900字范文 > 焦作方言 Jiaozuo dialects英语短句 例句大全

焦作方言 Jiaozuo dialects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-04 11:21:36


焦作方言 Jiaozuo dialects英语短句 例句大全

焦作方言,Jiaozuo dialects

1)Jiaozuo dialects焦作方言

1.These adverbs are frequently used inJiaozuo dialects.程度副词很多,如“很、非常、十分、特别、格外、极、最、太、更、越发、稍、稍微、略微、较、比较”等,这些程度副词在焦作方言中都被广泛使用。

2)dialect writing方言写作

1.Discourse rebuilding and dialect in literature——On thedialect writing form of modern Hunan writers;话语改造与方言出场——现代湘籍作家方言写作形式论


1.People can not cast off and evade writing in dialects.方言写作"是一种无法摆脱且备受青睐的写作。

2.Discourse rebuilding and dialect in literature--On the dialect writing form of modern Hunan writers;话语改造与方言出场——现代湘籍作家方言写作形式论

3.Writing in Dialects: Popular in Practice and Short in Theory;“方言写作”创作实践的热闹与理论研究的匮乏

4.Colonization" and the Literary Writing in Modern Chinese;“西方语言”与现代汉语的文学写作

5.Manifesto of the Inconceived Writingology (II);非构思写作学宣言——后现代主义之后当代写作学观念、原理与方法(下)

6.Manifesto of the Inconceived Writingology (Ⅰ);非构思写作学宣言──后现代主义写作学观念、原理与方法(上)

7.Contrastive Rhetoric Study in Field of Applied Linguistics--Cross-cultural Analyses on Second Language Writings;应用语言学领域的对比修辞研究——西方第二语言写作的跨文化思考

8.The book has a preface written by the author.该书有作者写的序言。

9.Writing for Life--the Attitude and Manifestation of Su-Qing s Prose;为着生活而写作——苏青散文创作的言说姿态与表现方式

10.2. simple and concise language for scientific-technical writing while rich and elegant language for literary writing;②科技写作的语言精练与文艺写作的语言丰富;

11.Uses of the Particle Gao (高) in Tantou Dialect湘方言“高”的描写——以隆回滩头方言为例

12.kale yard school菜园派(用苏格兰方言描写苏格兰生活的一派作家)

13.Later, he devoted himself to writing in English (London dialect) and developed his own mature style of poetry.后期,他着力从事英语(伦敦方言)写作,发展了自己成熟的英诗风格。

14.The Application of Text Linguistics Theory to Error Analysis of College English Writing: An Experimental Study用篇章语言学方法对大学英语写作进行错误分析的实验研究

15.Discussion on Some Problems in English Writing and Their Solutions Through the Relationship Between Thought and Language;由思维与语言的关系看英语写作中的问题与解决方法

16.On Principle of Dialect Using in the Novel Writing: Taking Tie Ning’Novel Stupid Flower as an Example小说写作运用方言词语的原则论析——以铁凝的《笨花》为例

17.Discussion about the culture of EFL writing"s thinking mode from the relationship between language and thought从语言和思维的关系出发,谈EFL写作思维方式的培养

18.To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms.用格言写作用格言或警句精炼地陈述


dialect writing方言写作

1.Discourse rebuilding and dialect in literature——On thedialect writing form of modern Hunan writers;话语改造与方言出场——现代湘籍作家方言写作形式论

3)Dialect creation方言创作

4)a vernacular writer方言作家

5)the Phonology of the Jiaocun Dialect焦村方言音韵

6)A Study on the Phonology of the Jiaocun Dialect焦村方言音韵研究


