900字范文 > 窗口理论 the Window Theory英语短句 例句大全

窗口理论 the Window Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 08:38:03


窗口理论 the Window Theory英语短句 例句大全

窗口理论,the Window Theory

1)the Window Theory窗口理论


1.Studies on the SEO Behaviors of China Listed Companies under the Theory of Windows of Opportunities;机会窗口理论下我国上市公司的增发行为研究

2.On the Application of Window Theory in Humbolt s Gift;试论“窗口”叙事理论在《洪堡的礼物》中的运用

3.A special economic zone is a medium for introducing technology, management and knowledge.特区是个窗口,是技术的窗口,管理的窗口,知识的窗口,

4.Study on the Theory and Practice of China s Window Guidance-one of the Monetary Policy Instruments;我国窗口指导货币政策工具的理论与实践

5.Optimizing of the Window Services in Outpatient Pharmacy Based on Queuing Theory基于排队理论优化门诊药房窗口服务的探讨

6.A special economic zone is a medium for introducing technology, management and knowledge. It is also a window for our foreign policy.特区是个窗口,是技术的窗口,管理的窗口,知识的窗口,也是对外政策的窗口。

7.Pop-up Site Manager window弹出式网站管理器窗口

8.It can be much better to go cleanly from one window to the next.这时,一个窗口一个窗口来管理则要好得多。

9.Open windows of Windows, windows in Windows, shut down Windows.开窗口在视窗,窗口在视窗,关机闭视窗.

10.Process the scroll bar messages to the window procedure.处理到窗口处理函数的滚动条消息。

11.Application of queuing theory in window service of dining room;排队论在学校食堂窗口服务中的应用

12.The Traits of Windows in the Killers by Hemingway;论海明威《杀人者》一文中窗口的特点

13.Send scroll bar messages to the window procedure of the window containing the scroll bar.发送滚动条消息给包含滚动条的窗口的窗口处理函数。

14.There is a window open for this connection. Please close the window to retarget the snapin.此连接有一个打开的窗口。请关闭此窗口,然后重新启动管理单元。

15.The stack window gives alternative way to manage multiple dialog boxes inside single window( see picture).堆栈窗口可以让你用另一种方法来管理单个窗口中的多个对话框。

16.Windows Kill Ver:窗口杀手 Ver:

17.The Design of General Report Window Class in MIS管理信息系统通用报表窗口类的设计

18.Research into the running mechanism of window application on windows;Windows窗口应用程序的运行机理研究


the Theory of Windows of Opportunities机会窗口理论

1.Studies on the SEO Behaviors of China Listed Companies underthe Theory of Windows of Opportunities;机会窗口理论下我国上市公司的增发行为研究

3)windows management窗口管理

1.The system architecture was illustrated at first,and then descriptions of device context,windows management and message processing were also discussed.针对该软件平台的嵌入式图形构件库的设计和实现,概述了其系统体系结构,并对包括设备描述表、窗口管理和消息处理在内的主要模块进行了详细介绍。

puter concepts such aswindows management, virtual technology, metamorphosis, recursion etc.计算机的窗口管理、虚拟技术、变形、递归等概念都是一些实际的叙事策略。

4)Window management窗口管理

1.Based on the previous researches, this paper examined the effects of the types of window display and window management of browser on hypertext information retrieval in the conditions of different networking speed and navigation modes, in o.本论文在仔细分析前人研究的基础上,着重考察在采用不同导航模式和网页响应速度的超文本中浏览器窗口呈现方式和窗口管理方式对信息检索绩效的影响,以期为超文本和浏览器的优化设计提供有关的人机工效学依据。

5)windows inference窗口推理

6)"open window"theory"开窗"理论

1.This essay has briefly stated the function and functioning principles of SIgA,analyzed the functioning mechanism and the influence that exercise has on the level of SIgA,and made a tentative study about the functions on the changes of SIgA caused by exercise in “open window”theory and URTI.简述SIgA的功能及作用原理 ,分析运动对SIgA水平的影响及其机制 ,并就运动引起SigA的变化在“开窗”理论和URTI中的作用试作探讨。


