900字范文 > 低温正火 low temperature normalizing英语短句 例句大全

低温正火 low temperature normalizing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-01 13:19:20


低温正火 low temperature normalizing英语短句 例句大全

低温正火,low temperature normalizing

1)low temperature normalizing低温正火

1.The influences of raw material mixture ratio on the microstructure and mechanical properties were studied after the samelow temperature normalizing.采用不同原料配比的生铁和废钢,通过硅铁及电极石墨增碳剂的调节,在相同铸造工艺条件下,制成化学成分基本相同的球墨铸铁;经相同的低温正火热处理后,对各原料配比球墨铸铁的组织和性能进行了研究;根据实际生产需要,提出了合理的原料配比方案。

2)Low temperature tempering低温回火

1.The microstructure and mechanical properties of 1 250 MPa grade new type bainite wear resistance steel plate were studied as hot rolling and low temperature tempering.研究了热轧、低温回火状态1 250 MPa级新型贝氏体耐磨钢板的组织和力学性能,测试了埋弧焊和CO2焊焊接接头的力学和机械加工性能。

2.Throught several powerful shot peening contrast tests of carbonitriding gears,the effect of powerful shot peening with different parameter,and the influence of low temperature tempering to contact fatigue strength of bearing surface were researched.通过对碳氮共渗齿轮试片进行了多次强力喷丸试验 ,研究了不同喷丸参数下的强力喷丸的效果及喷丸后的低温回火处理对提高齿轮试片表面接触疲劳强度的影响。

3.A kind of low temperature tempering treatment is designed to increase the hardness of 50CrV steel.设计了低温回火工艺 ,使 5 0CrV钢的硬度提高 。


1.Low & High Temperature Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火

2.Grain Boundary Martensite Formation and Tempering Brittleness at Low Temperature of Steels钢的晶界马氏体形成与低温回火脆性

3.Microstructure and Properties of New Type Bainitic Steels at Low Temperature Tempering低温回火态新型贝氏体钢的组织性能

4.Effect of tempering temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 600 MPa grade low carbon bainitic steel回火温度对600MPa级低碳贝氏体钢组织和力学性能的影响

5.Effect of Tempering Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-rolled Low Carbon Baintic Steel回火温度对热轧低碳贝氏体钢显微组织和力学性能的影响

6.Effect of Different Temper Temperature after Cold Deformation on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Beinaite Steel冷变形后不同回火温度对低碳贝氏体钢组织和力学性能的影响

7.testing methods for low teperature-retraction of vulcanized rubber硫化橡胶低温特性的测定 低温度回缩法

8.testing methods for low temperature retraction of vulcanized rubber硫化橡胶低温特性的测定低温度回缩法

9.Determination of the minimum ignition temperature of dust cloudGB/T16429-1996粉尘云最低着火温度测定方法

10.The flame temperature is lower, thus giving a longer barrel life.火焰温度较低,因而可使炮管寿命较长。

11.The hydrides are then decomposed in a low-temperature flame.然后氢化物在低温火焰中分解。

12.Influence of Low-Temperature Annealing on Structure Speciality of InAsSb低温退火对InAsSb材料结构特性的影响

13.Study of Relations between Coal Dust Size and Minimum Ignition Temperature煤尘粒径与最低着火温度的关系研究

14.High and Low Temperature Environment Test Method of Rockets Based on Bayes基于Bayes的火箭弹高、低温环境试验方法


16.Effect of Tempering Process on Hardness of 27SiMn Steel in Zero Time Holding Quenching零保温淬火条件下回火对27SiMn钢硬度的影响

17.A Study of Holding Time on Temper Embrittlement in 12Cr1MoV Steel;12Cr1MoV钢恒温保持回火脆性的研究

18.Effect of Tempering Temperature on Wearing Resistance of High Vanadium High Speed Steel回火温度对高钒高速钢耐磨性的影响


