900字范文 > 博客传播 blog communication英语短句 例句大全

博客传播 blog communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-22 23:01:16


博客传播 blog communication英语短句 例句大全

博客传播,blog communication

1)blog communication博客传播

1.Exploring the lack of media literacy of the university students and upgrading strategy from theblog communication从博客传播探究大学生媒介素养的欠缺与提升策略

as a case to studyblog communication practice in China.文章以中国第一门户网站新浪网的博客排行榜为个案,从目前的博客传播实践中发现:在现实社会资源分配与媒体市场赢利模式下,博客作为公共平台所呈现的话语权分配格局与大众传媒的同构性,并对这一同构现象进行了分析探讨。

3.The appearance of“Blog communication”means the seconded portal site which have symbol of going shares thought come forth after the first portal site which have symbol of going shares messages.博客传播的出现,标志着在以“信息共享”为特征的第一代门户网站之后,追求“思想共享”为特征的第二代门户——博客托管网站正在蜂拥而起。


1.Disseminators,Audience,and Channels:A Study of the Profound Mechanism of Blog Dissemination;传播者、受众、渠道:博客传播的深层机制

2.A Research on Blog and Related Issues as Viewed from Mass-Communication;传播学视野下的博客传播及其问题研究

3.Analysis of Blog-Dissmation in the Web2.0 Era;Web2.0时代下的博客传播分析

4.The Re-segmentation of Chinese Discourse Rights Based on Blog Communication--A Case Study on sina. com Blog Charts;从博客传播看中国话语权的再分配——以新浪博客排行榜为个案

5.Exploring the lack of media literacy of the university students and upgrading strategy from the blog communication从博客传播探究大学生媒介素养的欠缺与提升策略

6.From Blog to Podcasting to See How Mass Communication Return Back to Interpersonal Communication;从博客到播客看大众传播回归人际传播

7.The Elements Research and Functional Study of Science Blog科学博客的传播要素及传播功能研究

8.A Clear Thinking toward the Prosperity of Blog:A Disseminative Understanding of News Blog;博客“热”的“冷”思考——对新闻博客的传播学解读

9.The Influence of the Blog on the Traditional Media in the Filed of Communication;传播学视野下博客对传统媒体的影响

10.The Significance of the Rise of Blog and the Research to the Problems Concerned;博客兴起的传播学意义及其问题研究

11.Blog-Sociological Significance of New Publicity Mode;博客——新的传播方式背后的社会学意义

12.The Communication Situation and Development Trends of Sports Blog in China;我国体育博客的传播状况及发展趋势

13.News Blog: A New Pattern of Information Communication;新闻博客:一种全新的信息传播方式

14.Blog:The Influence on Modern Times and Communication Model;“博客”对社会文化及其传播模式的影响

15.The Rise of Newsblog and the Effect on the Dissemination of the News;新闻博客的兴起及其对新闻传播的影响

16.The Present Condition and Developing Strategies of Chinese Blog under the Background of Global Communication;全球传播背景下的中国博客图景及发展策略

17.Empirical Research on Blog Communication in Network Marketing博客营销传播在网络营销中的效用实证分析

18.Bursty Propagation Model for Incidental Events in Blog Networks博客网络中具有突发性的话题传播模型


disseminators of the Blog博客传播者

3)mirco-blog communication微博客传播

4)disseminating channels of the Blog博客传播渠道

5)mechanism of the Blog dissemination博客传播机制

6)subject and object of blogging博客传播的主客体


