900字范文 > 总承包 general contract英语短句 例句大全

总承包 general contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-08 11:45:47


总承包 general contract英语短句 例句大全

总承包,general contract

1)general contract总承包

1.The cost control ofgeneral contract in the FGD project of coal-fired power plant;火电厂烟气脱硫工程总承包的造价控制

2.Analysis on the questions frequently encountered ingeneral contract project in institute of industrial design;工业设计院总承包项目中常见问题分析

3.On Industry Innovation from the Prospect of the General Contracting of Landscape Projects;从园林景观总承包的前景看行业创新


1.Risk Analysis of Contractor under EPC General Contracting Model;EPC总承包模式下承包商的风险性分析

2.Research on Improving General Construction Contractors General Contracting Ability;提高我国工程总承包企业总承包能力的研究

3.Management control of chief contractor to electrical engineering partial contractor in general project工程总承包项目中总包对电气分包的管理控制

4.Analysis of risks of contractor under the mode of general contract based on AHP method;基于AHP法的总承包模式下承包商的风险分析

5.Discussion on measurement payment mode of overall contracted contract in total price contracting construction;总价包干施工总承包合同计量支付方式的探讨

6.Cost Control and Profit of EPC Project in Chemical Construction Market;化工建设市场EPC总承包项目总承包商费用控制与利润

7.Under Design-build general contracting mode, contractor takes great risk.在设计-建造总承包模式下,承包商承担的风险非常大。

8.The overall contractors and subcontractors shall bear joint responsibilities to project owners for the subcontracted projects.总承包单位和分包单位就分包工程对建设单位承担连带责任。

9.The general contracting system is the need of reality.工程建设实行总承包是现实需要。

10.Management Technology of General Contract in Hong Kong Disneyland Construction Project香港迪士尼工程施工总承包管理技术

11.Optimization Studies on Construction s Total Contract Pattern of Civil Engineering and Architecture;建筑工程施工总承包模式的优化研究

12.Study on the Management System of Engineering Project Contracting for ACRE;ACRE公司总承包项目管理体系研究

13.The Research on the Cost Control of the EPC Construction Project Contractor;EPC建设项目总承包商的成本控制研究

14.Research on Development of Effective Team for EPC Projects;EPC总承包模式下高效团队开发研究

15.Risk Research on Power Engineering of EPC Management Mode;电力工程EPC总承包项目风险管理研究

16.Construction Project Management Research Based on EPC Total Contract Mode;EPC总承包模式下的工程项目管理研究

17.The Target Cost Management s Discussion on EPC General Contract Project;EPC总承包项目目标成本管理探讨

18.EPC Total Contract Cost Management Study;EPC工程总承包项目成本管理研究



1.Ground Base and Foundation design of theEPC project of Goldsun Group (Fujian) Company;国产实业(福建)总承包工程的地基处理与基础设计

2.Performance Control for Hydropower ProjectEPC Program;水电工程总承包(EPC)项目绩效控制浅析

3.The Cash Flow Management of Power PlantEPC project Abroad;国外电站总承包项目的资金运作

3)general contracting总承包

1.The Research of Electric Power Engineering General Contracting with Design Institute as Leading Role;以设计为龙头的电力工程总承包管理研究

2.Management of EPC projectgeneral contracting of designing industry浅谈设计企业EPC工程总承包项目管理

4)general contractor总承包商

1.Study on Division of Profit and Vertical Integration of General Contractor工程总承包商的利益分配及纵向一体化研究

pared with traditional contract models,thegeneral contractors undertake more risks in the implementation process of EPC projects.与传统的承发包模式相比,总承包商在EPC项目的实施过程中承担着更多的风险因素,因此,项目管理者要有强烈的风险意识,学会控制和防范风险。

3.This paper sets up the cost models of construction industry andgeneral contractor under the two conditions of vertical integration and non-integration.只具有设计能力的工程总承包商要实施工程总承包项目,对自己目前缺乏能力完成的施工工作必须决策是分包给施工企业还是培育自身的施工能力。

5)lump sum contracting总价承包

1.It performs an analysis of the role of bills of quantities in the modes of construction unit price contracting,constructionlump sum contracting and works general contracting.简要介绍在铁路建设项目中推广工程量清单的意义;阐述工程量清单计价与定额计价之间的关系;分析在施工单价承包、施工总价承包及工程总承包三种方式下工程量清单的作用;对工程的承包模式、评标办法、施工企业管理水平等问题进行了讨论。

6)EPC general contractEPC总承包

1.Discussion on limited design implementing inEPC general contract project浅谈限额设计在EPC总承包项目中的实施

2.The risk management of overseasEPC general contract project海外矿山EPC总承包项目的风险管理

3.In this paper, entrusted-construction system is contrast withEPC general contract in origin and theoretical analysis and treaty contents as well as risk, and the difference between them is pointed out.从起源、理论分析、合同内容、风险等方面对EPC总承包和代建制进行比较并指出其中的差异,为实际工作过程中的责权分析与界面管理提供依据。


