900字范文 > 总拥有费用 total operating costs英语短句 例句大全

总拥有费用 total operating costs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-06 01:30:19


总拥有费用 total operating costs英语短句 例句大全

总拥有费用,total operating costs

1)total operating costs总拥有费用

1.Bosed on the actual operation of the transformer in a power plant,this paper analyzes and evaluates the economic performance,total operating costs(TOC)and investment payback period of upgraded S7 and SJ transformers by usingtotal operating costs of transformer and provide reliable basis for the transformer economic operation and create more economic benefits for the enterprise.本文根据某动力厂在用变压器的实际运行情况,采用变压器总拥有费用(TOC)法,对S7及SJ系列变压器进行更新换代后的经济效益、总拥有费用及回收年限进行分析评价。

2)total owning cost method总拥有费用法

1.Based on thetotal owning cost method, this paper judges the energy-saving economy of amorphous alloys transformer from the view of economy scientifically.应用总拥有费用法,从经济角度科学地评判非晶合金变压器节能的经济性。

3)congestion cost拥挤费用

4)pos-session cost of aircraft飞机拥有费

5)possession utility拥有效用

6)total cost of ownership总拥有成本

1.This paper analysed the cost components of supply chain information systems and established a model of thetotal cost of ownership of supply chain information systems.分析了供应链信息系统成本构成,建立了针对供应链信息系统的总拥有成本(TCO)模型。

2.We applied thetotal cost of ownership(TCO) theory to quantitatively analyze the total costs of a supplier′s alliance from three perspectives: supplier′s alliance,orders and products,thus building a model of a supplier alliance s cost structure.针对这一难题,依据总拥有成本理论,采用定量的方法,从供应商联盟、订单和产品3个层面系统地分析供应商联盟的成本,建立了基于TCO理论的供应商联盟成本结构分析模型。


1.Application of Web Services in Reducing Total Cost of Ownership of Supply Chain Information Systems;应用Web Services降低供应链信息系统总拥有成本

ments on scientific equipment sharing in higher educational institutions from the point of view of TCO;从总拥有成本议高校科研仪器设备的共享

3.Having our own warehouse will be more cost efficient.拥有自己的仓库比较符合成本效益。

4.(i) "owned" by persons of a Member if more than 50 per cent of the equity interest in it is beneficially owned by persons of that Member;(i)由一成员的个人所“拥有”,如该成员的人实际拥有的股本超过50%,

5.Wang has 27 wins -- 19 this season, tying him for best in the AL.小民拥有27胜──本季以19胜成为大联盟胜投王。

6.capital position:The amount of capital held.资本头寸:资本拥有量。

7.Specially: We are the total agent of Shanghai Power Plant Valve Factory in Foshan.特别推荐:本公司拥有上海电站阀门厂在佛山市的总代理权。

8.At meetings of the Ministerial Conference and the General Council, each Member of the WTO shall have one vote.在部长级会议和总理事会会议上,WTO每一成员拥有一票。

9.You can"t let the French be the only European country with their own deterrent.你总不能让法国成为拥有自己威慑力量的唯一的欧洲国家吧。

10.The traditional telecommunication operator has the ripe regular telephone network and monopoly positions to local traffic.传统电信运营商拥有成熟固定的电话网,对本地话务具有垄断地位;

11.The Organic Composition of Social General Products and Capitals;社会最终总产品与社会总资本的有机构成

12.The Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall have the exclusive authority to adopt interpretations of this Agreement and of the Multilateral Trade Agreements.部长级会议和总理事会拥有通过对本协定和多边贸易协定所作解释的专有权力。

13.2. The Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall have the exclusive authority to adopt interpretations of this Agreement and of the Multilateral Trade Agreements.2. 部长级会议和总理事会拥有通过对本协定和多边贸易协定所作解释的专有权力。

14.In order to fulfill upon the potential script for ascension, one must have preoccupations that serve.为了完成提升的潜在剧本,你必须拥有服务于提升的职业。

15.The city itself owns the buses and manages them at cost for the people.市政府拥有这些公共汽车,并且照成本营运,为市民服务。

16.I wasn"t failing, personally speaking, just losing my grip on the successes I had won就其本身而言,我并不是失败,只是在已拥有的成功上失去了掌控权。

17.Retained earnings (of which $10, an amount equal to the cost of treasury stock owned, is not available for dividends)留存收益(其中10美元为其拥有的库藏股成本,不分股利)

mitted fixed costs are caused primarily from having proper-ty, plant, eguipment, and key managerial personnel.约束性固定成本是指由于拥有财产、工厂、设备或重要管理人员而形成的固定成本。


total owning cost method总拥有费用法

1.Based on thetotal owning cost method, this paper judges the energy-saving economy of amorphous alloys transformer from the view of economy scientifically.应用总拥有费用法,从经济角度科学地评判非晶合金变压器节能的经济性。

3)congestion cost拥挤费用

4)pos-session cost of aircraft飞机拥有费

5)possession utility拥有效用

6)total cost of ownership总拥有成本

1.This paper analysed the cost components of supply chain information systems and established a model of thetotal cost of ownership of supply chain information systems.分析了供应链信息系统成本构成,建立了针对供应链信息系统的总拥有成本(TCO)模型。

2.We applied thetotal cost of ownership(TCO) theory to quantitatively analyze the total costs of a supplier′s alliance from three perspectives: supplier′s alliance,orders and products,thus building a model of a supplier alliance s cost structure.针对这一难题,依据总拥有成本理论,采用定量的方法,从供应商联盟、订单和产品3个层面系统地分析供应商联盟的成本,建立了基于TCO理论的供应商联盟成本结构分析模型。


