900字范文 > 焦作路矿学堂 Jiaozuo Mine School英语短句 例句大全

焦作路矿学堂 Jiaozuo Mine School英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 23:25:10


焦作路矿学堂 Jiaozuo Mine School英语短句 例句大全

焦作路矿学堂,Jiaozuo Mine School

1)Jiaozuo Mine School焦作路矿学堂

1.On the Background of EstablishingJiaozuo Mine School焦作路矿学堂创办背景分析

2)mining industry of Jiaozuo焦作矿业

3)Jiaozuo coal mining area焦作矿区

1.Reasons of Cl~- contamination in karst ground water of Jiaozuo Coal Mining Area;焦作矿区岩溶水Cl~-污染原因初探


1.Research of Water-inrush Mechanism and Water Disaster Prevention Measures about Fengying Coal Mine of Jiaozuo Mining Area焦作矿区冯营矿矿井突水机理与水害防治研究

2.Analysis on Design Optimization of Roadway Layout in Jiaozuo Mining Area焦作矿区采区巷道布置设计优化分析

3.Study on Land-reclamation and Sustainable Utilization of Subsided Land in Jiaozuo Mining Area;焦作矿区塌陷土地复垦与可持续利用


5.Review on Heavy Metal Pollution to Soil and Corn near Coal Waste Rock Dump in Jiaozuo Diggings焦作矿区煤矸石山周围土壤和玉米作物重金属污染研究

6.Application of confirmation model for reasonable pre-draining time is introduced in this paper.主要介绍了合理预抽期确定模型在焦作矿区的应用。

7.Gas Reservoir Characteristics of No.2_1 Coal Seam and CBM Resource Potential Assessment in Jiaozuo Mining Area,Henan河南焦作矿区二_1煤储层特征及煤层气资源潜力评价

8.Geological Features and Genesis of the Clay Deposit in Jiaozuo, Henan焦作地区粘土矿床的地质特征及成因

9.Discussion on Superiority and Regional Exploitation Layout of Mineral Resource in Jiaozuo;浅议焦作市矿产资源优势及开发利用区域布局

10.A Case Research on the Solution for Old Workings in Sizhuang Mining Area of Jiaojia Gold Mine焦家金矿寺庄矿区老空区综合治理方案研究

11.Prediction of Water Loss and Soil Erosion in the Mining Area--Taking Guhannshan Mine of Jiaozuo Coal Industry Limited Liability Company(Group)of Henan Province as the Example矿区水土流失预测——以河南焦作煤业(集团)有限责任公司古汉山矿井为例

12.The Status Quo and Plans on CBM Exploitation & Utilization inShanxi Coking-Coal Mining Areas山西焦煤矿区煤层气开发利用现状与规划

13.Study on Occurrence Characteristics of Gas and Drainage Method in Jiaoping Mining Area焦坪矿区瓦斯赋存特征与抽放方法研究

14.Study on the Rational Layer of High Level Suction along Roof Strike in Jiaoping Diggings of Tongchuan Coal Area铜川焦坪矿区顶板走向高抽巷合理层位研究

15.Development of Top-coal Caving Powered Support for Jiaoping Mining Area焦坪矿区放顶煤液压支架的研制与应用

16.Contrast Study on Orebody Characteristics between Deep and Shallow Part of "Jiaojia Type" Typical Gold Deposits in Norhwestern Shandong Province胶西北地区“焦家式”典型金矿床深部与浅部矿体特征对比研究

17.The Anti-imperialism Strike in Jiaozuo Coal Mines of the Peking Syndicare.Ltd in 1925--In memory of the 80th anniversary of the strike and the establishment of the labour union in Jiaozuo coal mines;1925年英国福公司焦作煤矿反帝罢工——纪念焦作煤矿罢工暨工会成立80周年

18.The Application of VirtuoZoAAT for DOM Production in Jiaozuo AreaVirtuoZoAAT在制作焦作地区正射影像中的应用


mining industry of Jiaozuo焦作矿业

3)Jiaozuo coal mining area焦作矿区

1.Reasons of Cl~- contamination in karst ground water of Jiaozuo Coal Mining Area;焦作矿区岩溶水Cl~-污染原因初探

4)Jiaozuo coal mines焦作煤矿

1.The Anti-imperialism Strike in Jiaozuo Coal Mines of the Peking Syndicare.Ltd in 1925——In memory of the 80th anniversary of the strike and the establishment of the labour union inJiaozuo coal mines;1925年英国福公司焦作煤矿反帝罢工——纪念焦作煤矿罢工暨工会成立80周年

2.The anti-imperialism strike inJiaozuo coal mines taking place in 1925 hit the aggressive force of British and American imperialism in China heavily, and raised the class consciousness and the fighting level of the workers ofJiaozuo coal mines.发生在1925年的焦作煤矿反帝罢工,沉重打击了英帝国主义在中国的侵略势力,大大提高了焦作煤矿工人的阶级觉悟和斗争水平。

3.The paper deals with the ever-lasting spirit of particularly good fighters of the worker ofJiaozuo coal mines in the Democratic Revolution Period, the Socialist Construction Period and the Reform Period.本文突出地论述了焦作煤矿工人在民主主义革命时期、社会主义建设时期和改革开放时期的薪火相传的特别能战斗精神。

5)Jiaozuo Mining Area焦作矿区

1.Under the role of the Pacific Plate and the North China plate collision together, the structure of Jiaozuo mining area is controlled by the Taihang uplift, Piedmont fracture; Jiaozuo coal is mainly affected by the control of Taihang piedmont fault zone, thereby is developped into fault block structure, the border of which is fault-controlled ladder, the base, graben.本论文在现有煤层气生成、储集、运移和产出机理的基础上,以矿区级煤层气有利区块评价为出发点,运用区域构造演化理论和构造逐级控制理论,研究太行山隆起带、太行山山前断裂带、焦作矿区构造逐级控制及构造演化。

2.Analyed the mining conditions of Jiaozuo area,through the investigation of Ⅱ1 coal seam roadway layout in Jiaozuo Coal Industrial Group,and aimming at the merits and faults and application of existing roadway layout,this paper summarized the roof and soleplate arrangement which is suitable for Jiaozuo mining area condition.分析了焦作矿区煤炭开采条件,通过对焦煤集团二1煤层采区巷道布置的调查,针对矿井现有采区巷道布置的优缺点及适用情况,总结出了适合焦作矿区条件的顶板、底板布置方案,并将方案进行了对比分析,推荐了三顶一煤、二底一煤一顶和分带式巷道布置模式。

6)Xuetangkeng molybdenum mineral deposit学堂坑钼矿

1.TheXuetangkeng molybdenum mineral deposit locates in Sankeng village,Shizhong town,Longyan city,Fujian province.因此,大洋岩体应该是学堂坑钼矿成矿的主。


