点。



1.Effects of immediate water cooling andnormalization after welding on microstructure and hardness of heat affected zone of ultra-fine grain steels welded joint;紧急水冷及焊后正火对超细晶粒钢接头热影响区组织与硬度的影响

2.Effect ofnormalization on microstructure and properties of 16MnDR steel plate正火对16MnDR钢板组织及力学性能的影响


1.The fracture mechanics experiments of Q235 electroslag welding joint with different technological procedure (anneal andnormalize) were done in this paper.本文对退火及正火(亚临界正火)两种工艺下的Q235钢板电渣焊接头进行断裂力学实验研究,分别对焊接接头的三个区域(焊缝、熔合区、热影响区)及母材的疲劳裂纹扩展速率、冲击韧性、断裂韧性进行测试。

2.A systematic study is conducted on the shape and forming cause of abnormal struture about forging blank for auto gear afternormalize, on the basis of analyses about primary metallographic structure of forging blank for auto gears.在分析汽车齿轮锻坯原始金相组织和成因的基础上,比较系统地研究了汽车齿轮锻坯正火后异常组织的形貌和成因。

4)Normalizing and tempering正火回火

5)flame normalizing火焰正火

1.Theflame normalizing treatments were put forward on steel rail with flash welding, gas pressure welding and aluminium heat welding.对钢轨闪光焊、气压焊和铝热焊进行火焰正火处理 ,并进行正火、未正火接头和钢轨母材的金相组织以及力学性能的对比。

2.The results show that induction normalizing have more help to improve the property of weld joints thanflame normalizing.通过对U71Mn闪光焊经火焰正火和感应正火处理后的接头进行拉伸、冲击及硬度试验,对比两种正火方式对上述性能的影响。

6)normalized condition正火态

1.The result illustrates that the reasons for the main shaft break (which mainly caused by turning and bend fatigue break) are material defect in main shaft,matrix ofnormalized condition,too thin nitration case and inner defect of steel.结果表明,主轴断裂系旋转弯曲疲劳断裂,产生的原因主要是主轴存在材质缺陷,正火态的基体,过薄的氮化层,以及钢中内部缺陷,造成材料综合性能差,疲劳强度低,无法满足设计使用要求而疲劳断裂。


