900字范文 > 精品教材 teaching materials of fine quality英语短句 例句大全

精品教材 teaching materials of fine quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 14:43:13


精品教材 teaching materials of fine quality英语短句 例句大全

精品教材,teaching materials of fine quality

1)teaching materials of fine quality精品教材

1.Construction and service of theteaching materials of fine quality in libraries;图书馆精品教材的馆藏建设与服务

2.This paper illustrates the characteristics of theteaching materials of fine quality from the perspectives of textbook,author,matching,practice,editing and proofreading,and binding and printing quality,etc.精品教材是精品课程建设的重要组成部分,从教材的内容、作者、配套、实践、编校及装帧印刷质量等方面阐述了精品教材的特征,指出了图书馆应该将精品教材建设作为自己工作的重要内容之一,加强与各方面的联系,为精品教材建设开辟多种途经,通过网络资源实现优质教学资源的共享。


1.Thoughts on the Library Collection of High-quality Teaching Materials关于图书馆精品教材馆藏建设的思考

2.One of the Series of Elaborate Textbooks--Review on Appreciation of Verses in Song Dynasty by Zhang Zhongmou;一部特具匠心的精品教材——评张仲谋《宋词欣赏教程》

3.Higher Law Education is Longing For Top Quality Teaching Materials;高等法学教育 呼唤精品教材——兼评宋才发教授主编的《民族区域自治法通论》

4.The Construction of the Highly Finished Teaching Material of Linear Algebras;《线性代数》精品立项教材的建设和思考

5.Study of Building Teaching Material of Quality Hydrobiologic Course水生生物学精品课程教材建设的思考

6.Revision and Application of textbook--the Chemistry of Fine Chemicals;教材《精细化学品化学》的修订与教学实践

7.Function of Development of Teaching Materials and Establishment of Teaching Management System on Construction of Excellent Courses;教材建设和制度建设对精品课程的支撑作用

8.Best Products,Scale and Service--Brief Introduction to National Projected Teaching Materials of Secondary Vocational Education Published by Higher Education Press;精品、规模与服务——高等教育出版社中等职业教育国家规划教材简介

9.Renovation of teaching contents and textbook editing of bridge engineering course福建省桥梁工程精品课程教学内容改革与教材编写

10.Persist in the Improvement of Teaching Materials To Create Paradigmatic Courses -- The Second Introduction of Provincial Paradigmatic Course, Modern Chinese;坚持教材建设,打造省级精品课程——“现代汉语”省级精品课程建设系列介绍之二

11.Improving the classic course construction by experimental teaching innovation创新实验教学 促精品课程建设——国家精品课程《材料科学基础》建设实践探讨

12.Classic-a Good Teaching Material Highly Recommended千锤百炼出精品,一部值得推荐的好教材——评《微生物学》彩色版

13.The construction of tridimensional teaching materials in the national excellent course of Fundamental Nursing Techniques国家级精品课程《护理学基本技术》立体化教材的建设与体会

14.Construction Strategy of" Professional Pedagogies" as a National-class Fine Course;国家精品课程《职业教育学》的教材建设方略——基于行动导向的教学理念

15.Creating New and Creating Better--The Consideration and Searching about Writing Textbook for Preliminary School;人无我有编新著,人有我优创精品——关于编写小教专业写作教材的思考和探索

16.Constructing a Supportive Platform for Meaningful Learning:A Reflection on Developing Instructional Materials for the National Excellent Curriculum of "Instructional Theories and Design"为意义学习搭建支持性平台——国家精品课程《教学理论与设计》教材建设体会

17.High precision welding materials pure tin lead alloy products.高级精密焊接纯锡铅合金材料制品。

18.Imported material,high quality and exquisite packaging.采用全进口材料,品质卓越,包装精美。


Intensive Reading materials精读教材

1.In this paper,we analyzed the possibility of choosing literary works as intensive reading materials for lower grade English majors from the viewpoint of Metafunction,And we did a questionnaire investigation among lower grade English majors to analyze the necessity of raising the proportion of literary works in intensive reading materials.文章从Halliday的元功能思想入手,分析了在英语专业低年级精读教材中选用文学作品的可行性。

2.The construction of the teaching materials for Chinese as a second language is the core of Chinese as a foreign language enterprises, it is also the center link of international Chinese promotion, especially takes the intensive reading materials as the most important one.而其中尤以精读教材为重中之重。

3)Selected Teaching Materials精选教材

4)intensive textbook精读课教材

5)quality steel products base精品钢材基地

6)fine quality steel plates Base精品板材基地


