900字范文 > 政府预决算偏离度 The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts(DDG)英语短句 例句大全

政府预决算偏离度 The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts(DDG)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-29 20:31:17


政府预决算偏离度 The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts(DDG)英语短句 例句大全

政府预决算偏离度,The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts(DDG)

1)The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts(DDG)政府预决算偏离度

1.The deviation degree of government budget and final accounts(DDG) is deviation degree between annual government budget income & expend and annual government final accounts income & expend, and it is a index of government budget management.政府预决算偏离度是指政府年度预算收支同政府年度决算收支之间的差异的程度,它是反映政府预算管理水平的一个指标。

2)governmental budgeting system政府预算制度


1.On Reconstruction OfGovernment Budget System On Request Of Public Finance System;按公共财政制度的要求重建我国政府预算制度

2.Attending budget: local government budget system reform mode research;参与式预算:地方政府预算制度改革模式研究

3.The Disfigurement and Reformation Way of Current Government Budget;现行政府预算制度存在的缺陷及改革思路

4.Taking the National Treasury Management System as the Center,Re-innovation on Grass-Roots Governmental Budget System;以国库管理改革为中心的基层政府预算制度再创新

5.Adjusting Budget Accounting System to Government Procurement;改革预算会计核算制度,适应政府采购

6.Reforms of Budget Accounting System for Government Procurement;改革预算会计核算制度 适应政府采购

7.The Change of the Government Functions and the Budget Reforms in Russia;俄罗斯政府职能演变下的预算制度改革

8.The Thinking of Perfecting the Budget Management System of Government Further;关于进一步完善政府采购预算管理制度的思考

9.Government Budget Management System:Way of Development and Future Reform政府预算管理制度演进逻辑与未来改革

10.Reform of the Budget Management System at the City Level in China--An Empirical Study of an Ecological Framework for Budgeting;中国市级政府预算管理制度改革——一种预算生态框架的实证分析

11.Making the Government Accountability System in the Public Budget Operational:A Review of the Civil Budget Organization in India让公共预算中的政府问责制运转起来——对印度公民预算组织的考察

12.Modern Budgeting Conception and Budgeting System Reform in China--Building New Comprehensive Budgeting;现代预算理念与中国政府预算管理制度改革——兼论新型综合财政预算的构建

13.The Regulation of Administrative Law to the Extra-budgetary Revenue;对政府预算外资金使用的行政法规制

14.Public Budget: the Hinge of Controlling the Cost of Government Administration;公共预算:控制政府行政成本的枢纽

15.The Effects of China s Economic System Reform on Governmental Budgeting and Accounting System;我国经济体制改革对政府预算与会计制度的影响

16.Budget Formulation of American Federal Government and its Characters;美国联邦政府预算的编制方法及特点

17.An Analysis on the Restrictive Mechanism for Government Budget in the Industrialized West Countries;西方发达国家政府预算约束机制评析

18.Thinking on the Government Procurement Budget for Library Book Collection图书馆政府采购预算编制问题的思考


governmental budgeting system政府预算制度

3)governmental budget政府预算

1.The reform ofgovernmental budget must adjust to the change of its function so as to achieve expected result.政府预算反映政府活动的范围和方向。

4)government budget政府预算

1.A Reform Analysis of Government Budget Performance Management from the Public Economics;公共经济学视角下的政府预算绩效管理改革思考

2.Government Budget Administrative Efficiency and Fiscal Democracy——Chinese Government Budget Reform;政府预算、行政效率和财政民主——兼论我国公共预算改革

3.Research on Government Budget Supervision;论完善我国政府预算监督

5)government budgeting政府预算

1.The writer,through analysis of the historical origin of the law of the constitution,elucidates thatgovernment budgeting,an economic form that appeared to have no political sensitivity,finally evolved to an overtly stretching exciting points that non-governmental forces exercised their influences on,which promoted the shunt to the law of the constitution.文通过宪政产生的历史渊源分析,探讨和阐述了政府预算这个表面上几乎不具有政治敏感度的经济形式,最终演化成为民间力量施展影响并公开伸张的兴奋点,促成了宪政转轨。

2.Traditionalgovernment budgeting and accounting commonly adopted cash basis .传统的政府预算编制和会计核算一般以收付实现制为基础,随着社会的不断进步和发展,权责发生制被逐步引入政府预算编制和会计核算领域。

6)budget system of government stock政府采购预算制度


