900字范文 > 教材选用原则 the principle of selecting for use of teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

教材选用原则 the principle of selecting for use of teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 01:22:43


教材选用原则 the principle of selecting for use of teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

教材选用原则,the principle of selecting for use of teaching materials

1)the principle of selecting for use of teaching materials教材选用原则

2)the principle of selection welding material焊材选用原则

3)selection principles选材原则


1.Pressurized water reactor pressure vessel--The principle of selecting materials and the basic requirements of the materialsGB/T15443-1995压水堆压力容器选材原则与基本要求

2.Study on Choosing Sensitive Material Principle of n+p Combined Structure Semiconductor Gas Sensor;n+p组合结构气体传感器选材原则研究


4.Principle and Procedure in Picking up Textbooks;浅谈新课改后教材选择的原则和程序

5.Principles and Measures of College Books Selection;高等学校教材选用工作的原则和措施

6.Discussion on the Principles of How to Choose the Original Edition Textbooks in Foreign Languages for Bilingual Teaching双语教学中外文原版教材的选用原则探讨

7.Material selection guideline for design of major equipment in key units processing crude oils加工高硫原油重点装置主要设备设计选材导则

8.Material Sources for Extracurricular Scientifical Technical Activities in Biology and Principles of How to Choose Them in Middle School;中学生物学课外科技活动素材来源及选择原则

9.The Principles and Models of Textbook Selection in Primary and Middle Schools;中小学教材选用的基本原则与若干模式

10.Principles of Text Selection in Teachers Training Course of Specialized English;专业英语师资培训阅读材料的选择原则

11.Brief discussion on the selective and applied principle of the metallic material in the practial application浅谈金属材料在实际应用中的选用原则

12.The Characteristics and The Choosing Principle of New Type Water Supply and Drainage Pipe Material新型给水排水管材的特点及其选用原则

13.Selection and Design Principles of Insulation Materials Based on Heat Transfer Mechanism从热传导机理看隔热材料的选取与设计原则

14.The Choosing Principle and Scheme of the Applied Psychology Theory forPsychology Textbooks of Higher Instituions of Teachers Education;高师心理学教材对应用心理学理论的选取原则及方案

15."equal time" principle [election broadcasting]“平等时间”原则〔竞选广播〕

16.Teaching Students in Accordance With their Aptitude and Educating Students in Accordance with Their Teachers;“因材施教”与“因教施材”──对“因材施教”原则的反思

17.With four athletes the positions will be assigned correspondingly.四位选手时则依此原则安排发射位置。

18.According to the characteristics of the natural colored mineral rock in the pasting picture of sands and plants, this paper discusses the chosen principles and basic types of thd natural colored mineral rock.本文根据砂石植物粘贴画的特点,论述了天然彩色矿物岩石材料选择原则和基本类型。


the principle of selection welding material焊材选用原则

3)selection principles选材原则

4)selection principle选用原则

1.Attribute classification andselection principles of the evaluation indexes for science and technology journals;科技期刊评价指标的属性分类及选用原则

2.The structure property, load distribution,selection principle, application scope and points for attention of cylindrical roller bearing used on surface-grinding machine were analyzed.分析了使用在平面磨床上的圆柱滚子结构、载荷分布、选用原则、使用范围及注意事项。

3.This paper briefly introduces the principles,components and classification of the leakage protector,and emphatically expounds theselection principles of the leakage protector,and puts forward some items needing attention in the erection and operation of the leakage protector.简要介绍了漏电保护器的原理、构成及其分类,重点阐述了漏电保护器的选用原则,提出了安装和运行中的注意事项。

5)principle of selection选用原则

1.Principle of Selection and Application of Plastic Mould Material;塑料模具材料选用原则及应用

6)choosing principle选用原则

1.Paper introduces the distribution,choosing principles and maters needing attention in installation are introduced.介绍了漏电保护器在施工现场的配置、选用原则及安装注意事项。

2.Through analyzing various water supply pipe network and tubes properties and generalizing several matters need attention in choosing tubes,thechoosing principle of water supply pipe network and tubes was proposed.通过对供水管网各种管材性能的分析以及选择管材时应注意的几方面的总结,提出了供水管网管材的选用原则,并通过工程实例证明:供水管网中管材的选用对整个供水管网的设计施工、运行管理具有重要意义。


泵选用原则泵选用原则 第一节 选用原则 近年来,我们泵行业设计研制了许多高效节能产品,如 IHF、CQB、FSB、UHB等型号的泵类产品,对降低泵的能源消耗起了积极作用。但是目前在国民经济各个领域中,由于选型 不合理,许多的泵处于不合理运行状况,运行效率低,浪费了大量能源。还有的泵由于选型不合理,根本不能使用,或者使用维修成本增加,经济效益低。由此可见,合理选泵对节约能源同样具有重要意义。 所谓合理选泵,就是要综合考虑泵机组和泵站的投资和运行费用等综合性的技术经济指标,使之符合经济、安全、适用的原则。具体来说,有以下几个方面: 1、必须满足使用流量和扬程的要求,即要求泵的运行工次点(装置特性曲线 与泵的性能曲线的交点)经常保持在高效区间运行,这样既省动力又不易损坏机件。 2、所选择的水泵既要体积小、重量轻、造价便宜,又要具有良好的特性和较高的效率。 3、具有良好的抗汽蚀性能,这样既能减小泵房的开挖深度,又不使水泵发生汽蚀,运行平稳、寿命长。 4、按所选水泵建泵站,工程投资少,运行费用低。 第二节 选型步骤 一、列出基本数据: 1、介质的特性:介质名称、比重、粘度、腐蚀性、毒性等。 2、介质中所含因体的颗粒直径、含量多少。 3、介质温度:(℃) 4、所需要的流量 一般工业用泵在工艺流程中可以忽略管道系统中的泄漏量,但必须考虑工艺变化时对流量的影响。农业用泵如果是采用明渠输水,还必须考虑渗漏及蒸发量。 5、压力:吸水池压力,排水池压力,管道系统中的压力降(扬程损失)。 6、管道系统数据(管径、长度、管道附件种类及数目,吸水池至压水池的几何标高等)。 如果需要的话还应作出装置特性曲线。 在设计布置管道时,应注意如下事项: A、合理选择管道直径,管道直径大,在相同流量下、液流速度小,阻力损失小,但价格高,管道直径小,会导致阻力损失急剧增大,使所选泵的扬程增加,配带功率增加,成本和运行费用都增加。因此应从技术和经济的角度综合考虑。
