900字范文 > 景区公厕 toilet in scenic area英语短句 例句大全

景区公厕 toilet in scenic area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-26 00:14:38


景区公厕 toilet in scenic area英语短句 例句大全

景区公厕,toilet in scenic area

1)toilet in scenic area景区公厕

1.Secondly,the design ways of thetoilet in scenic area were revealed about the 4 specialities of scenic area.在良好的经济背景下,各地景区的大量开发与景区公厕建设的相对滞后形成鲜明对比,影响着游客对景区总体游览过程的满意度。

2)Study on Design of Toilet in Scenic Area景区公厕设计初探

3)public toilet公厕

1.Strategic conception of ecological sanitation engineering ofpublic toilet in Tangshan;唐山市公厕生态卫生工程的战略构想

2.According to present situation ofpublic toilet construction in Taiyan, this paper analyzes existing problems from views of pleasant and harmonious city for living and provides some solution.针对太原市公厕建设的现状,从城市宜居、和谐视野等角度分析了其存在问题,并围绕其展开论述,提出一些解决措施。

3.In order to push the application of water-saving technology,this paper analyzes five kinds of water-saving technologies which used inpublic toilet in Beijing contrastively.为了推进节水公厕技术的应用,对北京市在公厕改建中,采用的五种节水技术进行比较分析。


1.A public toilet, especially one in a school.公共厕所公共厕所,特别指学校中的公厕

2.chemical public toilet使用化学剂清理的公厕

3.Do the Best on the Design for a Public Convenience--The Public Convenience Design for the Lotus Hill Park in Shenzhen公厕设计亦有作为——深圳市莲花山公园厕所建筑设计

4.The Change of Public Toilets and City Civilization-with modern Shanghai as an example;公厕变迁与都市文明——以近代上海为例

5.Analysis of the planning construction and management of urban public toilets浅析现代城市公厕的规划建设与管理

6.To meet growing public expectations, various measures have been taken by the department to improve public toilet facilities, including stationing cleaners in toilets with high usage rates.为满足市民的要求,该署采取多项措施改善公厕设施,包括调派洁净工人长驻使用率高的公厕。

7.Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Provision of Public Toilet Facilities in the Provisional Regional Council Area检讨临区局辖区内的公厕设施专责委员会

8.It was tap water from a Birmingham public toilet.它实际上是伯明翰一座公厕中的自来水。

9.Male Toilet,Female Toilet,Public Pantry男厕、女厕、公共茶水间

10.Where are the nearest puBlic conveniences?最近的公共厕所在哪儿?

11.especially a lavatory in a public place.多指公共场所的厕所。

12.The nearest public conveniences are in the West Street.最近的公共厕所在西街。

13.a woman"s lavatory in a public (or semi-public) building.公共(或半公共)建筑物里边的女厕所。

14.One evening, as usual, the lad turned off the lamps in the ladies" room and men"s room.一天晚上,像往常一样,小伙子关上公共女厕和公共男厕的灯。

15.A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.公共厕所通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种公共厕所

16.The only lavatories are foul-smelling public ones.仅有的洗手间是臭气熏天的公共厕所。

17.At least 400 million are without latrines for sanitation.至少4亿人没有维护公共卫生的厕所。

18.a toilet that is available to the public.一个供公共大众使用的厕所。


Study on Design of Toilet in Scenic Area景区公厕设计初探

3)public toilet公厕

1.Strategic conception of ecological sanitation engineering ofpublic toilet in Tangshan;唐山市公厕生态卫生工程的战略构想

2.According to present situation ofpublic toilet construction in Taiyan, this paper analyzes existing problems from views of pleasant and harmonious city for living and provides some solution.针对太原市公厕建设的现状,从城市宜居、和谐视野等角度分析了其存在问题,并围绕其展开论述,提出一些解决措施。

3.In order to push the application of water-saving technology,this paper analyzes five kinds of water-saving technologies which used inpublic toilet in Beijing contrastively.为了推进节水公厕技术的应用,对北京市在公厕改建中,采用的五种节水技术进行比较分析。

4)public lavatory公厕

1.Thepublic lavatory is an important facility in public environment.公厕是公共环境中的重要设施,规划设计时,应使其外观与整个环境协调,应根据其使用功能确定合适的规模类型,并选择合适的公厕卫生器具和污水排放方式。

5)Parks (Scenic Areas)公园(景区)

6)highway in scenic resort景区公路


