900字范文 > 形象传播 image communication英语短句 例句大全

形象传播 image communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-14 19:21:51


形象传播 image communication英语短句 例句大全

形象传播,image communication

1)image communication形象传播

1.A Study of Tourism Image Communication Based On Market Survey——A Case Study of Guilin;基于旅游市场调查的旅游形象传播研究——以桂林市为例

2.With the flat of hospital identify system, hospitalimage communication required to spread hospital corevalue.医院品牌形象传播要求以传播品牌核心价值为主旋律,以形象识别系统为载体,以整合传播为手段。


1.The Image of a College or University in the Minority Areas: Its Creation and Spread;民族地区高校形象塑造与形象传播研究

2.The Construction of the Nation Image;从国民形象传播看国家文明形象的构建

3.The characteristics of image promulgation of jewelry enterprise are introduced.介绍了珠宝企业形象传播的特点。

4.The Misleading of City Image Dissemination and Dialectical Identity Innovations;城市形象传播误区与辩证理念的创新

5.A Cultural Criticism on The Image Communication of Recreational Stars on TV;对电视娱乐明星形象传播的文化批判

6.Investigation and Analysis on the Government Image Transformation of Chongqing New North Zone重庆北部新区政府形象传播调查研究

7.Ming feng ji and the formation and dissemination of Yan Song’s “treacherous court official” image;《鸣凤记》与严嵩“奸臣”形象的形成及传播

8.On Communication in the Use of "The Image";“形象”何为——浅谈传播学在形象专业中的运用

9.On News Websites Role in the Construction and Diffusion of Regional Image;论新闻网站对区域形象的建构与传播

10.The Theoretical Research on Deconstruction and Communication of Tourist Destination Image;旅游目的地形象解构与传播理论研究

11.The Brand Spokesman s Tactics of Advertisement Spreading;作为广告传播的品牌形象代言人策略

12.A Research into the Network Communication Mode of Tourist Destination Image;旅游目的地形象的网络传播模式研究

13.Ancient Diplomatic Exchanges,Country Image and Intercultural Communication;中国古代交聘、国家形象与跨文化传播

14.Understanding of the Image of the Protagonist in "Finished or Unfinished" from the Perspectives of Cultural Communications;从文化传播看《了犹未了》主人公的形象

15.Visual Image and Diffusion Effect of Modern Commercial Circulation;现代商品流通的视觉形象与传播影响

16.Influence of Taoism s Dissemination on Formation of Tang s Swordswoman Images;论道教传播对唐女侠形象建构的影响

17.CIS and Vocational School Image s Design and Spreading;CIS与高职院校形象的设计与传播

18.On the Buliding and Communication of National Image in the International Relations论国际关系中的国家形象塑造与传播


image spread形象传播

1.Tourist destination must pay sufficient attention to the touristimage spread.旅游目的地形象是旅游地吸引游客前来的关键因素,如何很好地通过传播渠道把旅游地形象传播给目标市场群体,令潜在旅游者对旅游地产生兴趣,从而使本旅游地在旅游者做旅游目的地选择时占据有利位置,也就成了旅游目的地必须重视的问题。

3)dissemination image传播形象

1.Specific to China\"s 31 provinces(municipalities,or autonomous regions),measurement of thedissemination image is conducive to each province better understand their public image situation assisted by media.区域传播形象是指在传媒世界中某一区域呈现出的客观形象。

4)government image communication政府形象传播

1.Categories and methods ofgovernment image communication;政府形象传播的类型及方法

2.Essence ofgovernment image communication;政府形象传播的本质内涵

3.Essence of thegovernment image communication lies in handling of public opinions, though it outwardly directs to the public.政府形象传播的指向虽然是社会公众 ,但其本质是处理民意 ,也就是了解民意的实质 ,判断、预测民意的走向和后果 ,为政府施政既创造有利的民意环境 ,又扭转不利的民意环境。

5)government image dissemination政府形象传播

1.Research on Government Image Dissemination in Information Network Society;信息网络社会政府形象传播研究

6)The communication of corporation image企业形象传播


产品形象产品形象product image产品形象(produet image)即产品的魅力,指产品对公众的吸引力。它的心理机制是产品的个性与公众的思想感情的密切联系。通常,产品的魅力主要取决下列因素:一是方‘便,如便于携带、存放等;二是适应性强,即用途广泛;三是质量高;四是合乎顾客的地位或身份;五是可靠性:六是满足顾客的审美需要。许多名牌产品,一般都具有上述特点,能使顾客或公众获得多重满足。(张燕逸撰张交审)
