900字范文 > 横县 Heng County英语短句 例句大全

横县 Heng County英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-17 21:44:49


横县 Heng County英语短句 例句大全

横县,Heng County

1)Heng County横县

1.Remote Sensing Survey of Current Land Use inHeng County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;广西横县土地利用现状遥感调查

2.Tourist Development of Fubo Temple Fair inHeng County;横县伏波庙会旅游开发策略初探


1.Research on the University Students′ Participating in the Festival Sports Activities of the Countryside--Example as Lingshan and Heng County in Guangxi;大学生与农村节庆体育活动互动研究——以广西灵山县、横县农村为例


3.A Study of the Public Service in the Development of Sweetcorn Industry in Heng County, Guangxi Province;广西横县甜玉米产业发展中的公共服务研究

4.The Construction of Human Resources Communication Platform for Non-State Owned Economic Organization in Heng County;横县非公经济组织人力资源交流平台的构建

5.Discussion on the reasons and prevention measures of sweet maize’s low fecundity in Hengxian County浅谈横县甜玉米结实性差的原因及预防措施

6.Chemical Constituents from the Slag of Guangxi Hengxian Jasmine sambac广西横县窨茶后茉莉花渣化学成分研究

7.Environmental quality evaluation of pollution-free Jasmine scented tea plantations in Hengxian,Guangxi广西横县无公害茉莉花茶园环境质量分析研究

8.The Research to Some Problems and Countermeasures of Development of Black Leather Sugarcane Industry in Baihe Village Heng City;横县百合镇黑皮果蔗产业发展中的若干问题与对策研究

9.Simple Analysis on the Interaction between Folk Religious Activities of Zhuang Nationality and Economic Development in Heng County of Guangxi;广西横县壮族民间宗教活动与经济发展之互动浅析

10.Clarification of Several Concept of Commonweal Trust--Analysis of the judicial judgment of a Loving Care Lawsuitin Heng County of Guangxi Region;明晰有关(公益)信托的几个概念——以广西横县“爱心官司”司法判决为例

11.An Exemplary Study of the Nature of Communal Donation Solicitation;余其山诉广西横县地税局案评析——兼论社会募捐行为的性质

12.Realizing and probing of carrying out the complex shared cooperati on system in the Xinshajiang river s small valleycorrection of Hengxian county;横县新沙江小流域治理推行复合型股份合作制的探索与实践

13.Infection Investigation of Encysted Metacercaria of Clonorchis Sinensis in Freshwater Fishes and Shrimps at County Heng Trade Market in Guangxi广西横县集贸市场淡水鱼虾华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染调查

14.Sustainable Development of Cultural Heritage Based on Eco-civilization:A Case Study of Hengxian County"s Sashimi Culture基于生态文明的文化遗产可持续发展研究——以横县鱼生文化为例

15.Hengxian County is an important agricultural production base in Guangxi. The output of rice, sugarcane and jasmine play major roles in its economic system.横县是广西重要的农业生产基地,其粮食、糖蔗、莉花生产在经济中占主要地位。

16.The Hengshui Western Zhou Graveyard in Jiangxian and the Lost Peng State绛县横水西周墓地不为人知的倗国

17.The Research of the Coordination of the Horizontal Relations among County Governments;我国县级横向府际行政关系协调研究

18.Jiangxi Dialectal Elements in Fujian Dialect of Yaojia ,Hengfeng County, Jiangxi Province;江西横峰县姚家闽语中的赣语性成分



1.Research on Land Eco-economical Regionalization inHengxian County of Guangxi;县域土地生态经济系统区划研究以──广西横县为例

2.Current status and development strategies for sericulture industry inHengxian横县蚕桑产业现状与发展对策

3.By using analysis hierarchy process(AHP),with 3 land arrangement projects inHengxian,Nanning,Guangxi as the examples and were appraised,the optimal projects were obtained among 3 projects.从土地整理的背景入手,研究土地整理项目可持续发展评价体系,采用层次分析方法(AHP),以广西南宁市横县3个土地整理项目为例,对其进行评价,得到3个项目中的优选项目,对结果进行综合分析,给出3个项目的优化方向,为县级土地整理项目的选择提供有益的借鉴,促进土地利用的可持续发展。

3)Heng County of Guangxi广西横县

1.Through investigation,this paper expounds thatHeng County of Guangxi fully utilizes its advantages in agriculture resources,vigorously develops agriculture industry group,and provides sufficient raw material for processing enterprises of agriculture product by strengthening and expanding industry bases of agriculture products.介绍了广西横县充分利用该县农业资源优势,大力发展农业产业集群,做大做强优势农产品产业基地,为农产品加工企业提供充足原料的经验。

4)Hengshan county横山县

1.[Method] Taking TM image as data source,we used the hierarchical classification method to obtain land use/cover maps of Hengshan County in 1986 and ,then analyzed the dynamic changes.【方法】以1986年和的TM影像为数据源,利用分层分类法获得陕西榆林市横山县两个时期的土地利用/覆被图,分析其动态变化。

5)Hengxian phenomenon横县现象

1."The base of leading enterprises plus talents plus cooperation organization plus farmers"in the industrialization of agriculture development model,has created a remarkable"Hengxian phenomenon"which has provided an important insight for other areas of agricultural development.横县立足于资源优势,深入组织实施"三化五带动"农业发展战略,形成了具有横县农业产业化特色的"龙头企业+基地+科技人才+合作组织+农户"的农业产业化经营发展模式,创造了令人瞩目的"横县现象",给其他地区发展农业提供了重要的启示。

6)Hengshan of Shaanxi Province陕西省横山县


横县广西壮族自治区南宁地区辖县。 全国第1个低水头电站所在地。位于自治区南部,郁江上游。湘桂铁路经过县境西北。19始置横县。1952年永淳县并入。面积3464平方公里,人口97.07万。县府驻横州镇。县境内有横州盆地。盆地中部及郁江沿岸地势低平,海拔在百米以下;北部为广西弧形山脉的顶部镇龙山,海拔千米以上;南部为丘陵,海拔约200米,属南亚热带季风气候。农业生产以粮食为主,是南宁地区重要粮食产地。经济作物有棉花、花生、甘蔗、烟叶、麻等,又是自治区重要产糖区之一。经济林木有八角、 桂皮、油桐、 油茶、茶等,以南伨种白毛茶和横州细茶享有盛名。县境西津水电站为广西大型低水头水电工程之一,装机容量23.44万千瓦。县境有食草类恐龙化石。
