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习惯 habit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-28 15:41:20


习惯 habit英语短句 例句大全



1.Designhabit and all life period cost of product;设计习惯与产品全生命周期成本

2.Training of exercise ability andhabit of female university students;女大学生体育锻炼能力和习惯的培养

3.The Power Of Habit;习惯的力量——个体习惯、规则和经营惯例


1.habitual excessive drinking习惯性酗酒习惯性酗酒

2.habit theory of learning学习的习惯说 学习的习惯说

3.Accustomed or usual procedure or practice.习惯,惯例习惯的或通常的程序或做法

4.The Power Of Habit;习惯的力量——个体习惯、规则和经营惯例

5.any customary observance or practice.一种习惯的仪式和惯例。

6.I hate to see these old customs.我看不惯这些旧习惯。

7.The process of habituating or the state of being habituated.成为习惯养成习惯的过程或养成习惯的状态

8." Afraid" collocated with " of" .“Afraid”习惯上与“of”连用。

9." Belong" collocates with " to" ." Belong"习惯上与“to”搭配。

10.lexnon scripta [ nCn5skriptE ]不成文法,习惯法

11.I"m in the habit of preparing for my lessons in advance,我习惯事先预习课文,

12.A foreign idiom or custom.外国习语,外国风俗习惯

13.survey of study habits and attitudes学习习惯及态度调查

14.its habits are his habits,他的社团的习惯就是他的习惯,

15.We first make our habit, and then our habit make us.我们养成习惯,习惯支配我们。

16."We first make our habits, and then our habits make us"我们先养成习惯,然后习惯又左右我们

17.Sanctioned or authorized by long-standing custom or usage.习惯的根据因袭习惯或约定俗成的

18.Customary law includes also conventional customs.习惯法也包括约定的习惯。



1.On how to Lay Lifelong Foundation and Cultivate Interest, Hobby, Custom of P. E.;论奠定终生体育基础与体育兴趣、爱好、习惯的培养

2.Folk Customs andcustomary law in Dai villige: two parts;傣族村寨民俗中的习惯与习惯法:民族志两则


1.A case-control study between gastric cancer and unhealthyhabits;不良嗜好和生活习惯与胃癌发病关系的病例对照研究

2.Smoking Habits and Risk Factors Among Vocational Education Students in Yiyang Health School;益阳卫校职教生的吸烟习惯及其危险因素

3.On Cultivation of Students Good English Learning Habits in Colleges of Remote Minority Areas;论民族边远地区高校学生英语自主学习习惯的培养


1.Customs and Law-Two Social Rules Systems and Their Relationship;习惯与法律:两种规则体系及其关系

2.Thecustoms and customary law are uniform in essence:though working together with the state laws to regulate people s behavior and maintain the social order,they are acknowledged as social norms and conventions rather than the established state laws.习惯与习惯法在本质上具有统一性,即它们虽然与国家法一起规范着人们的行为,维护着社会秩序,但其本质都不是国家法,而是一种"规范"。

3.At present,contradiction and collision amongcustoms,country regulations and law are restricting the course of our country’s legal modernization to some extent.习惯、乡约和法律是维系我国乡土社会秩序的重要规范,然而隐藏在其后面的本质却是人们的利益诉求和道德主张。


1.Analysis of Factors Hindering the Development of the Professional Social Work in China in the Perspective of"Field- Habitus";“场域—惯习”视角下中国专业社会工作发展的阻力分析

2.On the Bourdieu s Theory of "Field-Habitus;布迪厄的“场域-惯习”论



1.College students as a vulnerable group in the Field of education are at a disadvantageous competition position due to the lack of capital,the effect ofhabit as well as the role of the field with the structure and other factors.大学生弱势群体是在教育场域内由于资本缺失、惯习作用以及场域同构等原因而处于不利竞争地位的群体。

2.In the process of transforming themselves into citizens,the workers life style and workinghabits are not propitious;they even make the workers stick to their farmership,which has negative influences on the urbanization of China.在市民化进程中,农民工在工作、社会交往、生活方式等方面的惯习不利于农民工市民化,并可能促进农民工保留自身的族群特性,对我国城市化进程产生消极的影响。

3.Based on Perre Bourdieu s practical sociology and the paradigm of thehabitual feild,this article focus on the bearing activities of the villagers at a village in Chaoshan of Guangdong province to explain and analyze the phenomenon of gender preference.本文引入布迪厄的实践社会学,借鉴并补充场域-惯习研究范式,通过对广东潮汕地区一个村落的村民生育行为进行定性研究,解释和分析性别偏好现象。


