900字范文 > 灰色理论模型 grey theory model英语短句 例句大全

灰色理论模型 grey theory model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-20 08:20:41


灰色理论模型 grey theory model英语短句 例句大全

灰色理论模型,grey theory model

1)grey theory model灰色理论模型


1.Transformer Forecasting Based on the Theory of Grey System;基于灰色理论模型的变压器故障预测

2.Application of Grey Theory Model in Monitoring Mine Deformation灰色理论模型在矿山变形监测中的应用

3.The Research of Prediction Model Based on Grey System Theory;基于灰色系统理论的预测模型的研究

4.The Competitiveness Appraisal Model Based of Commercial Banks on Gray System Theory;基于灰色系统理论的商业银行竞争力评价模型

5.The Research of Network Security Risk Evaluation Model Based on Gray-Theory;基于灰色理论的网络信息安全评估模型的研究

6.A Demand Forecasting Model for Guangxi Material Flow Based on Gray System Theory;基于灰色系统理论的广西物流需求预测模型

7.The Prediction of Youth Crime Based on the Gray Theories;基于灰色理论的青少年犯罪预测模型及其应用

8.Study on the Predictive Model of Coal Demand Based on the Grey Theory;基于灰色理论的煤炭需求预测模型研究

9.Coal required quantity forecasting based on grey system theory;基于灰色系统理论的煤炭需求预测模型

10.The Research of Data Mining and Models Based on Grey System Theory基于灰色系统理论的数据挖掘及其模型研究

11.Research on the Pollutant Concentration Model Based on Gray System Theory基于灰色系统理论的污染物浓度模型研究

12.The Forecast Model of Material Purchases Based on Grey Systematic Theory基于灰色系统理论的物料采购预测模型

13.Summarize on the Forecast Models of Road Traffic Accident Base on Gray Theory基于灰色理论的道路交通事故预测模型综述

14.Research on Cusp Catastrophe Model of Crack in Bedrock Based on Grey Theory基于灰色理论的基岩裂缝开度尖点突变模型

15.Study on Prediction Model of Mine Gas Emission Based on Grey Theory基于灰色理论的矿井瓦斯涌出量预测模型研究

16.Grey-Evidence Theory Model of Effectiveness Evaluation for Maintenance Support System维修保障系统效能评估的灰色-证据理论模型

17.Application of Grey Theory in Identification Model of Human Error Criticality灰色理论在人因失误严重度识别模型中的应用

18.Adaptive Multi-parameter Prediction Model Based on Grey Theory基于灰色理论的自适应多参数预测模型


gray theory and mode灰色理论及模型

1.According to problems of weak economic base and traffic transporting materials law in Tibet,it processes the disordered data bygray theory and mode.针对西藏地区经济基础薄弱、交通运输资料规律性差的问题,在公路交通量预测中,应用灰色理论及模型对杂乱的数据进行了处理,并依托青藏公路工程可行性研究对灰色理论及模型在西藏地区交通量预测方面的应用进行了阐述,实践证明,该模型应用在西藏地区道路交通量预测中是可行的。

3)evalution.model/[optimal grey theory]评价模型/[灰色优化理论]

4)gray system model GM(1,1)灰色理论GM(1,1)模型

5)grey optimal theory model灰色优化理论模型

1.Agrey optimal theory model for the stability classification of adjoining rock is established through the extended principle of minimum square.根据灰色关联分析原理,将待分类的地下工程围岩指标组成参考数列,地下工程围岩稳定性分类标准指标组成被比较数列,运用扩展的最小二乘方准则构造目标函数,建立了地下工程围岩稳定性分类灰色优化理论模型。

6)grey prediction model灰色理论预测模型


