900字范文 > 水库水体 reservoir water body英语短句 例句大全

水库水体 reservoir water body英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-23 09:02:34


水库水体 reservoir water body英语短句 例句大全

水库水体,reservoir water body

1)reservoir water body水库水体


1.Three-Dimension Mathematical Model of Total Phosphor in the Reservoir and Application;水库水体总磷三维数学模型及其应用

2.Experimental Researches on Eutrophication of Reservoir Water on the Outskirts of Chongqing;重庆郊区水库水体富营养化试验研究

3.Math Model of the Moving and Changing BOD-DO in the Reservoir and Application;水库水体中BOD-DO迁移转化的数学模型及其应用

4.Preliminary Study on Methylmercury Distribution in Yelanghu Reservoir夜郎湖水库水体甲基汞的分布模式初步研究

5.In general, the water quality of large reservoirs was good.大型水库水质总体良好。

6.A lowering of the water level in a reservoir or other body of water.池降水库或其它水体的水位降低

7.water-level ( in a reservoir,etc)(水库等的)水平面

8.Water that infiltrates the soil and is located in underground reservoirs called aquifers.浇灌渗入土壤且位于地下水库或蓄水层之水体。

9.Time-space Varieties of Heavy Metals in Water Body of the Three Gorges Reservoir after the Water Level Reached 135 Meters;三峡水库135m蓄水前后水体重金属变异研究

10.Study on Arsenic, Lead, and Chromium Toxic Heavy Metals in Three Gorges Reservoir Region after Impoundment;三峡水库蓄水后水体中有毒重金属砷、铅、铬研究

11.A body of water, such as a lake or reservoir, formed by usually deliberate flooding.积水湖通常由故意的积水而形成的水体,例如一个湖或水库

12.Eutrophication Investigation on the Backwater Reach of the Daning River after 135-m Water Storage of the Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡水库135m蓄水后大宁河回水段水体富营养化研究

13.The waters in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural collective economic organizations are collectively owned.农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、水库中的水,属于集体所有。

14.A Applied Study on Reducing Cement of Concrete in Bao-Feng Dam减少宝峰水库坝体混凝土水泥用量的应用研究

15.A One Dimension Water Body Eutrophication Model Computer Simulation of Chongqing Section in the Three Gorges Reservior;三峡水库重庆段一维水体富营养化计算机模拟

16.The Research On Stability of Jinlongshan Landslide After the Reservoir Storing Water;水库蓄水后金龙山谷坡Ⅱ区蠕滑体稳定性研究

17.Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Scouring of Silt in Front of Qingtongxia Reservoir Dam;青铜峡水库坝前淤积体水力冲刷的数值模拟

18.Study on Configuration of Ogee Surface in Reconstruction Project of Water-supply Tunnel in Huangyanghe Reservoir;黄羊河水库输水洞改建工程渥奇面体型研究


dam body of reservoir水库坝体


4)divided water bodies of reservoir水库水体分级

5)water reservoir-dam system水库-坝体系


1.Developments in the biogeochemical cycle of mercury inreservoirs;水库汞生物地球化学循环研究进展

2.Investigation and Estimation of Eutrophication in Large and Medium-sized Reservoirs of the Three Gorges Reservoir in Chongqing;三峡库区重庆段大中型水库富营养化调查及评价

3.Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Supply Project of Mopan Mountain Reservoir in Harbin;哈尔滨市磨盘山水库供水工程环境与卫生学评价


水库调节防凌(见水库调度)水库调节防凌(见水库调度)shuiku tiaoiie fangling水库调节防凌见水库调度。
