900字范文 > 水体设计 Water Body Design英语短句 例句大全

水体设计 Water Body Design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-03 15:45:03


水体设计 Water Body Design英语短句 例句大全

水体设计,Water Body Design

1)Water Body Design水体设计

2)body-type design of tailwater tunnel尾水洞体型设计

3)P Removal Efficiency水体景观生态设计


1.Studies on the Purification of Aquatic Plants and Its Utilization in Ecological Landscape Designing of Water Scenery;水生植物的净化作用及其在水体景观生态设计中的应用研究

2.Morphological Integrity of Urban Water Landscape System Design城市水体景观系统的形态完整性设计

3.Studies on Landscape Ecological Planning and Design about Urban Waterfront;城市滨水区景观生态规划与设计研究

4.The Research about the Strategy of Ecological Landscape Design in the Urban Waterfront;城市滨水区景观设计的生态策略研究

5.Study on the Landscape Design of the Urban Waterfront on the Loess Plateau Based on the Ecology;基于生态观的黄土高原城市滨水区景观设计

6.Landscape and Ecological Design of Water-accessible Embankment and Study on Its Hydraulic Characteristics;亲水堤岸的景观生态设计及水力特性研究

7.Application of Ecological Landscape Theory in Environmental Design of Water Factory:the Case of Gaoxing (Binjiang) Water Factory,Hangzhou City生态园林理念在水厂环境设计中的体现——以杭州高新(滨江)水厂环境景观设计为例

8.Urban Waterfront of Cold Area Green Landscape Ecological Planning and Design Research寒地城市滨水绿地景观的生态规划与设计研究

9.Research on Ecological Landscape Planning and Design of Urban Waterfront城市滨水空间景观生态规划与设计探析

10.On the Objective System of Ecological Design and Planning of Urban Wetland Landscape论城市湿地景观生态规划设计的目标体系

11.Local Expression of Landscape Design Against the Backdrop of Ecology;景观设计生态背景下的本土文化表达

12.Discussion on water ecology design in landscape planning--A case study on the design of seashore landscape belt in Jiaonan City,Qingdao景观规划中水生态环境设计的途径——以青岛胶南水城滨海景观带设计为例

13.Study of the Urban Landscape"s Constitution、Planning and Designing;城市景观空间格局及景观生态规划与设计研究

14.The Preliminary Discussion on the Plan and Design of Tour Landscape in Urban Districts-- An Enlightenment from Landscape Ecology;城区旅游景观规划设计初探——景观生态学的启示

15.Application of Landscaping Ecology Mode in Urban Landscape Design景观生态学模式在城市景观设计中的应用

16.The Landscape Ecological Design of Eco-tourism Development in Popular Science Garden of Water and Soil Conservation --Take Fuzhou Popular Science Garden of Water and Soil Conservation Ecology as an Example水土保持科教园区生态旅游开发的景观生态设计——以福州市水土保持生态科教园区为例

17.Environment and Landscape Design Based on Ecological Sustainability--Reflection on education of environment and landscape design;基于生态持续性观念的环境景观设计——对环境景观设计教育的思考

18.Eco-design for Rural Landscape Planning in the Context of the New Rural Development新农村建设背景下乡村景观规划的生态设计


body-type design of tailwater tunnel尾水洞体型设计

3)P Removal Efficiency水体景观生态设计

4)Research on the Desing of Waterscape水体景观设计研究

5)water supply design给水设计

1.Discussion on several problems ofwater supply design in multi layer residential building浅谈多层住宅楼给水设计的几个问题

6)hydraulic design水力设计

1.An optimalhydraulic design method of diffuser for helico-axial multiphase pump;螺旋轴流式混输泵导叶水力设计的一种选型方法

2.CAD software development forhydraulic design of semi-spiral suction chambers;半螺旋形吸水室水力设计CAD软件开发

3.Water surface line analysis andhydraulic design of distribution channel;配水渠水面线分析与水力设计


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
