900字范文 > 生活习惯 living habits英语短句 例句大全

生活习惯 living habits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-12 04:20:32


生活习惯 living habits英语短句 例句大全

生活习惯,living habits

1)living habits生活习惯

1.Relationship between infection of hepatitis B andliving habits of fishermen;渔民渔船生活习惯与乙型肝炎的关系

2.Objective To explore the effects of differentliving habits on the chronic gastritis and the significance of carrying out the related healthcare education.目的探讨不同生活习惯对慢性胃炎发病的影响以及中医健康宣传指导的作用。

3.We have conducted a survey on the relationship between high blood fat diseases and diet andliving habits of 126 teachers and clerks working on the YanFu campus of Yangzhou University by way of studying their physical examination results and doing question and answer investigation.选择扬州大学盐阜校区教职工126人,以体检及一般情况的问卷调查形式,进行高脂血症与膳食及生活习惯的关系研究。


1.He soon got into the way of English.他很快就习惯了英国人的生活习惯。

2.races, and traditions live together,种族及生活习惯的差异,

3.get into a groove1.养成某种生活习惯

4.Mary and I have changed our lifestyle completely.玛丽和我完全改变了生活习惯。

5.This is the way we wash our hands so ear-ly in the morn-ing.早上起来洗手是我们的生活习惯。

6.It is time you amend your style of living.现在是你改变生活习惯的时候了。

7.Usually when people from different countries, races, and traditions live together,国籍、种族及生活习惯的差异,

8.The geological environment decides the people"s living habit.地理环境决定了人们的生活习惯

9.I spent some time observing their customs.我花了一些时间观察它们的生活习惯。

10.Good Health is a corollary of having good habits.健康的身体是良好生活习惯的结果。

11.This is the way we brush our teeth so ear-ly in the morn-ing.早上起来刷牙是我们的生活习惯。

12.She is not used to living in a cold climate.她不习惯寒带生活。

13.My uncle is strange to city life.我叔父不习惯都市生活。

14.He was accustomed to living in this city.他习惯于都市生活。

15.Martin became accustomed to a life of great austerity.马丁习惯了质朴的生活。

16.and I began to be a little inur"d to it:我对海上生活开始有点习惯了。

17.person whose way of life is dominated by(a habit,an interest,etc)生活方式受(习惯、兴趣等)支配的人

18.She had become so dully habituated to married life.她已经习惯于婚后的生活了。


living habit生活习惯

1.Research on the risk factors of hypertension and OSAHS in the snore patients with differentliving habits;不同生活习惯的鼾症患者高血压和睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的危险因素

2.A survey of mentality andliving habit of outpatients and their relatives during SARS and theirrequirement for knowledge;SARS时期就诊病人及家属心态生活习惯对知识需求调查分析

3.And to propose that we should overcome the unhealthyliving habits and hobbies,to try to change the bad ones,to keep a happy mood and improve the health .对小城镇居民的体育活动予以理论上的指导和行动上的支持,要倡导克服不良生活习惯和不良嗜好,杜绝恶习、陋习,保持良好心态,促进身心健康。


1.A survey of the prevalence of constipation andlifestyle among elderly people in urban and rural areas;城乡老年人便秘现状与不良生活习惯的研究

2.A study on the characteristics of dietary behavior andlifestyle in chronic fatigue syndrome;慢性疲劳综合征的饮食行为和生活习惯特征

3.Effects of dietary andlifestyle on bone mineral density of elderly man饮食及生活习惯对中老年男性骨密度影响

4)Life habit生活习惯

1.A study of polymorphism of pepsinogen C gene among the personswith bad life habit.;具不良生活习惯者胃蛋白酶原C基因多态性的研究

2.An investigation of the physical condition of the city disadvantaged group in Henan Province and an analysis of their life habit and sports behavior;河南省城市弱势群体的体质状况调研及生活习惯与运动行为分析

3.Objective To investigate and analyze life habits of military retired cadres and factors affecting their life habits so as to collect data for making appropriate health education programs for them.目的调查分析军队离退休老干部生活习惯及其影响因素 ,为制定健康教育计划提供依据。

5)life style生活习惯

1.Purpose To evaluate the association between hOGG1 genotypes,life style and the risk of esophageal and stomach cancers.[目的]研究8 羟基鸟嘌呤糖苷酶基因 (hOGG1)型、生活习惯及其相互作用与食管癌、胃癌易感性的关系。

6)life habits生活习惯

1.Investigation and analysis on health situation,work andlife habits of enterprisers in Wenzhou city;温州地区企业家健康状况和工作、生活习惯的调查与分析

2.Some domestic experts have carried out researches on effects of sports on thelife habits of university students in health care class but the research has not been extensive, thorough and concrete enough.体育对高校保健班学生生活习惯的影响研究,国内一些专家学者已经进行过,但是研究得不够广泛、深入、具体,没有进一步细化研究,追踪研究不力。


生活习惯性致癌因素生活习惯性致癌因素vital habitual carcinogenic factor不良的生活习惯和行为,易发生某些肿瘤,如饮酒及食用发酵霉变食物和吸烟等。我国消化道癌占癌症的60%~70%,此与饮食有密切关系,尤其是霉素和亚硝胺类含量过高的食物。又如,吸烟是肺癌发生的重要因素。
