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预决算 budget and final accounts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-04 08:32:35


预决算 budget and final accounts英语短句 例句大全

预决算,budget and final accounts

1)budget and final accounts预决算

1.Consideration on engineeringbudget and final accounts examination;关于工程预决算审核的思考

2.Self-planning thebudget and final accounts in a project can make the building material used in a planned way.建设单位自编工程预决算可以加强工程材料管理的计划性,使工程预决算尽可能真实地反映工程造价,同时有利于加快工程结算进度和工程管理上台阶。

3.In order to run well and make full use of the investment for capital construction,the investigation ofbudget and final accounts is vital to the management of financial transactions in capital construction.基本建设是国民建设的基础 ,要管理好基础投资 ,使其发挥最大的经济效益 ,审查预决算工作是基建管理中理财把关的重要环节之一。


1.Work Engineering Budget and Settlement well,Advance the Company ecnomic Reckoning;搞好工程预决算 促进企业经济核算

2.Several Problems on Auditing Budget and Final Account审核工程预决算时应注意的几个问题

3.The Execution of Practice Education in Teaching Construction Budget and Settlement;“建筑工程预决算”实践教学的探索

4.Qing Government s Trial National Financial Budget and Final Accountin Between Guangxu and Xuantong Years;光宣之际清政府试办全国财政预决算

5.Budget and Final Accounts Division garden reform experiment《园林工程预决算》实验课改革实践

6.Discussion of Accounting Measurement about Coherence of Financial Budgeting and Financial Statement at Vocational Colleges;高职院校财务预决算衔接中核算问题的探讨

7.final account of revenue and expenditure ofextra - budgetary funds预算外资金收支决算

8.IV. To establish a plan for the year, report, estimated cost and final cost.四、议决年度工作计画、报告及预算、决算。

9.hand down a budget, legal decision, verdict公布预算、 判决、 裁定.

10.(4) To draw up and introduce budgets and final accounts;(四)编制并提出财政预算、决算;

11.China"s defense budget and final accounts are reviewed and approved by the NPC.国防费预算、决算由全国人大审查批准。

12.examination and approval procedure for final account ofrevenue and expenditure of extra - budgetary funds预算外资金收支决算审批程序

13.Geological Survey Expenditures: Unified Budget Actions and Final Accounts;浅谈地质调查经费预算与决算的统一

14.(vi) determine the program and adopt the triennial budget of the Union, and approve its final accounts;(vi)决定本联盟计划和通过三年预算,并批准决算;

15.Practical Probe into Management of "Budget,Accounting,Final Accounting Integration" of College Finance高校财务“预算、核算、决算一体化”管理的实践探索

16.An intelligent decision;an intelligent solution to the budget problem.深思熟虑的决定;对预算问题的合理的解决办法

17.an intelligent solution to the Budget proBlem.对预算问题的合理的解决办法

18.The Senate resolved to accept the President"s budget proposals.参议院通过决议接受总统的预算建议。


Budget Decision-making预算决策

1.Resembling executive branches,the legislative organizations have incentives to take opportunistic behaviors in the process of budget decision-making.与行政部门一样,立法机构在预算决策过程中同样存在着机会主义行为。

3)Forestry Cultivation funds预决算制

4)completion budget beyond working drawing estimate决算超预算

1.According to the natural differences between working drawing estimate and completion budget and some problems existed in the operation process the basic causes ofcompletion budget beyond working drawing estimate are analyzed.从施工图预算与竣工决算的先天差异、施工图预算与竣工决算在具体操作过程中存在的问题等方面分析了决算超预算的根本原因 ,在此基础上 ,按照预防为主、对症下药的原则 ,提出了一系列具体的解决办法和防治措

5)budget and balance account of civil engineering土建预决算

6)evaluation of budget and final accounts预决算评审


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