900字范文 > 教材开发 development of teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

教材开发 development of teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-05 05:17:03


教材开发 development of teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

教材开发,development of teaching materials

1)development of teaching materials教材开发


1.The Development and Application of Education Technical Capacity Training Materials for Elementary and Middle Schools Teachers;中小学教师教育技术能力培训教材开发与应用

2.The Development of Social Studies Teaching Materials Based on Children s Exigent Desires;基于儿童迫切愿望的社会科教材开发

3.Exploitation and Practical of the Graph Manipulation of Modularized Teaching Materials;图形图像处理模块化教材开发与实践

4.Application of Instructional Design Theory in Developing English Listening and Speaking Courseware;教学设计原理在英语听说教材开发中的应用

5.The Session Summary of the Exploitation of Literacy Teaching Material Workshop in our Nation;全国扫盲教育教材开发交流研讨会综述

6.Material Evaluation & Development ?英语教材评估与开发

7.The Developing and Improving of Accounting Training materials in Higher Vocational Education高职教育会计实训教材的开发与改进

8.Design and Establishment of the General Physics Net Text with Teachers Leading Function;主导型《基础物理》网络教材的设计开发

9.On Design and Development of School-based English Textbook: Living English;校本英语教材——《生活英语》的设计与开发

10.Sub-language Information about SEFC and its related exploitation;SEFC教材的亚语料及其开发利用

11.Exploitation of the CAI Network Teaching Platform of the Course of the Fundamentals of Materials Science;《材料科学基础》网络CAI教学系统的开发

12.Development and Research on Innovative Teaching Material of Modern Technicians Training;现代技师培训创新教材的开发与研究

13.Re-development of Teaching Materials of Costume Structure Cartography in Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职校《服装结构制图》教材的再开发

14."The Developing of "Thematic Diagram" " in New Teaching Material Four-word Scrip" ture;新教材中“主题图”开发“四字经”

15.To Meet Demands of the Second Specialty with Compiling New Courses;适应第二专科要求 开发新型教材

16.The Investigation and Analysis of the Redevelopment of the New English Textbook英语新教材“二次开发”的调查和分析

17.Principles and Implementation Strategies of the Second Development of Coursebooks教材“二次开发”的原理及实施策略

18.The Second Exploration of Senior Chemical Textbook under the New Curriculum Ideal新课程理念下高中化学教材二次开发


materials development教材开发

1.As contexts play an important role in language communication, context construction should be the focus of listening and speakingmaterials development.本文首先回顾了语境理论以及影响语境建构的因素,然后讨论了教材开发的原则,通过分析语境建构与教材开发的关系最后尝试建构听说教材语境模式。

3)Re-development of the Textbook教材再开发

1.A Case Study ofRe-development of the Textbook of a Countryside Teacher;农村教师教材再开发个案研究

4)school-based teaching material development校本教材开发

1.Considerations onschool-based teaching material development of"International Business English"project course mode of higher vocational education;高职“国际商务英语”项目课程校本教材开发的思考

5)re-development of textbooks教材"二次开发"

1.The basic meaning of there-development of textbooks not only refers to teachers flexible use of textbooks but also refers to the integration of textbooks with other instructional resources and teachers self development of teaching resources.教材“二次开发” 的基本涵义,不仅包括教师对既有教材的灵活运用,还包括教材与其他教学资源的 整合和教师自主开发教材资源。

6)the second development of teaching material教材二度开发


Pro/E二次开发使用toolkit开发trigger的程序使用toolkit开发trigger的程序时,往往需要能够连续通过trigger来触发dll中的函数. 我碰到的问题: 1.配置trigger: Name: CimDll Event: Create PIV Time: POST RequireNO DLL:Cim.dll Function:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation2.源代码: int PDMDLLInit() { PTCERROR pdm_status; FILE *g_pfileLog; g_pfileLog =fopen("test.dat","w"); setbuf(g_pfileLog,NULL); fprintf(g_pfileLog,"begin test\n"); pdm_status = PDMTriggerRegister("PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation", PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation); if (pdm_status != PDM_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to Register Trigger PIV Create Post.\n"); } return (pdm_status); } int PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(int argc, void **argv) { fprintf(g_pfileLog,"test\n"); ..... fprintf(g_pfileLog,"end test\n"); fclose(g_pfileLog); } 结果:以上代码存在的问题:如果我们在第一次checkin到C/S中后,删除test.dat文件,然后再进行checkin时,发现没有再生成test.dat,在函数PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()中所进行的对文件的操作都无效. 原因:我们使用trigger触发时,真正起作用的是函数:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(),而PDMDLLInit()只是在第一次checkin时起作用,所以在第一次调用PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()后,我就fclose(g_pfileLog),所以出现了上面的情况.所以注意的是:不要把一些重要的东西放在函数PDMDLLInit()中.
