900字范文 > 总包评标 general contract assessment英语短句 例句大全

总包评标 general contract assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-14 17:36:10


总包评标 general contract assessment英语短句 例句大全

总包评标,general contract assessment

1)general contract assessment总包评标

2)evaluation criteria of packaging包装评估标准

3)Project index of summing-up总结性评估指标体系

4)general review总评

1.In the bamboo edition of confucius poetics, Confucius gives hisgeneral review on the Book of songs, pointing out that Odes characterized with leisure and solemn air, Festal songs melancholy minds, Folk Ballads rich and various in scopes and subjects.在竹书《孔子诗论》中 ,孔子对《诗经》的总评 ,概括了《颂》诗乐歌声缓静穆的特点 ,《小雅》的怨愤情绪 ,《邦风》的题材内容广泛与采诗观风情况 ,《小雅》《邦风》“言文”、“声善”的艺术表现 ,真切地揭示了《诗经》的艺术风貌 ,对于解决《诗经》研究中长期存在的一些分歧具有较高的学术价


1.The teacher hadn"t made his decision yet.老师还没做总评呢。

2.The overall rating of a vehicle affects the total premium charged.一辆车辆的总评等影响了总保险费的收费。

3.Research in the Evaluation Approach of Final Performance in General Institutes of Higher Education;普通高校体育课总评成绩评定办法的研究

4.master ranking list [Landslip Preventive Measures Programme]总评级次序表〔防止山泥倾泻计划〕

5.assess sb"s taxes/income评定某人的税额[总收入

6.He"s criticizing President Chen in Taiwan.批评台湾的陈总统。

7.GCTU (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan)日本工会总会评议会

8."Executive Director, Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation"香港学术评审局总干事

9.Whenever you criticize him, he always has an excuse.你批评他, 他总有说头儿。

10.Criticisms from General Catalog of the Complete Library of the Four Treasures to the compilation of Complete Library of the Four Treasures《四库全书总目》对总集编纂之批评

11.Design and Estimation of Automobile Powertrain CAN Bus System汽车动力总成CAN总线系统的设计及其评价

12.Research on Water Quality Assessment of the Reservoirs,Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Forecast in Luan City六安市水库水质评价与总氮·总磷预测研究

13.The General Thinking Path for and Index System of the Competitiveness Evaluation of Higher Education;高等教育竞争力评价总体思路及评价指标体系

parison and Research of the Medium Term Assessment and the Summarization Assessment on R&TV University;电大试点中期评估与总结性评估的比较与思考

15.Some Comments on Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon"s “Unilateral Action Plan "评以色列总理沙龙的“单边行动计划”

16.Fishermen Claims Assessment Section [Lands Department]渔民特惠津贴评估组〔地政总署〕

17.She is always criticized for making a showy display of her abilities.她总是因锋芒毕露而受人批评。

18.He tends to overestimate his own abilities.他总是想过高地评价自己的能力。


evaluation criteria of packaging包装评估标准

3)Project index of summing-up总结性评估指标体系

4)general review总评

1.In the bamboo edition of confucius poetics, Confucius gives hisgeneral review on the Book of songs, pointing out that Odes characterized with leisure and solemn air, Festal songs melancholy minds, Folk Ballads rich and various in scopes and subjects.在竹书《孔子诗论》中 ,孔子对《诗经》的总评 ,概括了《颂》诗乐歌声缓静穆的特点 ,《小雅》的怨愤情绪 ,《邦风》的题材内容广泛与采诗观风情况 ,《小雅》《邦风》“言文”、“声善”的艺术表现 ,真切地揭示了《诗经》的艺术风貌 ,对于解决《诗经》研究中长期存在的一些分歧具有较高的学术价

5)general contract总承包

1.The cost control ofgeneral contract in the FGD project of coal-fired power plant;火电厂烟气脱硫工程总承包的造价控制

2.Analysis on the questions frequently encountered ingeneral contract project in institute of industrial design;工业设计院总承包项目中常见问题分析

3.On Industry Innovation from the Prospect of the General Contracting of Landscape Projects;从园林景观总承包的前景看行业创新

6)general contracting总承包

1.The Research of Electric Power Engineering General Contracting with Design Institute as Leading Role;以设计为龙头的电力工程总承包管理研究

2.Management of EPC projectgeneral contracting of designing industry浅谈设计企业EPC工程总承包项目管理


