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师范 Normal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-13 02:10:35


师范 Normal英语短句 例句大全



1.On Psychological Healthy Education forNormal School College Students Majored in Physical Education;体育师范专科学生心理健康教育浅析

2.A Discuss on the Reform of Curricular Teaching inNormal Colleges;师范院校课程教学改革的设想

3.Inquiring into the math teaching of the normal colleges of the new century;21世纪师范院校数学课教学探微


1.Student teachers study at a training college.师范生在师范院校学习。

2.secondary teachers schoo中等师范学校 中等师范学校

3.Zhang Hua left Taicang Normal School eight years ago.张华八年前毕业于太仓师范师范学校。

4.The Training Paradigm of Students in Normal University:From "Teacher-based Paradigm"to"Student-based Paradigm";“师本”到“生本”:师范生培养范式的转型

5.The Foundation of East Sichuan Normal School and Southwest China Teachers College;川东师范学堂与西南师范学院的组建

6.On the Character of Public Physical Education in Teacher-training Schools;关于师范院校公共体育教育的师范性

7.The Earliest Higher Teachers Training College in China;中国最早的高等师范学院──京师优级师范学堂

8.On the Researches of Normal Education for Thirty Years in China--from Normal Education to Teacher Education师范教育研究30年——从师范教育到教师教育

9.To Cultivate Teachers Virtue and to Practise Teachers Skills,to Mould the New Images of New-century Normal School Students;修师德练师功 塑造师范生新形象

10.International Council on Education for Teaching国际师范教育理事会

11.pedagogical seminary(帝俄时的)师范学校

12.Hong Kong Government Normal School Certificate香港政府师范学校证书

13.Library of Beijing Normal University北京师范大学图书馆

14.Library of East China Normal University华东师范大学图书馆

15.On Knowledge Structure of Pre-teachers;从师范类高校图书馆看师范大学生知识结构

16.The Implement and Reflection of Normal Students’Free Education in Huazhong Normal University;华中师范大学师范生免费教育的实践与思考

17.Happiness and Worry about the Free Education for Students of Some Teachers University Directly under the State Education Ministry;部属师范大学师范生免费教育的喜与忧

18.Exploration of employment problem of non-teacher graduates in teachers colleges and universities;师范院校非师范专业毕业生就业问题探析


Normal school师范

1.Chinese Writing Teaching Method Research in Normal Schools;中等师范学校语文写作教学方法研究

pared with the presently vigorously developing education reform in biology teaching in Middle Schools,the biology teaching in normal schools and universities seems hesitating and confused.面对当前蓬勃开展的中学生物学教学改革,而师范生物学教学却陷入彷徨不前、胸中无数的境地。

3.Through analyzing the problems among graduate practice, this article discusses how to strengthen the arts normal school students quality education,and advances the students comprehensive quality level.文章通过分析毕业实习中的问题 ,探讨如何加强美术师范学生的素质教育 ,提高学生综合素质水

3)teachers college师范

1.This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to make sure the accurate targets and new perceptions to carry out the educational reform ofteachers college.本文从找准目标是前提,新的理念为指导,狠抓根本是关键,师资队伍是保证,提出了对高等师范院校教育改革的思考意见。

2.Analyzing the present condition of physical education inteachers college in the aspects such as curriculum, teaching material, period and students physical constitution, this paper talks about discrepancy between the actuality and the demanding quality education, and advances opinion and suggestion in accordance.从大纲、教材、学时、学生体育素质等方面 ,分析了师范院校体育教学现状 ,论述了现实与素质教育要求的不足之处 。


1.Through the analysis at present thepedagogical kind of educational technique public class present situation and the existence question,proposed the corresponding platform construction suggestion,has made some attempts for the explorationpedagogical kind of educational technique public class development.通过分析目前师范类教育技术公共课的现状和存在的问题,提出了相应的平台建设建议,为探索师范类教育技术公共课的发展做出了一些尝试。

2.it should consider the foundamentol, focal, comprehensive andpedagogical teaching as its main principles so as to adapt tp the requirments of universal dancing teaching.由于社会的发展,高等师范院校音乐专业的舞蹈教学,必须打破以往培养高、精、尖专业人才的模式,以基础性、针对性、师范性、综合性教学为主要原则,以适应普及舞蹈教育的需要。

5)Teacher training师范

1.The study of the development of teaching profession is a hot topic in the field of international teacher training and has been widely concerned.教师专业发展课题是国际师范教育领域的热门课题,已经普遍引起各国的关注。

6)normal universities师范院校

1.How Shall the Library Serve for Teaching in Normal Universities;师范院校图书馆如何为教学改革服务

2.On the construction of the education of art design innormal universities;论师范院校艺术设计教育的建设

3.Gymnastics and the mould of images of students innormal universities;试论体操与师范院校学生形象的塑造


