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刘恒 Liu Heng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-09 06:09:53


刘恒 Liu Heng英语短句 例句大全

刘恒,Liu Heng

1)Liu Heng刘恒

passion inLiu Heng s Novels;论刘恒小说中的悲悯精神

2.The Happiness and its Limitation of Common People s Life: onLiu Heng s Novel The Happy Life of Garrulous Zhang Da-min;平民的幸福及其限度——论刘恒的《贫嘴张大民的幸福生活》

3.The Main Persona Structure in the Work Baiwo byLiu Heng;论刘恒小说《白涡》中的主体人格结构


1.The Import of Li Qi in Liu Hengs Novels of "Peasant Series";论刘恒“农民系列”小说中“力气”的意蕴

2.The Main Persona Structure in the Work Baiwo by Liu Heng;论刘恒小说《白涡》中的主体人格结构

3.From “Distressed Expression” to “Rejoiced Emotion”--Evaluation about LIU Heng’s Novels;从“哭丧着脸”到“仰天长笑”——刘恒作品简论

4.The Waitress Dispatched by Empress Lü and the Prince of the Dai State Liu Heng吕后出宫人与代王刘恒“独幸窦姬”发微

5.Inescapable Survival Plight--on the fate consciousness in the fiction by LiuHeng;无法逃脱的生存困境——论刘恒小说中的宿命意识

6.Two Different Narrations of Living Dilemma--Based on the Samples Comparing Liu Heng s Novels with Chi Li s;生存困境的两种叙写——刘恒与池莉作品比较研究

7.I Have Suffered Calamities,So I Could Exist--On the Importance of Suffering Narrate of Liu Heng s Novel;我受难,故我存在——浅谈刘恒小说苦难叙事的意义

8.Simple, Terrific, Kind and Sly;质朴、可怖、善良、狡诈——评刘恒的《农民系列》小说

9.Female Thoughts Under the Male Writers Pen--Discuss Liu Heng s female care;男性作家笔下的“女性思考”——解读刘恒的女性关怀

10.Narration of Sufferings through Turning Tears into Smiles --commentary on Liu Heng s collection "Sage of Fists;破涕为笑的苦难叙事——评刘恒的小说集《拳圣》

11.Helpless choice--The images of death in Liu Heng’s works无可奈何的选择——刘恒作品中的死亡意象

12.The Colliery World under the Lust for Money On Liu Heng s Series of novels on Colliery;金钱欲望主题下的煤窑世界——刘恒煤窑系列小说解读

13.Conflicts between Sense of Survival and Original Living Desire--Liu Heng s Objective Analyses on "the Desire for Food and Sex Is Part of Human Nature";生存意志与生命原欲的冲突——刘恒对“食色”的客观叙述

14.The Happiness and its Limitation of Common People s Life: on Liu Heng s Novel The Happy Life of Garrulous Zhang Da-min;平民的幸福及其限度——论刘恒的《贫嘴张大民的幸福生活》

15.Floating Dream of Dirty World,and Fragmentation of Humanity浊世苍生的浮梦 人性景深的断残——刘恒小说中的恶魔性因素探析

16.The Most Important Idea of "Zhou-yi" is "Zhong-zheng"《易》贵中正:刘沅《周易恒解》研究

17.The Years of Hui Zhen s Returning to Hometown and Liu Xie s Death--Discussion with Mr. Zhu Shao-heng;慧震还乡与刘勰卒年——与周绍恒先生商榷

18.a constant speed, value, etc恒定速度、 恒值等


Heng Liu刘恒

1.Heng Liu showed us a successful example of Novels and films alliance and created some comparatively successful experiences.刘恒向我们展现了一个小说与电影结盟的成功范例,为电影文学的创作提供了一些较为成功的经验。

3)Liu Heng"s novels刘恒小说

4)Liu Rui-heng刘瑞恒

1.A Study ofLiu Rui-heng:the Key Leader of Chinese Modern Medicine略论近代医学先贤刘瑞恒

5)the prince of the Dai State Liu Heng代王刘恒

1.The prince of the Dai State Liu Heng only loved Concubine Dou,who was one of fiver waitress that was rewarded tothe prince of the Dai State Liu Heng by Empress Lü.窦姬作为吕太后赏赐代王刘恒五名宫女之一,来到代地后立即受到刘恒的"专宠",其中固然有窦姬俊美、伶俐之原因,但更重要的是因为窦姬曾是侍奉吕太后之人。

6)Hanwendi Liu Heng汉文帝刘恒


汉文帝刘恒皇后 汉文帝刘恒的皇后姓窦,本是宫中的秀女,后被分赐给代王刘恒。刘恒一见到她就喜爱不已,很快窦氏就成了代王的宠姬,生一女二子。 公元前180年,吕后死后,大臣周勃等迎立刘恒为帝,是为文帝,当时刘恒的正妃已死,便立窦姬为皇后。由于窦氏出身寒微,常劝文帝节俭,轻徭薄赋。 公元前157年,刘恒病死,太子刘启即位,是为景帝,窦氏为皇太后。第二年,窦氏便双目失明。 窦氏崇尚黄老的“清静无为”之道,但后来太子刘彻(汉武帝)即位后,重用儒生,推行儒教。窦太后为此大发雷霆,逼着汉武帝罢免了一些官员。 公元前135年,窦太后病逝于长乐宫,终年七十五岁,葬于霸陵。她的一生是极其幸运的,从秀女到宠姬再到皇后,她基本上没有经历什么风浪,这与她谦让律己,宽容豁达是分不开的。
