900字范文 > 底层语言理论 the substratum theory英语短句 例句大全

底层语言理论 the substratum theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-21 14:08:05


底层语言理论 the substratum theory英语短句 例句大全

底层语言理论,the substratum theory

1)the substratum theory底层语言理论

2)language substratum语言底层


1.The author holds that there are not only lots of lownwords but also substrata words in the language.作者认为撒拉语中不仅有不同来历的借词,还有不同的语言底层。

2.The Word "Lan" in Southern Dialects is of not the Substratum of Ancient Yue Languages;南方方言中的“栏”并非古越语底层词

3.Bottom-up programming means writing a program as a series of layers, each of which serves as a language for the one above自底向上编程意味着一层一层地写程序,每一层作为“语言”供上一层使用。

4.Real games are coded in C++ with low-level routines coded in assembly language.真正的游戏得拿C+来写,一些底层的例程则常用汇编语言写成。

5.Han Chinese-Islamic Cultural Dialog at the Bottom of Society--Evolution of the Hui Language in Brief Retrospection;社会底层的汉-伊斯兰文明对话——对回族语言演进史的简要回顾

6.A Kind of Narration at the Bottom of Society:"Lingual Decolonialism" Under Rustic Reality--On the Artistry of Chen Yingsong’s Novels底层叙事一种:乡村写实下的“言语解殖”——陈应松小说艺术论

7.There would be no end of scandal.流言蜚语会层出不穷。

8.Is the language laboratory on the second floor ?语言实验室在三层吗?

9.The language laboratory is on the top floor.语言实验室在顶层。

10.The language laboratory is on the fourth floor .语言实验室在五层。

11.Chomsky hierarchy language乔姆斯基层次结构语言

12.hierarchy of high-level language processor高级语言加工程序层次

13.The Low Class Literature: Dilemma and Opportunity;底层文学:“代言”的困境及其出路

14.Vigor or weakness results respectively from energy or carelessness.语言生动见之于语言功底; 语言乏力出自泛泛而论。

15.Motivations for Linearity-Semantic/Pragmatic Perspectives;语言线性序列的理据——语义/语用层面

16.bottom-up parsing in production language用产生式语言的自底向上分析

17.Culture is the base environment of language.(Shu Dingfang, 1996).文化是语言的底座环境(束定芳,1996)。

18.Two Special Ways of Using “底”in Xinjiang Dialect;新疆汉语方言“底[ti]”的两种特殊用法


language substratum语言底层


4)the Hierarchy of Languages语言层次理论

5)Language theory语言理论

1.In the field of language theory studies,by combining language .在语言理论研究方面,不仅通过翻译外国理 论 ,结合中国的语言实际编写了不少语言理论教材,而且在指导中国语言现代化实践的过程中 ,产生了有中国特色的语言理论。

6)linguistic theory语言理论

1.The paper generalized the study on Chineselinguistic theory from four aspects firstly.首先从四个方面对当前汉语语言理论领域的研究做出简要概括,并指出其中的三大研究成果及理论创新亮点;进而对现今汉语语言理论研究存在的问题作出剖析;最后对汉语语言理论研究的发展趋势进行展望。

2.The paper analyzes Fuyi-Xing s Three Pairs of Complimentary Relations in the Development of Linguistic Research, and puts forward the direction of linguistic study in order to improve the creation and development of China slinguistic theory.对邢福义《语言学科发展三互补》进行了评析,并提出了语言研究的方向,旨在促进我国语言理论研究的创新与发展。

3.Saussure is the founder of modern linguistics,whoselinguistic theory has influenced all the language researchers after him.他的语言理论一直在影响着后来的语言研究者。


