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知识分子 Intellectual英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-18 11:38:28


知识分子 Intellectual英语短句 例句大全



1.The Professional Spirit of Librarian and theIntellectual;知识分子语境中的图书馆员职业精神

2.Research on intellectual s intent of religious tourism and recreation in Changsha;长沙市知识分子宗教游憩意向研究

3.The Investigation on Constitution and Sports inIntellectual in Partial Area in China;对中国部分地区知识分子体质及运动状况的调查分析


1.The salary of intellectuals is low.知识分子的工资十分低

2.I say these people are intellectuals and at the same time not intellectuals, maybesemi-intellectuals is a more appropriate term.我说,这种人是知识分子,又不是知识分子,叫半知识分子比较妥当。

3.The intellectual elite of a society.知识分子社会中知识者的精英

4.Intellectuals are mental workers.知识分子是脑力劳动者。

5.World Union of Intellectuals世界知识分子联合会

6.Moreover, intellectuals are educators.知识分子又是教育者。

7.The good name of our intellectuals must be restored.知识分子的名誉要恢复。

8.She is a young intellectual.她是位年轻的知识分子。

9.a lightweight intellect.无足轻重的知识分子。

10.He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.他喜欢自命为知识分子.

11.697, or 23.4 percent, are intellectuals;知识分子697名,占23.4%;

12.Khmer Students and Intellectuals Association高棉学生和知识分子协会(知识分子协会)

13.An intellectual;a highbrow.知识分子知识分子,自以为有大学问的人

14.From Shi(Scholar-official) to Intellectual:the Forming of Modern Intellectual;从“士”到知识分子——略论现代知识分子的形成

15.Humanity intellectuals: The Perfect Expression to Intellectual Spirit;人文知识分子:“知识分子精神”的完整表达

16.Research on Intellectuals Physical and Psychological Health State;知识分子身心健康研究中的“知识分子”考证

17.On the Unique Role of Intellectuals in the Knowledge Economy Age;充分发挥知识分子在知识经济时代的特殊作用

18.Rebuilding the Standpoint of Knowledge and Personality--On Xu Fuguan s View about Chinese Intellectuals;重建知识与人格的立足点——徐复观的知识分子论



1.Longevity of Chinese Intellectuals;中国知识分子:短命还是长寿?——中国知识分子健康研究报告之一

2.Thinking of the Work Among the Intellectuals in Colleges and Universities Under New Situation;新形势下高校知识分子工作的思考

3.Onintellectuals personality of modern newspapermen;略论近代报人的知识分子品格

3)the intellectual知识分子

1.Talking about “take officer as basis” andthe intellectual s death of being tired;浅谈“官本位”与知识分子“过劳死”

2.The Intellectuals""Going to the Countryside"and the Revolutionary Predicament in Modern China Countryside—An Analysis on the Experiment of County Government Building in 1930s知识分子“下乡”与近代中国乡村变革的困境——对20世纪30年代县政建设实验的解析

3.Through questionnaire investigation ofthe intellectuals health situation in Jilin City.通过问卷调查法对东北老工业基地吉林市知识分子健康状况进行调查分析,调查结果不容乐观,因此建议有关单位和部门积极关注知识分子的身心健康,关注他们的工作和生活,把提高知识分子的健康水平纳入工作日程,高校体育俱乐部要全面指定出符合其需要的、适合其特点的、行之有效的服务体系,针对亚健康状态和一些慢性疾病,制定出一系列的运动处方,并掌握一定运动康复的具体方法进行综合防治。


1."Four Sentences of Heng Qu" and the Intelligentsias Sense of Mission;“横渠四句”与知识分子的使命感

2.Modernintelligentsia pursued different cultural spaces compared to the traditional scholar-bureaucrats.与传统士大夫相比,现代知识分子对于文化空间的需求迥然不同。

3.At that time Chineseintelligentsia played the first role in the transfer of thoughts.在这一过程中,中国的知识分子首当其冲,走在了思想变革的最前端。

5)The intellectuals知识分子

1.The dual role of the commumist party member and the intellectuals,often perplexed the industry subject writers such as CaoMing at the beginning of the founding of the P.党员与知识分子的双重身份,使建国初期以草明为代表的工业题材创作者,在处理党、工人阶级与知识分子的领导与被领导的关系时经常陷入困惑。

2.There was an inequal connection between the intellectuals and the public.“文革”后文学的功能已大大超越了文学性本身,知识分子以“社会的良心”自居,以“精英意识”启蒙民众,与民众之间形成了不平等的“说”与“听”的权力关系。

3.Thousands of years Chinese culture and tradition make the intellectuals have formed the ideal of noble personality,namely,highly social obligation and evil-departing and self-surpassed spirit of independence.中国千百年的文化传统形成了知识分子崇高的人格理想:具有高度的社会责任感和不同流俗、超越自我的独立精神。


1.Epidemiological Research of Diabetes Mellitus in Clerisy;知识分子糖尿病流行病学研究

2.The thesis deeply analyses the reason of change,and what s more,scans the acculturation state ofclerisy in the society.本文通过《雷雨》1951年开明书店版修改本与1934年《文学季刊》原刊本对校,阐释两本的异同和由此体现出的曹禺创作思想的变化,从三个方面来对变化的原因进行深入的分析,继而进一步审视知识分子在社会中的文化生存问题。

3.Under the influence of conservative mentality, under the influence of absolute authoritative consciousness and equalitarian thought , under the influence of collectivistic,idealist, utilitarian institutional concept and traditional ethic, the reform thought of Chinese modernclerisy existed drastic antinomy and contrast.中国近代知识分子在保守拒变心理、专制权威意识、平均主义思想和自私冷漠的政治心态的制约下,在知识分子特有的群体至上思想、理想主义、功利主义文化观及传统道德观念的影响下,其变革思想中往往存在着激烈的矛盾冲突和反差,在一定程度上影响了近代社会变革的进程。


