900字范文 > 知识分子写作 intellectual writing英语短句 例句大全

知识分子写作 intellectual writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-02 05:50:35


知识分子写作 intellectual writing英语短句 例句大全

知识分子写作,intellectual writing

1)intellectual writing知识分子写作

1.This article unscrambles the two cognominal poems "One Become Old" which wrote by Xi Chuan who is the representative ofintellectual writing school and Shen Hao-bo who is the representative of "fleshy and sensual concern" school.从文本出发,解读了“知识分子写作”代表诗人西川和“下半身”盟主沈浩波的同名诗歌《一个人老了》。

2.We can understand the development of Chinese contemporary poesy from the argument betweenintellectual writing and folk position.“知识分子写作”与“民间写作”是20世纪90年代发生在中国诗坛上的代表性事件,通过审视“知识分子写作”与“民间写作”的论争可以从中了解中国当代诗歌的发展走向。

3.Through a complete exploration of poetic topics such as epic myth,intellectual writing, folk writing, vanguard complex, female consciousness and body writing, some characteristics of 90 s poetic circles can be seen as follows.通过对史诗神话、知识分子写作、民间写作、先锋情结、女性意识、身体写作等命题的全面寻绎,可以发现90年代诗坛呈现以下特点:史诗神话已离我们远去,长诗写作只是诗人们理想主义情怀的某种实现;“知识分子写作”和“民间写作”命题并不存在本质上的对立,倒是有着很强的通约性;先锋情结趋于淡化,乡土意识开始回归;走出身体写作的误区,成为诗歌中女性意识自觉的当务之急。


1.On "The Intellectual Writing" as a Poetry School;论作为诗歌流派的“知识分子写作”

2.The Poetry of 90"s "Intellectuals Writing"论90年代诗歌中的“知识分子写作”

3.Another Way of Protest of the Intellectuals--on Yang Jiang’s Writing Styles;知识分子的另一种抗争方式——论杨绛的知识分子写作特征

4.The Using the Discourse Structure of the Essays as Writing Style by Intellectuals in Late Qing Dynasty;论作为知识分子写作方式的晚清散文话语建构

5.On the Spiritual Orientation and Poetic Position of the Intellectual Writing School;“知识分子写作”诗歌流派的精神向度和诗学立场

6.Non-intellectuals Writing ": A Tide and Tendency of "the Literature of the Great Cultural Revolution;“非知识分子写作”:“文革文学”的一种潮流与倾向

7.On Zhang Chengzhi"s Literature in the New Century底层和边缘立场下的知识分子写作——论张承志新世纪的文学创作

8.Intellectual Writing Under the conspiracy of Folk and the Temple--Analysis the Significance of the Text Production of"The White Hair Girl";民间与庙堂共谋下的知识分子写作——《白毛女》文本生成意义探析

9.A Brief Review of the Circumstances of Intellectual Writing Based on Poet Xi Chuan;聚沙成塔的乌托邦——从西川看“知识分子写作”的极境与绝境

10.Write like the learned, speak like the masses.写作要像知识分子,说话要像人民大众。

11.How Do Contemporary Intellectuals Depict the Bottom of Society?--Seeing Through the "Bottom" Writing;当代知识分子如何表述底层——从打工文学透视底层写作

12.Just Humiliated and Perplexed --On the Description of the Three Generation Intellectuals in Fangfang’s Early Works;正义·屈辱·迷惘——方方早期作品中对三代知识分子的描写

13.On Pearl S. Buck s Novel Kinfolk;抒写"海归派"知识分子的发轫之作——论赛珍珠的长篇小说《同胞》

14.A Descant on the Intellectual s Morbid Description in Lu Xun s Novels;试论鲁迅小说中知识分子的病态描写

15.Island Consciousness: The Writing Situation of Imperial Diaspora Intellectuals;孤岛意识:帝国流散群知识分子的书写状况

16.Knowledge Taxonomy of Cognitive Theory and the Teaching of English Writing认知理论的知识分类思想与英语写作教学

17.On Self-consciousness of Chinese Intellectuals between the Late 19~(th) Century and the Early 20~(th) Century--Taking Shan shili and Lin Shu"s Autobiography Writing as Examples评19、20世纪之交中国知识分子的自我意识——以单士厘、林纾等人的自传写作为例

18.On the Unique Role of Intellectuals in the Knowledge Economy Age;充分发挥知识分子在知识经济时代的特殊作用


The Intellectual Writing知识分子写作

1.“The Intellectual Writing”and“The Folk Writing”are two important poetic theory titles in Chinese contemporary poetry circle, which occur due to poetic debate of the late Twentieth Century.“知识分子写作”与“民间写作”是中国当代诗坛两个重要的诗学称谓,它们因为二十世纪末的诗歌论争浮出水面。

3)Extensive intellectual writing泛知识分子写作

1.The contemporary poetry forms two major trends after hazy poem , what we call them Secular writing andExtensive intellectual writing .当代诗歌在“朦胧诗”后形成了二股大的流向,即所谓的“俗化写作”和“泛知识分子写作"。

4)intellectual cultural writing知识分子文化写作

5)writing knowledge写作知识

1.We should integrate five aspects to construct this system,such as transferingwriting knowledge,upgrading knowledge wisdom,conducting cognitive strategies,fostering writing skills and imparting writing strategies.建构写作智慧体系,需要整合五个方面的内容:传递写作知识、提升认识智慧、传导认知策略、培养写作技能、传授写作策略。

6)intellectual work知识分子工作

1.At present,issues on Chineseintellectual work mainly include: hazy understanding on quality and position of intellectuals;relative delay of policies towards intellectuals;shortage of innovation of work mode;and ambiguity ofintellectual work target and ignorance of intellectual capability construction.现阶段我国知识分子工作存在着对知识分子性质、地位的认识模糊、知识分子政策相对滞后、工作模式缺乏创新、知识分子工作对象不明确、忽视知识分子能力建设等方面的问题。

2.Therefore,we should understand the significance ofintellectual work from the strategic height.所以 ,应从实施科教兴国战略的高度认识知识分子工作的重要意


