900字范文 > 许衡 Xu Heng英语短句 例句大全

许衡 Xu Heng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-18 15:41:55


许衡 Xu Heng英语短句 例句大全

许衡,Xu Heng

1)Xu Heng许衡

1.Research on Spoken Language Annotations of Words inXu Heng s“Literal Interpretation of The Great Learning”and“Literal Interpretation of The Doctrine of the Mean”;许衡《大学直解》与《中庸直解》的口语注释初探

2.Xu Heng and the Cultivation of Mongol and Semu Students in Early Years of the Yuan Dynasty;许衡与元初蒙古、色目生员之培养


1.On Xuheng s Creative Development to the Song and Ming s Neo-Confucianism--A deliberation on non-invention to Xu Heng s theory;论许衡对宋明理学理论的创造性发展——兼与许衡理学无“进境”说商榷

2.Ensemble Movement of Poetry and History:Xu Heng"s Bian Nian Ge Kuo诗与史合奏的乐章——许衡的《编年歌括》

3.Research on Spoken Language Annotations of Words in Xu Heng s“Literal Interpretation of The Great Learning”and“Literal Interpretation of The Doctrine of the Mean”;许衡《大学直解》与《中庸直解》的口语注释初探

4.Balance quality of rigid rotors--Determination of permissible residual unbalanceGB/T9239-1988刚性转子平衡品质许用不平衡的确定

5.By Hollywood standards, maybe.用好莱坞的标准来衡量,也许真是如此。

6.Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy.衡平法不容许违法者逍遥法外。

7.Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirement of rigid rotors - part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance??机械振动--刚性转子的平衡质量要求--第一部分:允许剩余失衡的测定

passion is a tone that allows oneself and others to synthesize into a state of balance.同情是允许自己和他人合成到平衡状态的音调。

9.Quality of electric energy supply--Admissible three-phase voltage unbalance factorGB/T15543-1995电能质量三相电压允许不平衡度

10.Many British people have had difficulty in adapting to metric measurements许多英国人在适应公制度量衡方面遇到困难。

11.By contrast intelligence is possibly easier to quantify.相对而言,智力也许比较容易用数量来衡量。

12.Explicit formula for equilibrium price with short selling and necessary and sufficient condition for it允许卖空时均衡价格的计算公式及其充要条件

13.Balance of Interest Between Commercial Franchise Information Disclosure and Protection of Trade Secret商业特许信息披露与商业秘密保护的利益平衡

14.But this balance has been achieved by an accumulation of many fears which cannot be balanced, so we will probably always live in fear.但由于这种平衡,是因许许多多次不能平衡的恐怖事件造成的,所以我们或许还将经常地经历恐惧。

15.Based on this standard, many countries now are considered water shortage countries.用这个标准来衡量﹐现在许多国家都属于缺水国家。

16.The train passes by many big cities, such as Hengyang, Zhuzhou, Changsha, Huaihua, Guiyang and Chongqing.服务员:这次车经过许多大城市,例如衡阳、株洲、长沙、怀化、贵阳和重庆。

17.Crafting the coolest fabric“ is a balancing act of many properties,” says Michael Hunt, senior research chemist at DuPont Textiles and Interiors in High Point, N.但要精制出最凉爽的布料,「靠许多材料特性之间的配合与平衡。

18.After the energization of station system commissioning, the unbalance current of all HV capacitor banks is within permitted.在实际调试送电后电容器组的不平衡电流均在允许范围内。



1.OnXuheng s Creative Development to the Song and Ming s Neo-Confucianism——A deliberation on non-invention to Xu Heng s theory;论许衡对宋明理学理论的创造性发展——兼与许衡理学无“进境”说商榷

2.The Idea ofXuheng s Values and the Works of His Poem;许衡的价值理想与诗文创作

3)Xu Zhiheng许之衡

1.Nishang Yan is the only existing legendary play written byXu Zhiheng,a famous Chinese dramatic theorist in modern times.《霓裳艳》传奇是我国近代著名戏曲理论家许之衡现存唯一一部传奇剧本,其戏剧结构、语言特色、审美追求等集中体现了他的戏剧观,对当时及后世词曲学和戏剧学研究产生有了较大影响。

4)Xu Jingheng许景衡

1.Xu Jingheng s Hengtang Anthology and Lost Articles;许景衡《横塘集》及佚作

5)tombstone of Xu Heng许衡神道碑

1.According totombstone of Xu Heng unearthed at his tomb in Jiaozuo city and the relevant literatures, the article researched all his life ,which provided materials for complementing History of Yuan Dynasty.依据在焦作市许衡墓地陆续发现的许衡神道碑,并结合相关文献,文章对许衡生平等有关情况进行了考证,为补充和丰富《元史》提供了珍贵的资料。

6)allowable stress criterion许用应力衡准

1.Not onlyallowable stress criterion but also ultimate strength criterion should be satisfied for ships in compliance with Common Structure Rules(CSR) coming into force on April 1,.随着共同结构规范(CSR)于4月1日生效,不但要满足常规的许用应力衡准,而且还应满足极限强度衡准。


