900字范文 > 传播主体 communicator英语短句 例句大全

传播主体 communicator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-20 15:50:20


传播主体 communicator英语短句 例句大全



1.Thecommunicators ware mainly the royal members, general literators, monks, prostitutes, gentlewomen and the like.唐代题壁诗的传播主体主要是皇室人物、文人、僧人、妓女、良家妇女等 ;传播媒体主要有石壁、驿壁、寺壁、屋壁和厅壁及桥、亭、叶、树、竹等 ;传播意图有嗟贫叹厄、戏谑行乐、感物即兴、留言留念、扬名延誉、讽时刺世、传情达意、伤逝悼亡八大类型。

2.Ascommunicator, they were often the receivers themselves.唐代驿站题壁诗的创作主体主要是文人,也有皇室人物、良家妇女等,作为传播主体,他们往往也是主要的受众;驿站题壁诗的主题主要有羁旅行役、感物即兴、怀古伤逝、留言寄情等类型。


1.The Subjects and Motives in Public Science Communication;科技公共传播的传播主体及其参与动机

2.A Study on the Communication Subject"s Creative Consciousness with Verbal Language;有声语言传播主体创作自觉问题研究

3.Collision and Transformation -The Waning of the Traditional Transmission Carrier of Primitive Folk Songs;撞击与转型——论原生态民歌传播主体的萎缩

4.On the Disseminator and Audience of the New Media Communication and the Change of Their Relationship论新媒体传播传受主体及其关系的转变

5.On the Object and the Subject of Art Communication --Study on Communication of Art (Part I);试论艺术传播的客体与主体——艺术传播学初探之一

6.The Relations between Deliverer and Accepter in Network Education Dissemination and Its Pattern网络教育传播的主客体关系及其模式

7.On the Effectual Dissemination of Socialist Core Value System;论社会主义核心价值体系的有效传播

8.The Subjects Variation between the Disseminator and Acceptor in West Modern News Communication;西方现代新闻传播中传者与受者的主体变奏

9.Analysis on Subjectivity and Objectivity of Journalists in the Process of Mass Communication;试析大众传播过程中记者的主体性与客体性

10.Social Communication Media Law《社会传播媒体法》

work Transmission s Influences on the Main Body Relation in Literary Exchanges;论网络传播对文学交往主体关系的影响

12.Study on new agricultural science communication system and its major modes;农业科技传播新体系及其主要模式研究

13.On Subjective Factors Influence on Communication of Cultural Information in Translation;翻译中主体因素对文化信息传播的影响

14.Public Opinion Explanation Function of Major Media in Crisis Promulgation;主流媒体在危机传播中的舆论缓释作用

15.Creation and Overtaking:the Subjective Position of the Editor in Culture Spreading;创造与超越:论编辑在文化传播中的主体地位

16.Subjectivity Moral Education of Colleges and Universities in Network Communication Environment网络传播环境下高校主体性德育实施途径研究

munication Globalization and the Construction of the Socialist Core Value System传播全球化与社会主义核心价值体系的构建

18.People"s Value Orientation and that of Modern Communication in the Transitional Period转型期社会主体及现代传播的价值取向


Dissemination main body control传播主体控制

3)subject expression and spreading主体抒写与传播

4)Transmissible host传播宿主

5)initiative spread主动传播

6)Transmission themes传播主题


