900字范文 > 灰色摆动模型 grey swing model英语短句 例句大全

灰色摆动模型 grey swing model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-08 14:30:27


灰色摆动模型 grey swing model英语短句 例句大全

灰色摆动模型,grey swing model

1)grey swing model灰色摆动模型

1.Objective To predict the incidence trend of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Shenyang by applyinggrey swing model,in order to provide a theoretical basis for developing scientific and reasonable strategies of prevention and control of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS).目的应用灰色摆动模型预测沈阳市肾综合征出血热(HFRS)发病趋势,以期为相关部门科学合理的制定HFRS防制策略提供理论依据。

2.Grey swing model is more applicable for data with volatility and lager swing.从长期趋势看HFRS的发病率波动范围大且有一定的周期性,从理论上讲符合GM(1,1,sinω)模型的适用条件,但目前尚未有对此方法进行比较研究的相关报道,因此本研究选择传统的灰色GM(1,1)模型和ARIMA模型两种方法与灰色摆动模型进行比较研究,探讨灰色摆动模型在HFRS发病率预测中的可行性。


1.Study of the Grey Swing Model GM(1,1,sinω) in Forecasting Incidence of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome灰色摆动模型GM(1,1,sinω)在肾综合征出血热发病率预测中的研究

2.Grey dynamic programming model for grey game in perishable product′s supply chains供应链系统中灰博弈的灰色动态规划模型

3.GM-TSA Dynamic Compound Model on Safety Monitoring of Dams大坝安全监测灰色—时序动态组合模型

4.The Regulation of GS for Training of Track and Field;田径运动训练中的灰色系统模型控制

5.The nucleus of grey system theory and method is the dynamic model of grey, and his characteristic is comeing or bring into being function and grey differential equation.灰色系统理论与方法的核心是灰色动态模型,其特点是生成函数和灰色微分方程。

6.Study on Fluctuations of Stock Prices by Stochastic Model and Grey System;应用随机模型和灰色系统研究股票价格波动

7.Study on Fluctuations of Stock Price by Voter Model and Grey System;应用选举模型和灰色系统研究股票价格波动

8.Study on Dynamic Changes of the Farmland in Jingzhou City Based on the Gray Model GM(1,1);基于灰色模型GM(1,1)的荆州市耕地动态变化分析

9.Corporation Operating Cash Flow Forecasting Using Grey Topological Model;企业经营活动现金流量预测的灰色拓扑模型

10.An analysis of grey system models in the area of sports training control;运动训练控制领域中的灰色系统模型分析

11.Construction and empirical research of the variable parameter value rolling grey forecasting model;可变参数动态灰色预测模型的建立与实证研究

12.Application of Grey Dynamic Model in Predicting Gross Population;灰色动态模型在人口总量预测中的应用

13.Study on Grey Incidence Decision Model of the Dynamic Multiple-attribute;基于动态多指标灰色关联决策模型的研究

14.A Forecasting Method of Aero-engine Wear Faults Based on Gray Time Sequence Model;基于灰色时序的航空发动机磨损故障预测模型

15.Application of Grey Dynamic Forecasting to the Study of Money System;灰色动态预测模型在货币供应量预测中的应用

16.Study on gray dynamic model for electricity forward price forecasting;电力远期价格预测的灰色动态模型研究

17.Research on Decision Making Model of the Dynamic Multiple-Attribute System for "Rewarding Good and Punishing Bad;“奖优罚劣”的动态多指标灰色关联度模型研究

18.Study on a New G-GERT Network Model and Its Application Based on Value Flow Process灰色价值流动G-G-GERT网络模型及其应用研究


the dynamic grey model groups灰色动态模型群

1.To conquer the accuracy lack of the dynamic model groups when the original data array has obvious random fluctuation,this paper aims at using a new water quality prediction method-the dynamic grey model groups method based on the identification index to predict the water quality,and getting the result by amending the remnant error.方法利用水质标识指数序列作为灰色动态模型群的原始数据序列进行水质预测,并通过误差修正得出预测结果。

3)grey dynamic model灰色动态模型

1.Application of Grey Dynamic Model in Predicting Gross Population;灰色动态模型在人口总量预测中的应用

2.[Methods] Based on the data derived from the Annual Report of Chinese Health Statistics,the epidemiology of DM mortality in rural and urban areas was described,and Grey dynamic models GM(1,1) were established respectively to forecast the mortality trends for the years 2000 to .[方法 ]根据《全国卫生统计年报》资料 ,对我国 1990至 1999年糖尿病死亡率的现况进行流行病学分析 ,并利用灰色动态模型GM( 1 1)预测我国 2 0 0 0至 2 0 0 5年城市和农村糖尿病死亡率趋势。

3.Agrey dynamic model of month load and year load in electric power is created in this paper.建立了电力系统月负荷及年负荷预测的灰色动态模型 ,并验证了其准确性 ,为电网调度自动化和经济发展规划提供了较可靠的依

4)gray dynamic model灰色动态模型

1.Study ongray dynamic model for electricity forward price forecasting;电力远期价格预测的灰色动态模型研究

5)dynamic gray model动态灰色模型

1.Application ofdynamic gray model in deformation forecast;动态灰色模型在变形预测中的应用

6)gray dynamic model group灰色模型动态群


