900字范文 > 政府预算会计 government budget accounting英语短句 例句大全

政府预算会计 government budget accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-08 19:45:16


政府预算会计 government budget accounting英语短句 例句大全

政府预算会计,government budget accounting

1)government budget accounting政府预算会计


1.Research on the Reform of China Government Budget Accounting Basis;中国政府预算会计应用权责发生制的研究

2.Adjusting Budget Accounting System to Government Procurement;改革预算会计核算制度,适应政府采购

3.Reforms of Budget Accounting System for Government Procurement;改革预算会计核算制度 适应政府采购

4.Budget of French Government and Government Accounting Reform:Comment and Reference法国政府预算与政府会计改革:评介与借鉴

5.Discuss the Necessity of Converting Budgetary Accounting into Government Accounting System of Our Country;论我国预算会计向政府会计转换的必要性

6.A comparison of the Asset Elements of the Budget Accounting in China with US Government Accounting;中国预算会计与美国政府会计资产要素的比较

7.Principal-agent Theory and Accrual-based Governmental Budgeting and Accounting Reform;委托代理理论与应计制政府预算及会计改革

8.Government s Budget Principle and the Social Environment for Improving theGovernment s Budget;政府预算原则与完善政府预算的社会条件

9.Discrimination of the Conceptions of the Budget Accounting,Government Accounting and Non- profit Organization Accounting;预算会计和政府会计及非营利组织会计概念辨析

10.The Reflection on the Adoption of Accrual Basis in our Government Accounting and Budgeting;我国政府预算与会计引入权责发生制的思考

11.Governmental Accounting and Budgeting Basis:an Analysis of Asymmetric Evolution政府会计与预算基础:非对称的改革进程分析

12.Improvement of the Content of General Financial Budget Accounting from the Government Expense and Receipt Classification;财政总预算会计核算内容的扩展——从政府收支分类视角分析

13.agency accounting entity政府部门会计核算单位

peting Models of Government Accounting and Chinese Reality Choice-Concurrently discussing budgeting and accounting s coordination;政府会计的竞争模式及我国的现实选择——兼论预算与会计的协调

15.The Government and Nonprofit Organization Accounting s Environment, Characteristics and Budgetary Accounting Reform;政府和非营利组织会计的环境、特征与预算会计改革

16.Reconsideration about Governmental Accounting Basis and Accrual Basis Budgeting Reformation;政府会计确认基础与权责发生制预算改革的思考

17.The Effects of China s Economic System Reform on Governmental Budgeting and Accounting System;我国经济体制改革对政府预算与会计制度的影响

18.Reflection on the Accordant Reforms of Public Budget and Government Accounting对公共预算改革与政府会计改革协调推进的思考


Public hearings on budget政府预算听证会

3)governmental budget政府预算

1.The reform ofgovernmental budget must adjust to the change of its function so as to achieve expected result.政府预算反映政府活动的范围和方向。

4)government budget政府预算

1.A Reform Analysis of Government Budget Performance Management from the Public Economics;公共经济学视角下的政府预算绩效管理改革思考

2.Government Budget Administrative Efficiency and Fiscal Democracy——Chinese Government Budget Reform;政府预算、行政效率和财政民主——兼论我国公共预算改革

3.Research on Government Budget Supervision;论完善我国政府预算监督

5)government budgeting政府预算

1.The writer,through analysis of the historical origin of the law of the constitution,elucidates thatgovernment budgeting,an economic form that appeared to have no political sensitivity,finally evolved to an overtly stretching exciting points that non-governmental forces exercised their influences on,which promoted the shunt to the law of the constitution.文通过宪政产生的历史渊源分析,探讨和阐述了政府预算这个表面上几乎不具有政治敏感度的经济形式,最终演化成为民间力量施展影响并公开伸张的兴奋点,促成了宪政转轨。

2.Traditionalgovernment budgeting and accounting commonly adopted cash basis .传统的政府预算编制和会计核算一般以收付实现制为基础,随着社会的不断进步和发展,权责发生制被逐步引入政府预算编制和会计核算领域。

6)government accounting政府会计

1.Discuss the Necessity of Converting Budgetary Accounting into Government Accounting System of Our Country;论我国预算会计向政府会计转换的必要性

2.A discussion on the innovations ofgovernment accounting;对我国政府会计改革的探讨

3.Study of the Basic Frame of Our Government Accounting s Reformation;我国政府会计改革的基本框架研究