Low temperature tempering低温回火

1.The microstructure and mechanical properties of 1 250 MPa grade new type bainite wear resistance steel plate were studied as hot rolling and low temperature tempering.研究了热轧、低温回火状态1 250 MPa级新型贝氏体耐磨钢板的组织和力学性能,测试了埋弧焊和CO2焊焊接接头的力学和机械加工性能。

2.Throught several powerful shot peening contrast tests of carbonitriding gears,the effect of powerful shot peening with different parameter,and the influence of low temperature tempering to contact fatigue strength of bearing surface were researched.通过对碳氮共渗齿轮试片进行了多次强力喷丸试验 ,研究了不同喷丸参数下的强力喷丸的效果及喷丸后的低温回火处理对提高齿轮试片表面接触疲劳强度的影响。

3.A kind of low temperature tempering treatment is designed to increase the hardness of 50CrV steel.设计了低温回火工艺 ,使 5 0CrV钢的硬度提高 。

3)low temperature annealing低温退火

1.The optimizedlow temperature annealing parameters for Laves phase Cr2Nb synthesizing by solid phase thermal reaction can theoretically provide guidance for preparing both high strength and high tough Cr2Nb alloy o.优化出的Cr2Nb固相热反应合成低温退火温度,可为通过MA+热压(或烧结)工艺路线制备具有微/纳米晶结构的高强高韧Cr2Nb合金或Cr2Nb基复合材料提供理论指导。

2.The optimizedlow temperature annealing time for Laves phase Cr_2Nb synthesized by thermal solid phase reaction provide possibility for preparing both high strength and toughness Cr_2Nb alloy or Cr_2Nb-based composite with micro-/na.研究了900℃退火时,退火时间对Cr-Nb机械合金化(MA)粉的Laves相Cr2Nb固相热反应合成的影响规律,获悉了15h MA粉在900℃低温退火时能使Cr2Nb固相热反应合成充分进行的最短时间。

3.The method of modulating the gate dielectric growth,the intrinsic gettering technique andlow temperature annealing technique were applied to eliminate harmful backgrounds.对电荷耦合器件(CCD)交流成像中存在的背景发白、亮条、亮点、拖影和固定图像噪声等不良背景进行了分析,并提出了调整栅介质生长方法、本征吸杂、低温退火等消除不良背景的具体工艺方法,获得了高质量的CCD器件。

4)low temperature quenching低温淬火

1.Through the quenching treatment of the silicon- steel-piece die of CrWMn steel carried out by cycling heatinglow temperature quenching, the service life of the die is re- markably prolonged and the production cost is reduced, so that the economic beneficial result is greatly increased.对CrWMn钢制硅钢片冷冲凹模进行了循环加热低温淬火的热处理,使凹模使用寿命获得显著提高,降低了产品成本,提高了经济效益。

2.Test showed that thelow temperature quenching process may cause the outer rings to have excellent and stable strength, toughness and wear-resist- ance.试验结果表明,低温淬火工艺可使外套圈获得优良强韧性与耐磨性。

5)low tempering低温回火

1.The effect of differentlow tempering temperatures on the strength and toughness,wear resistance of carburized layers in 20CrMnMo and 17Cr2Ni2Mo steels was studied.研究了不同低温回火温度对20CrMnMo钢和17Cr2Ni2Mo钢渗碳层强韧性和耐磨性的影响。

2.The effects of sub-temperature quenching andlow tempering on the quenched 40Cr steel and annealed 40Cr steel were studied.研究了完全淬火态40Cr和退火态40Cr进行亚温淬火和低温回火后的组织和性能,确立了920℃淬火+790℃淬火+200℃回火最佳亚温淬火工艺,与常规淬火及低温回火相比较强度bσ提高9%,塑性δ提高16%,韧性αk提高25%,硬度提高6%,磨损质量损耗下降67%。

6)low-temperature ignition低温点火


