900字范文 > 运行费用 operation cost英语短句 例句大全

运行费用 operation cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-01 15:43:14


运行费用 operation cost英语短句 例句大全

运行费用,operation cost

1)operation cost运行费用

1.While life cycle assessment(LCA) offers a method to quantitively compare their environmental impact potentials and can be used to vote in the most suitable technologies together with help ofoperation cost analysis which includes disposal fee of air .借助生命周期评价法(LCA)来比较净化工艺的环境影响,同时在运行费用中考虑固废的最后处置的成本,结合实例定量地评价两种烟气净化工艺的优劣。

2.Under the condition of consumption of raw material naphtha not to be increased, two processes of pre-hydrogenation and pre-extraction was developed in the ethylene complex project and the investment andoperation cost evaluated.在不增加石脑油原料消耗量前提下,开发乙烯联合装置裂解原料前加氢和前抽提2个改进流程,并计算该装置的工程投资与运行费用。

3.This paper analyzes theoperation cost problem of hot oil pipeline.针对热油管道运行费用问题进行了分析。


1.Operation expenses--an essential basis for selectingmarket oriented economic operation patterns;运行费用——选择市场经济运行模式的基本依据

2.Measures on Cost Reduction of Power Sta-tion Investment and Operation in USA;美国降低发电投资和运行费用的措施

3.Rearch about investment and consumption of Gas Individual Heating分户燃气供暖投资和运行费用的研究

4.A Novel and Rapid Analytical Algorithm for Computing Variances of Production Cost of the Power Generating System发电系统运行费用方差的快速解析算法

5.An Analysis of the Maximum Operational Expendituresfor Large and Medium Key Hydroprojects;大中型水利枢纽最大可承受运行费用分析

6.Operation Cost Mathematical Model Developing for BAF Sewage Treatment Plant in China我国BAF污水处理厂运行费用数学模型的建立

7.The cost of or the charge for transporting.运费运输的花费或费用

8.the cost of marketing (e.g., the cost of transferring title and moving goods to the customer).进行市场买卖的费用(如转让费和运输费)。

9.the charge for carrying burdens by porters.搬运工搬运行李收取的费用。

10.shipping charge运送费, 装船费用

11.Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.资本支出可以靠借款,而运营费用不行。

12.Business Expenses and the Operation of Troops State-owned Assets;从交易费用谈军队国有资产有效运行

13.Check invoices from Export Service Providers (Freight Carriers and Customs Brokers).审查出口费用的发票(货运承运人和报关行)。

14.Application model of cost control in project management;费用控制在项目执行中的应用及其运作

15.import freight and insurance account进口运费用保险费帐户

16.The fee charged for lightering.驳船费驳运收取的费用

17.production cost and freight生产费用和总运输费

18.This program simulates the operation of future systems, computing fuel, start-up, operation and maintenance costs.此程序模拟未来系统的运行,计算燃料、开机、运行及维护的费用。


operating cost运行费用

1.Pass to ananlysis many kinds of heating reservoir,the contrast of one-time investment andoperating cost,thus provide the suggestion that the reasonable form of heating for the developer and consumer.通过对多种采暖热源性能、一次性投资及运行费用进行分析,从而为冬冷夏热地区住宅开发和消费者提供选择适合住宅使用的采暖热源形式。

2.This paper made a synthetic comparison in the initial investment andoperating cost aspect for the civil building of envelope heat preservation,passive solar energy technology and three possible kinds of heating source systems——solar energy hot water,coal-burning center heating and electricity-regeneration boiler in Lhasa.从初投资和运行费用方面,对拉萨市民用建筑的外围护结构保温、被动太阳能和民用采暖可能采用的三种热源系统——太阳能热水、燃煤集中供热和电蓄热锅炉供热进行了综合比较。

3.The initial investment andoperating cost are analyzed and compared between gas air conditioning systems and conventional air conditioning systems.对燃气空调及其他两种常规空调机组的设备初投资和运行费用进行了分析比较,说明了能源价格在一定范围内的时候,燃气空调具有较高的经济性。

3)running cost运行费用

1.Analysis of energy consumption andrunning cost of gas enginedriven heat pump;燃气机热泵的能耗与运行费用分析

