900字范文 > 前景化理论 the foregrounding theory英语短句 例句大全

前景化理论 the foregrounding theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-09 01:22:40


前景化理论 the foregrounding theory英语短句 例句大全

前景化理论,the foregrounding theory

1)the foregrounding theory前景化理论

1.The present study aims to enhance the explanatory power ofthe foregrounding theory in stylistic analysis.前景化是文体学中的一个重要理论,本文旨在探讨如何进一步完善运用前景化理论进行文体分析的研究模式,并如何将这一模式应用到具体的文体分析。


1.Foregrounding and Interpretation of Hemingway s Hills like White Elephants;前景化理论视域下的《白象似的山峦》

2.Foregrounding Theory and Novel Translation-An Empirical Study on Students Translation;前景化理论与小说翻译—对学生翻译的实证研究

3.Theoretical Study and Prospect of Monetary Integration of China;中国货币一体化:理论研究和前景展望

4.A Theoretical Analysis of the Current Situation and Vision of Cultural Consumption;文化消费现状及发展前景的理论探析

5.The current crisis and prospects of scientific tendency of literary theory;现代性危机与文学理论科学化的前景

6.The Inner Theoretical Bases of Foregrounding;简析语言前景化现象的深层理论依据

7.Blended Space Theory and Foregrounding of Metaphors in Advertising Discourse;合成空间理论与广告语篇中隐喻的前景化

8.East Asian Monetary Integration: Theory, Possibility and Prospect;东亚货币一体化:理论基础、可行性及前景瞻望

9.Question Design in Structural Interview:From the View of Prospect Theory前景理论视角下结构化面试问题的设计

10.Indigenous Psychologies and Multiculturalism;本土心理学与多元文化论——在人类心理学理论前景中的相遇

11.Model and Simulation Analysis of Asset Securitization Based on Prospect Theory基于前景理论的资产证券化投资模型及模拟分析

12.Application of “Prospective Theory” in Education Management in Colleges and Universities;高校教育管理中“前景理论”的应用

13.Revenue management:State-of-the-art and future prospects;收入管理理论的研究现状及发展前景

14.To Study on the Risks Managing Dicision Model Based on Prospect Theory前景理论下的风险管理决策模型研究

15.Latin American Dollarization:Predictions in Game Theory;从博弈论视角看拉美的“美元化”前景

16.Prospect of Socialism in the Globalization of the World Economy;论经济全球化趋势下的社会主义前景

17.On the Bottleneck and Prospect of the Renew of Modern Ethnical Ethics;略论现代民族伦理更新的瓶颈及前景

18.Economic Research on Consumer’s Behavior in Sport Lottery Market;体育彩票消费者行为的前景理论研究


prospect theory前景理论

1.A traveler route choice model based onprospect theory and case study;基于“前景理论”的路径选择行为建模及实例分析

2.Corruption and Measures for Anticorruption——A Study Based on Prospect Theory;腐败行为及其治理选择——基于前景理论的研究

3)Cumulative Prospect Theory累积前景理论

1.The Model of Bounded Rational Deterrence Based onCumulative Prospect Theory;基于累积前景理论的有限理性威慑模型

2.Cumulative Prospect Theory is a revised version of Prospect Theory.累积前景理论是前景理论的改进版本。

3.There is no effective way to integrate multi-criteria so as to acquire reasonable multi-route for route guidance system under uncertainty so far,Therefore,a multi-criteria and multi-route choice method based on cumulative prospect theory is introduced.介绍一种利用累积前景理论进行多目标多路径选择的方法。

4)On the functions of foregrounding theory前景化功能论

5)Prospect Proof前景论证

6)Summarization of the prospect theory research前景理论研究综述


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
