900字范文 > 灵活使用教材 the activation of teaching material英语短句 例句大全

灵活使用教材 the activation of teaching material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-03 01:25:23


灵活使用教材 the activation of teaching material英语短句 例句大全

灵活使用教材,the activation of teaching material

1)the activation of teaching material灵活使用教材

2)flexible uses灵活使用


1.flexible use of tracks车站线路的灵活使用

2.Discussion about How to Use the Function of the Agilent 53131A Universal Counter Flexibly灵活使用53131A计数器功能探讨

3.The modular design of these two units allows the customer to tailor the system to his own requirements.这两项模拟单元的设计,便于用户依自己的要求来灵活使用。

4.constructed with standardized units or dimensions allowing flexibility and variety in use.根据标准单位或标准尺寸设计的有弹性的可灵活使用的。

5.Dispersal, concentration and shifting of position are the three ways of flexibly employing forces in guerrilla warfare.分散、集中和变换,是游击战争灵活使用兵力的三个方法。

6.(3) flexible employment of forces;(三)灵活地使用兵力;

7.There is great latitude in the way these two parts may be used.使用这两篇可以有很大的灵活性。

8.Too smart, too fast.Would"ve used his jabs.非常灵活, 非常迅速.使用刺拳.

9."Compressed-air power is flexible, economical, and safe."压缩空气动力使用灵活、经济安全。

10.Psionic undead beings can still use mind-influencing powers on the living, however.但是,灵能亡灵类生物仍可以对活物使用影响心灵的异能。

11.The interface of this software was terse,friendly and can be used flexibly and conveniently with steady and safe in motion.软件界面简洁友好、使用灵活方便、运行稳定安全。

12.They also demonstrated a striking lack of flexibility and clarity in communicating with people.这也使它们在与用户交互时不灵活,也不清晰。

13.Using the left hand more skillfully or easily than the right.惯用左手的使用左手比使用右手更灵活或更容易的

14.Anomalous propagation of electromagnetic wave results in more flexible use of weapon system.电磁波异常传播,使武器装备的作战使用更加灵活机动。

15.Sound and movement make information come alive.声音和活动画面使信息变得活灵活现。

16.Series of Arbor Presses are characterized by flexible operation. convenient adjustment ,easy maintenance and no need for power supply.手扳机系列产品使用小巧灵活,调距方便,保养维修简单,不用电源。

17.It is the concrete realization of the initiative in military operations; It is the flexible employment of armed forces.就是具体地实现主动性于作战中的东西,就是灵活地使用兵力。

18.This valve should be installed vertically, before the use should check whether the push rod is flexible, electrical installation and connection are correct.本阀垂直安装,使用前应检查推杆是否灵活,电气安装连接是否正确。


flexible uses灵活使用

3)Teaching Materials教材使用

1.Enlightenment of Autonomous Learning Using College EnglishTeaching Materials;自主学习对大学英语教材使用的启示

4)optimal use of sorting sidings编组线灵活使用

5)the applicability of the teaching material教材使用性

6)teaching material recycling教材循环使用


