900字范文 > 灰色残差模型 Grey residual modeling英语短句 例句大全

灰色残差模型 Grey residual modeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 09:24:28


灰色残差模型 Grey residual modeling英语短句 例句大全

灰色残差模型,Grey residual modeling

1)Grey residual modeling灰色残差模型


1.Application of Markov Grey Residual Error Modeling Method to Construction Control of PC Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge马尔柯夫灰色残差模型在刚构桥控制中的应用

2.Grey Error Amended Modeling for Thermal Error of the Spindle in Machining Center加工中心主轴热误差的灰色残差修正模型研究

3.Application of Residual Error Gray Forecast Model on Logistics Demand Forecast;残差灰色预测模型在物流需求预测中的应用

4.The Gray Remaining Modified Model s Application to the Forecasting of Irrigation Water Use;灰色残差修正模型在灌溉用水量预测中的应用

5.Appropriate size of the sample and residual periodic model in the grey forecast;灰色预测中的样本合适长度及残差周期模型

6.The Forecast of the Volume Freight Based on the Residual Model of GM(1,1)基于灰色残差GM(1,1)模型的汽车货运量预测

7.Application of Residual Error Gray Forecast Model in Traffic Accident Forecast残差灰色预测模型在交通事故预测中的应用

8.Forecast of Elevation of PC Cable-stayed Bridges Cantilever Construction Based on Error Correction Metabolic Model基于灰色残差新陈代谢模型的悬臂施工主梁标高误差预测

9.The Forecasting Model of Water Requirement in Whole Breeding Time of Paddy;基于灰色两次拟合与残差修正的水稻需水量预测模型研究

10.Study of prediction of building deformation based on GM(1,1) residual error model基于灰色残差GM(1,1)模型的建筑物沉降预测的研究

11.Grey Prediction Model Research of the Last Frost Date Based on Time Series Residual Error Identification基于时序残差辨识的终霜日灰预测模型研究

12.Modeling of Machine Tool Thermal Error Using Modified Grey DGM(2,1) Model数控机床热误差的改进型灰色DGM(2,1)模型建模

13.Application of Grey System Model in Short-time Prediction for Satellite Clock Error灰色系统模型在卫星钟差短期预报中的应用

14.Application research of grey error term and neural network model on prediction灰色误差神经网络模型在预测中的应用研究

15.Application of Bi-directional Differential Gray Model in Pavement Performance Prediction双向差分灰色模型在路面性能预测中的应用

16.Application of Grey GM(X,N) Model on CNC Machine Thermal Error Modeling灰色GM(X,N)模型在数控机床热误差建模中的应用

17.Improvement to GM(1, 1) Model and Research on Grey Statistical Models;灰色系统GM(1,1)模型的改进及灰色统计模型研究

18.Two Methods of Parameter Estimation of ARMA Model and Application of Auto-Regressive ModelARMA模型的两种参数估计法及残差模型的应用


residual grey model残差灰色模型

3)remnant GM(1,1)灰色残差GM(1,1)模型

4)grey model of period residual modification残差周期修正灰色模型

5)grey GM(1 :1)residual correction model灰色GM(1.1)残差修正模型

6)residual error series GM(1,1) model灰色残差修正GM(1,1)模型


灰色①像木柴灰的颜色。②比喻颓废和失望:~的作品 ㄧ~的心情。③比喻态度暧昧。