2.In this paper, the evaluation standards are discussed, such as those for waste water quality and scale of wastewater treatment plant, selection of wastewater treatment technology, sludge treatment, land occupation,running cost and capital investment of wastewater treatment plant.对污水处理厂可行性研究报告中污水水质、污水处理厂规模的确定、污水处理工艺选择、污泥处理、污水处理厂占地、运行费用以及工程投资等评审参考标准进行了探讨 ,污水处理厂规模的确定非常重要 ,污水处理工艺的确定是污水处理厂可行性研究报告的关键 ,建议采用高效低耗污水处理工艺 ,例如 ,氧化沟工艺 (OD)、SBR工艺等 ,其主要经济指标为 :吨水投资 60 0~ 90 0元 ,吨水占地 0 。

3.This winter seawater temperature in Bohai Sea,Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were analyzed and the initial investment of heat pump equipments and theirrunning cost were compared.通过对冬季的渤海、黄海、东海海域水温状况分析以及空调热泵设备的初投资和运行费用的比较,对海水源空调热泵在船舶上的适用性作出了一个初步的研究结论,并提出了扩大空调热泵应用海域的初步方法,对扩大空调热泵在船舶上的应用、降低能源消耗具有指导意义。

4)operation costs运行费用

1.The investment costs per m~3 water and theoperation costs of WWTP reduce gradually due to the increase of wastewater treatment capacities.综合分析污水处理厂的吨水投资、管网投资和运行费用有助于弄清城镇污水末端处理的规模效应。

2.Aimed at the air conditioning project design schemes for a high-storey building of Beijing,combined with the architecture characteristics,compared the differences in function,initital investment andoperation costs of three air conditioning scheme,and obtained the appropriate scheme.针对北京某高层建筑空调工程设计方案,结合建筑特点,从空调各方案的性能、初投资和运行费用的差异等方面进行比较,确定了适合该建筑的空调方案。

3.This paper analyses the differences between traditional libraries and digital libraries in the aspects of the construct costs andoperation costs,points out that traditional libraries need more space,more cost and have more value of literature;digital libraries have higher contents of technologies and staff.本文从建设成本与运行费用两方面分析传统图书馆与数字图书馆的差异,明确指出传统图书馆空间要求大,人员费用高,但有较大的文献价值;数字图书馆技术含量高,设备投入大,需要素质较高的员工。

5)Operational cost运行费用

6)operating expense运行费用

1.Based on the comparisons of practicability in economy and technology, initial investment andoperating expenses, demonstrates that the scheme with centrifugal chillers is preferrable.分析了当前各种冷水机组的性能特点 ,给出了 3种适合该制药厂的冷水机组选型方案 ,通过对技术可行性、初投资和运行费用等的比较 ,认为离心式制冷机组是最适合于该制药厂的空调方案。


水利工程运行费用水利工程运行费用operation cost of water projectshuili gongeheng yunxing feiyong水利工程运行费用(operation eost ofwater project)为保证水利工程设施正常运行,发挥应有效能所需的经常性费用,以年为计算时段的称为年运行费用。通常包括:①管理费。指日常管理工作必需的费用,包括管理机构的行政管理、必需的观测和试验等费用,一般可根据工程设施的具体情况,参照类似工程或按有关规定确定。水利工程设施正常运行期各年的管理费基本相同。②维修费。指日常的维修、养护、清理和岁修等的费用,一般按投资的一定费率估算。水利工程设施正常运行期各年的维修费也基本相同。③燃料动力费。指水利工程设施运行所消耗的燃料、电力等的费用,根据各年消耗的数量和价格估算。④其它费用。除以上三项费用外,其它必需支出的经常性费用,如为消除或减轻水利工程设施对环境不利影响而采取替代、补救措施的运行费用,以及规定交纳的税金和保险费等。以上各项费用没有包括每年为回收投资和偿还贷款利息所需提取的基金,它只是水利产品成本的一部分,在分析计算水利工程产品(水、电等)的成本时,还应包括每年提取的基本折旧费和占用资金的报酬,通称为工程的年折算费用。基本折旧费是每年应偿还的本金,可根据水利工程设施的固定资产价值,按一定折旧率计算。占用资金的报酬,即每年应支付的利息,进行经济分析时按规定的资金报酬率计算;进行财务分析时,按不同资金来源的贷款利率计算。不同水利工程年运行费的来源是不同的。防洪、除涝等属公益事业性质的工程,没有或只有很少经济收入,其运行费用,一般由国家给予补助。水力发电、供水、灌溉等有经济收入的工程,其运行费一般列入成本,从收入的电费、水费中支付。某些水利工程,由于国家的政策规定,收入偏低,不足支付年运行费用的部分也有由国家给予补助的。年运行费是反映维持水利工程设施正常运行支出费用的综合指标,尽量减少或节省这部分开支,是提高水利工程设施经济效益的措施之一。(陈清滚)
