900字范文 > 创造活力 creative vitality英语短句 例句大全

创造活力 creative vitality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-15 22:24:15


创造活力 creative vitality英语短句 例句大全

创造活力,creative vitality

1)creative vitality创造活力

1.Constructing the socialist harmonious society must make the overall society be full of vitality, and the key question is inspiriting thecreative vitality of social main-bodies.构建社会主义和谐社会必须使整个社会充满活力,其根本的问题是激发社会主体的创造活力。


1.The "Four Respects" Stimulates the Laborers Creative Ability;“四个尊重”激发广大劳动者的创造活力

2.A Philosophical Interpretation of Harmonious Society and Overall Creation of Vitality;对和谐社会与全社会创造活力的哲学思考

3.Interact between Teacher and Students to Create Active English Teaching in Vocational Colleges;师生互动,创造有活力的高职英语教学

4.Full of productivity or vitality; exuberantly creative.生气勃勃的充满活力的或多产的;创造力旺盛的

5.Increasing the Intensity of the Students Scientific and Technological Activities to Develep the Talents with Creative Abilities;加大学生科技活动力度 培养有创造能力的人才

6.Creativity and Realization for Pleasant Atmosphere--On Potential Stimulation in Teaching;创造愉悦氛围 实现愉悦创造——论教学中的智力激活

7."Continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality"不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机和活力

8.Where did my son"s ability to create new life come from?我儿子创造新生活的能力是从哪里来的?

9.Devotes lives at home the environment to the beautification, creates the good light culture.致力于美化家居生活环境,创造良好的光文化。

10.I like programs that are active, creative and entertaining.我喜欢活泼有创造力,娱乐性强的电视节目。

11.Stimulate the Vitality of the Community and Create One Street Space with the Nice Neighbourhood Relations;激发社区活力,创造邻里交往的良好街道空间

12.Strengthening innovating concept Adding learning energy Moulding enterprises giant;强化创新理念 注入学习活力 塑造企业巨人

13.Children s Play and the Development of Children s Creativity;“无为而为”的游戏活动与幼儿创造力的发展

14.A Brief Conclusion about Movable Teaching by Guiding which Trains the Students Creativity;试论导学式活动教学培养学生的创造力

15.Translation - Re-creation Manipulated and Dominated by Dual Influence of Power Discourse;翻译—一种双重权力话语制约下的再创造活动

16.Humanity"s unique achievement is its remarkably intense level of activity and creativity, its cumulative capacity to create change.人类的独特成就在于它非凡的高强度的活力和创造力,它那累积的能力可以创造变化。

17.The essence of life is spirit,and the cosmos"s spirit represents with its vitality,therefore the beauty lies in vitality.生命 ,其本质在精神。 宇宙的精神体现在活力上 ,故美在活力 ,活力也就是创造力。

18.Evoke them to try to perform the advertisements, get the students to develop their imagination and creativity through the activities.通过活动激起学生的表演欲望,培养他们的想象力和创造力。


vigor of creativity创造性活力

3)Arousing urban vitality创造城市活力

4)creative activity有创造力的活动

5)Creative activities创造活动

6)creative activat创造激活

1.It holds that such academic ideas as comprehensive view of phenomena, new interpretation of ancient works, in-depth perception andcreative activation provide much enlightenment for the study of ancient literary theory.认为三卷本《体系》中现象通观、原典新释、深度直觉、创造激活的学术理念对当代古文论研究与体系探索很有开示意义。


比活力分子式:CAS号:性质:S.A. 一种酶纯度的表示法,以lmg蛋白质(或蛋白氮)所含的酶活力单位数表示。比活力=活力单位数/蛋白(氮)量(mg)=总活力单位数/总蛋白(氮)量(mg)。比活力越大,表示酶的纯度愈高。
