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社区活力 community vitality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-04 03:35:22


社区活力 community vitality英语短句 例句大全

社区活力,community vitality

1)community vitality社区活力


1.Research on the Influence of Permeable Street Pattern to the Vitality of City Community;可渗透性街道形态对城市社区活力的影响研究

2.Stimulate the Vitality of the Community and Create One Street Space with the Nice Neighbourhood Relations;激发社区活力,创造邻里交往的良好街道空间

3.rehabilitate the mentally/physically disabled in the community使社区中智力[身体]有缺陷的人恢复正常的生活.

4.Film: The power of community-how Cuba survived peak oil?「社区的动力─古巴如何从产油高峰期存活?」

5.Study on the Competitiveness of Retailing Enterprises Based on Community Activities以社区活动为依托的零售商竞争力研究

munity sports and physical recreation association社区康乐体育活动社团

7.The Study of the Influence of the Community-based Rehabilitation on the ADL and the Motor Function of Patients with Stroke;社区康复对脑卒中患者运动功能和日常生活活动能力的影响

8.Effect of community-and-family based rehabilitation guidance on ability of activity of daily living of stroke patients社区及家庭康复指导对脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力的影响

9.During the year, the committee continued to implement the Community Participation Scheme to encourage community organisations to organise civic education activities at the district level.委员会又继续致力推行公民教育活动资助计划,鼓励社区组织举办地区层面的公民教育活动。


munity action projects funding scheme社区环保活动资助计划

12.Study on Activities of Daily Living and Long-term Care Demand of Stroke Patients社区脑卒中患者的日常生活能力与长期照料需求研究

13.Correlation study and analysis of fitness and physical activities of university students南京市中老年社区居民体质状况评价及与体力活动的相关研究

14.Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation Therapy on Activities of Daily Living in Stroke Patients Lived in Community针刺结合功能训练对社区脑卒中患者日常生活能力的影响

15.Long-term Effect of Upper Extremity Function and the Activities of Daily Living on Stroke Patients with Community-based Rehabilitation社区康复对脑卒中患者上肢功能及日常生活活动能力的远期疗效观察

16.Efficacy of Simple Rehabilitation Technique for Community on Activities of Daily Living and Balance Function in Patients after Stroke at Recovery Stage社区康复简易技术对恢复期脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力以及平衡功能的影响

17.The state has mobilized all non-governmental sectors to show concern for impoverished women and support social relief activities for women in poverty-stricken areas.国家广泛动员社会力量,关注贫困妇女,支持各种帮助贫困地区妇女的社会救济活动。

18.The Reorganization of the Community Power Structure in Urban Community Construction;城市社区建设中社区权力结构的重组


community life社区生活

1.Reviving Community Life with Media Metamorphosis媒介形态演化与社区生活的复兴

2.By describing daily life of junkmen in Xingfeng garbage field in Guangzhou, the author holds that junkmen’scommunity life, compositely characterized by urban and rural features, has been maintaining relatively active public life to a certain degree, and that a new urban community has taken shape.通过对广州市兴丰垃圾场上拾荒者日常生活的描述,认为拾荒者的社区生活体现出了都市与乡村的混合特征,在一定程度上维持了相对活跃的公共生活,一个新型的都市社区已显露雏形。

3.From Dewey s perspective of the productive pragmatic technology, we can observe that the technological renovation greatly influence the development of society, and therefore, the relevant methods should be adopted to construct thecommunity life.论证了美国实用主义及其主要特点:强调行动,坚持真理与效果的一致性,具有工具主义的方法论特征;从杜威的生产性实用主义技术观出发,阐述了实用主义有关技术创新对社会发展所造成的影响和建设社区生活应采取的相应对策的问题;并对生产性实用主义技术哲学所引起的争议加以概括评析。

3)Community activities社区活动

4)social vitality社会活力

1.The paper aims at sorting out historical evolvement of the conception of vitality,scanning the process of the idea of vitality from the dimension of time and space,in order to offer a theoretical foundation for the research of theory ofsocial vitality.以水与火作为载体,对中西哲学史上的活力思想回溯、梳理与分析,找出其共识与差异,既是正确理解社会活力本质的有益视角与思路,又能为建构有活力的和谐社会提供宏大的理论支撑和方法论的启示。

2.By way of discussin the origin and source of the question ofsocial vitality, the paper has deep analysis onsocial vitality s definition, constitution, main characteristics, the principle of measuringsocial vitality s state.本论文从探讨社会活力问题的提出与理论渊源入手,对社会活力的定义、构成、源泉、主要特征、社会活力的状况以及社会活力在社会发展中的作用作了深入分析。

3.Therefore the inquiry of the generative mechanism of individual vitality plays an important role in guiding and providing the foundation for the research ofsocial vitality.社会活力在当代和谐社会建构中日益突显出其重要意义。

5)social vigor社会活力

1.While the imbalance of social interest,structure restricts seriously thesocial vigor in our country.社会利益结构的失衡严重制约了我国社会活力。

2.Based on the General Secretary Hu Jintao s thoughts on the six basic features of harmonious society and the investigation and analysis of the actual fact of Xiaonan District, this article probes into the problems ofsocial vigor, social justice, and social stability, and proposes some relevant suggestions and countermeasures of the construction of harmonious society.文章根据胡锦涛总书记关于建设和谐社会6个基本特征的思想,通过调查分析孝南区经济社会发展的现状,对社会活力、社会公平和社会稳定问题进行了探讨,并提出了构建和谐社会的相应建议。

3.According to the two main parameters, organization efficiency andsocial vigor, government integration model can be classified into four types, i.以组织效率和社会活力两个主要参数为依据,我们可以把人类历史上出现过的政府整合类型大致分为四种,即:僵化-低效型、僵化-高效型、活力-低效型和活力-高效型。

6)energetic society活力社会

1.At present because our country is in the period of social conversion,and also the period of the appearance of contradictories,some disorder and unruled incidence appear in the society,thus our present aim should be constructingenergetic society.当前,我国正处于社会转型期,也是矛盾凸显期,社会出现了某些失序与失控,因此,我们当前的目标应是建设活力社会。


比活力分子式:CAS号:性质:S.A. 一种酶纯度的表示法,以lmg蛋白质(或蛋白氮)所含的酶活力单位数表示。比活力=活力单位数/蛋白(氮)量(mg)=总活力单位数/总蛋白(氮)量(mg)。比活力越大,表示酶的纯度愈高。
