900字范文 > 焦作现象 Jiaozuo phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

焦作现象 Jiaozuo phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-21 13:38:41


焦作现象 Jiaozuo phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

焦作现象,Jiaozuo phenomenon

1)Jiaozuo phenomenon焦作现象

1.Research on City Tourism Marketing Model——A Case Study of "Jiaozuo Phenomenon","Luanchuan Model" and "Ningbo Experience"城市旅游营销模式探讨——以“焦作现象”、“栾川模式”及“宁波经验”为例

2."Jiaozuo phenomenon" as a development process has not only become a miracle in the history of Chinese tourism but also become an academic term in the study of the transformation of the resource-based city.焦作作为一个成功转型的资源枯竭型城市,其发展过程——"焦作现象"不仅已成为中国旅游发展史上的一个奇迹,也成为研究资源型城市转型的一个学术术语。


1.Study On the Redundancy Phenomenon of Tourism Resource In Boai County Under the Influence of"Jiaozuo Phenomenon";“焦作现象”影响下的博爱县旅游资源羡余现象研究

2.Tourism Development and Transformation of the Resource-based City:An Interpretation of "Jiaozuo Phenomenon"旅游发展与资源型城市转型:基于“焦作现象”的解读

3.Research on City Tourism Marketing Model--A Case Study of "Jiaozuo Phenomenon","Luanchuan Model" and "Ningbo Experience"城市旅游营销模式探讨——以“焦作现象”、“栾川模式”及“宁波经验”为例

4.I am anxious to compare my fancy with reality.我焦切地把我的想象同现实作一番比较。

5.A Comparative Analysis on Regional Tourism Mode Based on Jiaozuo Tourism基于焦作旅游的区域旅游现象比较分析

6.The Attitude of Li Jieren When Rectifying Da Bo;李劼人改写《大波》时的创作心态——对当代文学创作一种现象的聚焦

7.Motive or Object;动力抑或对象——从农民的两重性看“十七年”合作化小说中农民形象的焦虑现象

8.The Relationship between Trait Anxiety and Choking under Pressure Physical Education;压力状态下特质焦虑与“Choking”现象的关系

9.On Poor Kindergartens in Beijing Shijingshan District;薄弱园现象聚焦——以北京石景山区为例

10.Xibaipo Power Plant #4 Boiler Slagging of Boiler Analysis and Improvement西柏坡电厂#4炉结焦现象分析与改善

11.It"s base of conscious of culture anxiety for writer and culture balance by″ hong ke″.红柯”现象的出现在很大程度上立足于作家文化焦虑感的产生以及焦虑背后所隐匿的文化平复心理。

12.The Research on Phenomenon Analysis and Development Countermeasure of Industrial Clusters of Medium-small City & Town in Central China--Take Jiaozuo of Henan Province as an Example;中部中小城镇产业集群现象分析与发展对策研究——以河南焦作市为例

13.Investigation And Analysis of Sanda Beginners Anxious Phenomenon in Actual Combat;散打初学者在实战中出现焦虑现象的调查分析

14.Social Suspense and Mental Disorder;社会焦虑与精神疾病——社会焦虑致抑郁性自杀现象透视

15.Precompetition Anxieties of Aerobatic Athletes竞技健美操运动员赛前紧张和焦虑现象的剖析

16.The influence of tilted phase on the focal switch is also studied.着重研究相位倾斜对焦开关现象的影响。

17.Focal Switch Phenomenon of H-C-G Beams Passing Through a System with the Aperture and Astigmatic Lens Separated;H-C-G光束通过光阑-像散透镜的焦开关现象

18.Anxiety,protest,despair--Roushi the mother psychological novel phenomenon Tanx;焦虑、抗争、绝望——柔石小说中的母亲心理现象探析


multi-focus phenomenon多焦现象

3)caustics phenomena焦散线现象


1.A change of ariting topic from history to reality——A reuiens of the stoywriting of youth writers suoha XIONG Ying;从历史厚重向现实浮华的游离——熊鹰等青年作家创作现象之刍议

5)language anxiety phenomenon语言焦虑现象

6)Phenomenological Writing现象学写作


