900字范文 > 巴门尼德 Parmenides英语短句 例句大全

巴门尼德 Parmenides英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-12 05:03:42


巴门尼德 Parmenides英语短句 例句大全



1.What does the "Being" ofParmenides Leave;巴门尼德的“存在”留给我们什么

2.FromParmenides,Sophists to Scrates——A brief analysis on the philosophic connotation of "know yourself";从巴门尼德、智者到苏格拉底——浅析苏格拉底“认识你自己”的哲学蕴涵


1.Parmenides responded: lightness is positive, weight negative.巴门尼德回答说:轻乃正,重乃负。

2.On Parmenides"Being in the Aspect of Language and Existence从语言与存在的维度看巴门尼德的Being

3.The Leads for the Development of Early Greek Philosophy from Parmenides to the School of the Wise早期希腊哲学从巴门尼德到智者派的发展线索

4.On the Turning Point of Plato s Construction from <Parmenides>;从《巴门尼德斯篇》透视柏拉图本体论建构的转向

5.Show a Way and Formulate some Rules for Pursuing Truth──A New Explanation to Parmenides Thought;为寻求真理指路定规——巴门尼德思想新释

6.From Parmenides,Sophists to Scrates--A brief analysis on the philosophic connotation of "know yourself";从巴门尼德、智者到苏格拉底——浅析苏格拉底“认识你自己”的哲学蕴涵

7.A Decoding Study of Parmenides s Fragments--A Concurrent Study of συ and ontology in Greek Philosophy;对于巴门尼德残篇的解读意见——兼论希腊哲学中的συ和ontology

8.The first treatment of the theory occurred in the Republic and it was developed in the Parmenides.柏拉图“理念论”最初出现在《理想国》一书中,后来在《巴门尼德》中被进-步发展。

9.The Quest for Philosophical Language and the Rise of Ontology;语言的寻求与本体论的肇兴——从泰勒斯到巴门尼德的哲学内在逻辑演绎

10.Su Nuraxi di Barumini苏-纳拉西-德-巴尔米尼

11.Colonia del Sacramento科洛尼亚-德尔萨克拉门托

12.Bathsheba therefore went unto king Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah.19于是,拔示巴去见所罗门王,要为亚多尼雅提说。

13.The American defense of Bastogne sealed their fate.美军坚守住了巴斯托尼,这就决定了德军的命运。

14.Frank Barry and John Delaney were bosom friends.弗兰克·巴里有一位知心好友叫约翰·德莱尼。

15.An Encounter with Heterogeneity:An Understanding of Plato’s Parmenides;异质性的得而复失——柏拉图《巴曼尼德斯篇》读解

16.and the men of the half-tribe of Manasseh were living in the land: and their numbers were increased till all the land from Bashan to Baal-hermon and Senir and the mountain Hermon was theirs.玛拿西半支派的人住在那地。从巴珊延到巴力黑们,示尼珥与黑门山。

17.Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue桑蒂西莫-特立尼达-德-巴拉那和杰西-德-塔瓦兰古耶酥会传教场所

18.I arrived in China a little unsure, but full of hope and passion.我毕业于位于弗吉尼亚里查门德的弗吉尼亚联合大学。



1.An Encounter with Heterogeneity:An Understanding of Plato’sParmenides;异质性的得而复失——柏拉图《巴曼尼德斯篇》读解


4)Achaemenid dynasty阿黑门尼德王朝

1.Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions in the world history,which is also a dominating religion inAchaemenid dynasty.祆教是世界历史上最古老的宗教 ,是波斯阿黑门尼德王朝的主要宗教信仰。

5)Jean Deny德尼

1.Three French scholars,namely,Jean Deny,Louis Bazin and James Hamilton contributed prominently to the turcological and Uyghur studies.H am ilton)三位法国学者在突厥学、维吾尔学研究方面的贡献突出。

6)ML 100℃ 1+4门尼


