900字范文 > 活力延续 Vitality extension英语短句 例句大全

活力延续 Vitality extension英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-07 06:01:15


活力延续 Vitality extension英语短句 例句大全

活力延续,Vitality extension

1)Vitality extension活力延续

2)continued time of stress wave应力波延续时间

1.Numerical results indicate that the shortercontinued time of stress wave,the narrower high .采用基于细观损伤力学基础上开发的动态版RFPA2D数值模拟软件,对动载荷作用下应力波延续时间、应力波峰值和围压对岩石试样破坏的影响进行了数值研究,结果表明,应力波延续时间较短,则尾随应力波波前的高应力区范围较窄,应力波衰减较快;相反,应力波延续时间较长,则紧跟应力波波前的高应力区范围较大,岩石处于破坏状态的时间延长,岩石的破碎程度加大。

3)fumarase activity延胡索酸酶活力


1.The continue and variance of funeral ritual——A research about a village named MT in the north of Hunan;葬礼仪式的延续与变迁——对湘北MT村的个案研究

2.For the latter, various kinds of the Chinese literary traditions are all inherited and continued fully in Song Ci.就前者而言,男女情爱的内容、香艳柔婉的风格,都被宋代词人所继承;就后者而言,中国文学的诸多传统,都在宋词中得到了充分的继承与延续。

3.With the course of urbanization is accelerated unceasingly , it is more and more instancy to protect and continue the historic culture .随着中国城市化进程不断加快,保护和延续城市的历史文脉变得越来越迫切。


1.His illness continued long.他的病延续了好久。

2.It can continue on subsequent lines.它可延续到后面的行内。

3.It maylast till Friday.这可能要延续到星期五.

4.This hostility has continued into our own day.这种敌对情绪延续至今。

5.The tradition has persisted to this day.这传统一直延续到今天。

6.The tradition continued to be followed even these days.这项传统一直延续至今。

7.Bed rock is continuous.基岩是延续不断的。

8.Inspector Continuation Course [Customs and Excise Department]督察延续课程〔香港海关〕

9.duration of germinating ability种子发芽力延续时间

10.heating period of the engine发动机加热延续时间

11.This specialized subject spreads over three years.这门专业课要延续三年。

12.The custom held on for two generations.这个风俗延续了两代人。

13.The grammar lectures spread over into the next term.语法课延续到下个学期。

14.His family tree stretches Back for years.他的家谱延续了好几代。

15.hour grass blanking带料延续拉延用工字形切口

16.Briefly on Teaching English Durative and Non-durative Verbs;浅谈英语延续性动词和非延续性动词的教学

17.On the sustainable renewal in cities based on the following the historical context基于文脉延续策略的城市可持续更新

18.Finally, Matsushita promotes managerial continuity through long job tenure.最后松下通过延长任职期,推进管理的延续性。


continued time of stress wave应力波延续时间

1.Numerical results indicate that the shortercontinued time of stress wave,the narrower high .采用基于细观损伤力学基础上开发的动态版RFPA2D数值模拟软件,对动载荷作用下应力波延续时间、应力波峰值和围压对岩石试样破坏的影响进行了数值研究,结果表明,应力波延续时间较短,则尾随应力波波前的高应力区范围较窄,应力波衰减较快;相反,应力波延续时间较长,则紧跟应力波波前的高应力区范围较大,岩石处于破坏状态的时间延长,岩石的破碎程度加大。

3)fumarase activity延胡索酸酶活力


1.The continue and variance of funeral ritual——A research about a village named MT in the north of Hunan;葬礼仪式的延续与变迁——对湘北MT村的个案研究

2.For the latter, various kinds of the Chinese literary traditions are all inherited and continued fully in Song Ci.就前者而言,男女情爱的内容、香艳柔婉的风格,都被宋代词人所继承;就后者而言,中国文学的诸多传统,都在宋词中得到了充分的继承与延续。

3.With the course of urbanization is accelerated unceasingly , it is more and more instancy to protect and continue the historic culture .随着中国城市化进程不断加快,保护和延续城市的历史文脉变得越来越迫切。


1.Living with High-quality, Original Ecology andExtension of Lifestyle ——Talking about Concept Innovation of Old City Reconstruction;“高质量、原生态的居住与生活方式的延续”——谈旧城改造中的理念创新问题

2.The ImageExtension of Traditional Street Space;传统街巷空间意象的延续

3.Invention implementation is a process of innovation and an extension of creation process.发明实施是一个创新过程,是创造过程的延续与扩展。


1.Continuity, Remodelling and Symbiosis;延续、重塑与共生——浅谈建筑设计中的环境塑造

2.Discontinuity or Continuity: An Understanding of the Enlightenment Function of the Chinese Literature in the 20~(th) Century;中断还是延续:对二十世纪中国文学启蒙性的理解

3.Thecontinuity and development of the new China s combating the hegemonism policy;新中国反对霸权主义政策的延续与发展


轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)residual stresses in rollzhagun eanyu yingli轧辊残余应力(residual stresses in roll)见礼辐应力。
