900字范文 > 冬季水体变化 water body change英语短句 例句大全

冬季水体变化 water body change英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-01 05:10:31


冬季水体变化 water body change英语短句 例句大全

冬季水体变化,water body change

1)water body change冬季水体变化

2)features of winter precipitation change冬季降水变化特征

3)Winter temperature changes冬季气温变化


1.Advances in the Research of Winter Air Temperature Variation of Three Provinces in Northeast China东北三省冬季气温变化的有关研究进展

2.Analysis on Effect of the Features of change of winter Air Temperature on Greenhouse Vegetable in Huaihe valley in Anhui province安徽省淮河流域冬季气温变化特征及其对温室蔬菜影响的分析

3.The variations of winter temperature in DaLian were similar with those in china.大连地区冬季气温与全国冬季气温年代际变化的步调基本一致。

4.The Changing Characteristics of Winter Temperature and Negative Accumulated Temperature in Kuerle during 1959-库尔勒1959-冬季气温及负积温变化特征

5.Method for Forecasting Winter Daily City Gas Load Based on Air Temperature Variation基于气温变化的冬季城市燃气日负荷预测方法

6.Variations of Winter Temperature in DaLian and Analysis on Its Impact Factors;大连地区冬季气温的变化特征和影响因子分析

7.The Variation of the Latent Heat Flux and Its Relationship with the Winter Air Temperature in China;太平洋潜热变化及其与中国冬季气温的关系

8.Variation trends of temperature in different seasons were similar to that of annual mean temperature except that in winter.不同季节平均气温的变化趋势与年平均气温变化趋势基本一致,仅冬季平均气温有差异。

9.Interannual Variations of Winter Temperature in China and Their Relationship with the Atmospheric Circulation and Sea Surface Temperature我国冬季气温的年际变化及其与大气环流和海温异常的关系

10.Climate Characteristics of Summer and Winter Temperature and Interannual Variation Analysis in Shandong Province;山东省冬夏季气温变化的气候特征及其年际变化分析

11.Wavelet Analysis of Variations of Recent 60 Years Winter Temperature and Summer Precipitation in Wuhan武汉近60年冬季气温和夏季降雨量变化的小波分析

12.Change characteristics of air temperature in Ningxia and of atmospheric circulation of 500 hPa in Winter;宁夏冬季气温的变化及同期500hPa环流特征量的变化特征

13.The Climatic Variety and Anomaly of the Winter Mean Air Temperature of the East Monsoon Area in China我国东部季风区冬季气温的气候变暖特征

14.Warming on the Northwest westerly with the impact of winter temperatures气温变暖对西北西风带冬季气温的影响分析

15.Wind-Chill Temperature Changes in Winter over China during the Last 50 Years近50年来中国冬季风寒温度的变化

16.Variation in Body and Skin Temperatures in Angora Rabbits during Summer and Winter in ShangHai Area上海地区长毛兔冬夏季的体温和皮温变化

17.Spatial/Temporal Variations of Winter Air Temperature in North-east China and the Relationship between SSTA in Tropical Indian Ocean and the Air Temperature;东北地区冬季气温异常的时空变化特征及其与热带印度洋海温异常的关系

18.The regularity of soil temperature and air temperature and humidity in different parts of a greenhouse during cucumber cultivation in autumn and winter秋冬季节黄瓜栽培设施中不同部位土壤温度及空气温湿度的变化规律


features of winter precipitation change冬季降水变化特征

3)Winter temperature changes冬季气温变化

4)Wintering Waterfowl冬季水鸟

1.Investigation onWintering Waterfowl at the Middle Reaches of Jialingjiang River;嘉陵江中游冬季水鸟的调查

5)Winter flooding冬季水淹

6)flood in winter season冬季水灾


冬季一年的第四季,我国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间。也指农历‘十、十一、十二 ’三个月。参看〖四季 〗。
